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3��3 <br /> dollar by the second �arties to the s�id Elmer R.Farmer,the said first parties 3a h�,reby,and <br /> by these �resent� ,�emise �nd lea:,e unto the sr�id August C.:denck a strip of �round nine ana one <br /> nalf inches ��ri3e o.r so much thereaf -;, �ay �� needed for the �urposes herein vot forth,along <br /> ar.~� off of the wes� two thir�s of. sai� lot six (6)Block 31 Oxiginal Town (now city) of Grand <br /> Island,Nebraska for the-. p��pose of erecting an� maintainin� a party wall therepn ^vith prog�er , <br /> footin� �here�zndex �s hereinafter stated. <br /> And the said second �arties on their part in consider.ation of the agreements herein contained ' <br /> , <br /> an3 the payment to them of one dollar from the said Elmer R.FarMer do hexeby damise and kease : <br /> unta the �aid F..lmer R.Farr.=er � of �round Nine and one hal� inche� ;�ride or so much'thereo <br /> �� <br /> as may be nee3ea for the �ur�oses^set forth,along an� ofP of the east side of said Lot Five(5) <br /> in �31ock �l Ori�inal To^�n (no;v city ) of Grand Island,Nebraska for t'ze purrose of erecting and <br /> maintaining a party wall �hereon s�ith the proper footing thereundex �s hereinafter s±ated. <br /> This ��reement includes nine and one half inches of land on�sach side of the aivilin� line � <br /> bet�reen the t�To resrective tr�ets herein set out and is made for the sole purpose of a1lo�vin� . <br /> a party wall to �Q erected along and over said 3ivi3in� line between th�said two tracts of <br /> land an;l shall be and contiue in force so lon; as said �vaZ7. when erected shall atand, or so � <br /> lang as either party h:,�reto sr:all a�zsire +o maintain the same. Said wa11 to be built o� bric�C <br /> stone or cer�en� blocka an� if a basenent ��vall is constructed, the ��rue to be of the materials <br /> herein :nentioner� ::nd to '�e built of suffi�ient strengt'� and thickness to carry at least a t�vo <br /> story buil3in� Tuith footings under said �a�.^ement wall at least sixteen inches in �vidth u�o�: <br /> � <br /> either side of said boundary line , tY:P center of ��tid �aall to be exactlg over the dividing <br /> line b`ettveen the respective trac�s herein :set out. ` <br /> An� V7HEREA�'� the parties of the first part are no>wr ready to build a party �?vall;exten3ing back <br /> from fourth streQt for sixty feet an� the sar�� to bs about----------ieet in heigth u�on the <br /> bounlary line herein describe3 anu the parties of the second part are not ready at this tia.e <br /> t o j oin in ere ct ing sai3 �vall, it is �greed that the part ies of t��e f irst part are t o erect �! <br /> the sazae a� soen a� t�:ey :::ap �esire ,one half of said r�all to be 11rOT1 each side of said divi-:_ : <br /> ding line , and tne same to be built ana erected and maintainea at the solA eharge and expen�e <br /> of the said parties of the f irst part ,so long aa they:� retain the sole use�thereof. , <br /> It is underst ood and a�xeed t hat onl� such r ort ion of land mutually lea�ed herein shall be � <br /> considered u:�ed or unaer t'°_e ' control of the other Faxty �s shall actually be used for exect- q <br /> ing a p�rty ��all iat..on. It is fu�her agree3 that the second parties hereto, have the ri��-it <br /> i <br /> ;�v�ich is hr,repy �ranted to t'^em,or either of them to use , utilize and enjoy the whole or any <br /> part of saia party �qall at any time they may desir� to �o so cona�tione3 only upon first <br /> payin� t� the pax�y of the first part of half of the value o� the said ��all or such part as � <br /> they may desire to u3e ,the basement �rall un��er use�, rortion to be pai� for vrhen any portion <br /> � above the '�asement is u:�e�.. It is agree� betwa�n the partios hereto th�t t'�ie entire one half \ <br /> of sai3 wall is worth Three hundred and sixt.y five 3ollars , but that any extensions made by <br /> either party shall re �ettle�.�1 for at actual cost �rhen used by the other �arty. <br /> That either rarty,his heirs or asai�ns o�vnin� on either si3e May build said �vall higher, <br /> , thicker or 3eepe� or longer takir.g due care not to injuxe the other o;�ner and doing the work <br /> �vhollv from his o�m side unless the other siae be vacant ,and doing all that rnay be necessary � <br /> as �y carrin� ur fllxes for chi:r_neys or ventilktin� shafts,to leave ths oth�r o;vner as near as <br /> may be in^good conaitian �:�� '�efor�,ana one h31f of said additi�n �hen used by the � <br /> o�ner to be F�id �or share an� share alike ,but no �art of the cost of said addi+ ions shall be <br /> �ue or �,ay�.ble fror.: t'�.e a;.�joinin� oT�vner until use3 by him. That each party 'pin:i� hereto <br /> hi�.self,his heirs , his assigns ,o�vners of the respectivr rremises, and the covenants hereof <br />� <br /> shall run 1�ith the lan:�:but no o�ner �hall be responsi'�le for use ��nless the same be�an <br /> wurir�; his o� r � or for �zn,,- act� ,oi:Il$SlOI1 or �riolation::, of any buildin� or3i�:.:nces - <br />' �r �er=hi� <br />� .� __�___.__ . _ ._. � <br />