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32� <br /> ��'' � ARTICLE; OF SEF�RATION Y <br /> . <br /> This Indenture ma�e1this 34th day of Au�ust� 1:809 by an3 between Wr�.nsler Wiers, Party of the <br /> first paxt An:l F�.ma ''rizrs, party� :of the s�econ3 part,husband an3 ^�ilfe, resi3ing in �iayfield • <br /> , <br /> Tosrnship, Hall County, Nebraska, �PHEREAS divers disputes and �znhappy differences have arisen <br /> betTxeen tre sai3 rarty of the f�rst part and his said wife,for which reason they have consented <br /> ai�d agreed, and hereby 3c consent and agree to live ser8k�ate and apart from each other durin� <br /> t��eir nat>?ral life: �r ±,RFF9RE THIS INt)EN`1T1^� �fI�NE53FTH: That the said par�y of the first .part <br /> in consic�era�tion or���he Fremises , and in pursuance thereof, doea hereby covenant, pramise and <br /> . � : <br /> agree to an�. �rith hi� s«id wife, that it sha11 and may be la�vful for her, hia said ,�ife at �all <br /> cimes hereafter to live and separ�.te and aPar� from hym, and that he shall an�. will allo�v and � , <br /> p�rrr_it her to resi3e in the home no�v occupied by them unyil the person �rho has purchased the <br /> same this da�, to:-�rit John Spiphs takes possessian oz the sam� under his deed to be signed this ' <br /> day,free o� all rent ch�rge and al�o to permit her to leave the same and to travel or go fram <br /> place t o place at her will an� reai;�e tivheresoever she may please without let or hind��znce on <br /> his part and to carry on such business or buy and se�l such property as �he may from time to <br /> zime choose or thi�k fit ana that he will not at any tir.:e sue or suffer her to be stzed for <br /> livin� separate and a�art from him� or cor�pell her to live with him or sue or molest or troublo . ' � <br /> any other �Prson for re�e�ving entertaining or harborin� hert and,,he will not avithout her conse t , � <br /> visit her or knowin�ly enter any plac? or house where she 3hall reside, other than the home <br />. place in �vhich both paxties hereto shall have paxar�ount and equal rlghts one to the other and _ <br /> ti�at he will make no claim �to her ov�m personal wearing apparel, dishes , she 9ha11 and may en�oy <br /> a�solutel;� �ispose of the same as if she v�ere a femme sole and unr.iarriel. � <br /> AinP I`� IS FTTRTHER;`. .:AGR�FD by and batwean the parties h�reto that they shall and wi11 and do he. eby <br /> agree to si�r. a joint . contract fo� the sale of the 155 acres of their home rlacelto John 8pieh _ <br /> for the agreed rrice of �10462. 50 less a cammission tc� be �aic� to Bro��n & Griffin of �2QJ.25 <br /> according to the term� of a contract drawn u� and suUmitted by J.I�.Cleary, attorney for John <br /> Sriehs,and that al�. money receiv�d theref�:r^:: less the corr�issimn above mnntione3 sha11 be pa�d :. <br /> cu zhs First National F:ank of Grand Islan� �n�. by__hela in eecrow by said bank and delivered to <br /> , <br /> ���e parties herein according to the terms of such oscro�c agreemdnt ,which i� is agreed shall � <br /> nrovide ior tihe pa;�ment o� t�o fifth-� of tne net a�ount to 1�Srs,Emma Wiere and three fiftihs to <br /> Mr,U7ransler t�iexs. And i�t is further a�reed that sai3 "�ransler Wiers shall not hereafter be <br /> responsi'ole for any of the debts o� his said wife,save an3 except the ma�tnt�ainace o� �he hou�e <br /> auring sucn time as she de�ires �o remain livii�g there. not later than �dch lst 1910. <br /> ; <br /> Ax�:a it is futher agreed that the said Emma �'iers �ril l not nereafter ask tne sail Wransler Wiers � ' <br /> ior any support or maintainance excep�r as herein provi�.ed,that �he will not apply ta any court <br /> or courts to compell him to live �vith her,to su�port her in any n.anner or to contiruo the marita <br /> relations �ith h�r in any manner ��ahatAver that ahe relin�uishes a11 �ignt title and interest in <br /> a��a to all and any prop<;rty of any kin� or n�ture whatsoever which he no� has or may hereafter <br /> acquiace, exce�t as above pr�vided, or �vhich shall ba 3ivised or given to him or that he may have <br /> bl,y or procure an1 tlzat he shall and may enjoy an�. absolutely�dispose of �he same as if he were <br /> unmarried an� she s��i11 not at any time in the f�:t�.��C attempt in ar.y manner to resume any marital - <br /> relations wi±h t�e saia �nransler ;�riers. and will nat visit or e�ter any house ar place except t ne <br /> horne pl�ce �rhare he may be or resi�?e �vitho,,t his con�ent.The intent hereo�' being th��t thP Par�i s � . , <br /> here�E shall be as if the marriane tie �a� �uhol�y dissolved an3 they ^�re as strangsr� �to eacl: <br /> ' ' � ' <br /> other ;r. all un� an� matters !�hat�oevex. IT I� FTn�i�HFR A�RFFD that the val�ze of all the rergonal - <br /> �rorerty no�v on said 155 acre� : �arm oa,med by the naxties heret o is �`220C? and th�t �ransler ,""ie s' , � <br /> rer,resentc t:hat the total debt:� a�;ainst saiu F�rtie� �nd �nhich �►oul�:l be a li�n �gainst tho same , <br /> «mount� ta :`�C-i00,leavin� a net c7.ear va1?�e of �1600. 00. It is agreed that �fransl°r �iers shall <br /> .:�, i <br />