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1���t_�� <br /> ��e� � <br /> pramisea without natice, and if it become neces�ary to brin� action at law to recover posse�sion, � <br /> to pay a reasonable attorney�s fee therefor. And the aaid party of the second part further agree <br /> I �o pay the party of the first part the rsnt as abovs apecified, and to pay all water and light <br /> bills and to keep the sewer g$pes �n running order and to make all repairs that may be needed to <br /> to the hot water plant during tha term of this lease. Th3s lease may bs e�tended 3 years from <br /> present ex�airation on same terms arid conditions heroin named, on demand of said second party; <br /> ezcep� when said pr�mise� are un�ena3�table by reason of fire, from any other cause than carelessn ss <br />� of the party of the second part, or persons of her family or in her employ, or by sunerior force <br /> � or inevitable necessity. `And the said party of �he second �art covenant that ahe will use said <br /> prer�ises as a roomin� anct boardino house and far �no other pur�ose whatever, and tha� she especial p <br /> will not le� said prem�, or perniit the same �b� be used for any unla�vful businesa or puxpoae <br /> axhater�s�r�r�r-: �h��::�she�.^�11 not sel1, assign, underlst or relinqu3sh said premises without the <br /> written cone�nt of the le��or under penalty of the forfeiture of all her ri�hts unde r th�s lease, <br /> at the elect ion of the pa.rty of �he f ix s�G �art and that �he wi11 uee all due care and dili�ence i <br /> guarding said property, with buildings, gates , fencea, vines, shrubbery, etc . , f rom damage by f ir <br /> and the depreclations of animals, wi11 pay all �ater rent and charges for gasxor electrie light � th t <br /> sha11 become due thereon duxin� this Zease; that he will not permit any no3ss or nuisance whateue <br /> on gaid premises �o the disturbance of other tenar�ts , or do or permit anything on or about said <br /> prer�ises �hich will increase tho rate af insurance; that the lessor and ita agents may at any tim <br /> � enter to view and for any necessary purpose . The lessee further a�rees that hs avill in all <br /> respects comply with the city ordi�nances and req uirements of the health authorities, and par�i— <br /> � cularly as to kee�in� said preraises and tha street�and allays ad�acent thereto, frse and clear fr m <br /> all filth, refusa and obstruction and the steps and sid�walks free from �no�r and ice; that she <br /> - will keep the buildings, glas� , gates, fencea, etc. , 3n �ood repair as the same are noR, or r�ap <br /> be placeci at any by ths l.essor, or as often as the same shall require it, damage by superior <br /> fo�rce, 3.nevitable necessity �or fire fram anp other cause than carless�es� of the lessea or person <br /> � of her farnily, or in her emp.loy egce�'ted, and at the e�rnirat3,on of this lease, or upon a breach <br /> ` by said lesses of any of the covenants herein containect she will wit�aut further notice of anp <br /> � kind, quit and surrender the possessian and occn�aancy of said premiges in as good condition as <br /> raasonable use and natural wear and decay thereof will permit , damage by fire, as aforesaid, <br /> superior force or inevitable necessity excepted. 8e�sor reserves the rr,iddle room in basement on <br /> �rest side for hig own use and alsa res�rves cloaet on alley for use of tenante on w�st of thie <br /> � bu3lding. He also agrees to put in a pro�er hot v�rater heating plant by actober Ist , 1910. <br /> Buildin� to be f inished according to contract with i�hited. Lessor agrees to pay �10 00 tovuards <br />,. <br /> hot water attachment� for use of hot water for bath etc . � <br /> In Witness �lhereof, the said partios have hereunto subscribed their names on the date <br /> above �rritten. <br /> John F. Dever . <br /> In pse�ence of <br /> Clive�- Stewart . <br /> James ,� Di11 � <br /> y State of Nebraska } <br /> � )ss . <br />� � xa11 county ) � <br /> Cn this 24" clay of kiarch, A.D. 1910, before me the undersigned, a Z�otary <br /> ( Publ3c, duly comm3�sioned anr� qualified for and residing in said county, personally cane John F. <br /> � Dever, the lessor and Olive Stewart the lessee, to me known to be the 3dentical per�ans whose nam s <br /> are affixet� to the fors,going lease as lessor, anci lessee , and acknowledged aaid instrument to be <br /> their voluntary act and deed. W3tness my hand the day and year last aLove wr3tten. <br /> J.E.D311 . <br /> (SEAL) l�y commission exp3res the 16th ds�y of July, 1813 . Not�r�►:.Pub�3�� <br /> Fi1ed for record the lst day of April, 1910,at 10 1K.�. <br /> County Cler�: , <br /> . . . _ __-- _ _. . _�..: <br />