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�- _ . --- -__ _.._- �.--'.----°°-� <br /> 3�2 . <br /> _ _ _ <br /> _ _ _ _ _ ____--______ __ - ____ ---- - - <br /> , <br /> or if any other candition or agreement herein containad, on the part or behalf of the said Lessee <br /> be not b� him ful].y can�lied �ri�h and performed, then, and in that caee, the Lessor shall <br /> have the right at his o°ption to declar'Q thie lease at an end, and thereby cancel and annul the <br /> same, and to retake i�mediats possession 'of said premises, and to put out and remove any person <br /> occu�ying the s�.me . �t is� taxicierstood that the covenants and agreerients in th3s lease shall succe <br /> to and be biniiin� u��on the respective heirs, executors, adniinistrators �nd assigns of the parti�es <br /> hexe�Go . Nothin� here�.n con�ained ehall be cohstrued to prevent the Lessor �rom commencing an <br /> action at law for the recovery of the rent due, or any part thereof. ' <br /> Jacob �Iindnagel <br /> In �he presence of ` <br /> Gugtave Valoni.s. <br /> T. P. Boehm. <br /> . <br /> State of rTabraska ) <br /> )ss <br /> Hall County ) ' <br /> On this 2nd da af �darch, A.D. 1910, befare me, a Notary Public, in and <br /> Y <br /> f or said County, porsonally appeared the aUove naMed Jacob W3ndnagel and Gustave Valonis, who � <br /> are personally known �o ne to be the identical persons whase names are affiged to the above <br /> . <br /> I,ease as parties thereto, and they severally �ckno�rled�e the instru�ent to be their voluntary act - <br /> and deed . �itness my hand and Notarial Seal the date �z.foresaid. � <br /> Theo . P. Boehm. <br /> (SEA�) Nota�y Public, �iall <br /> County, Nebraska. <br /> j Filacl �'or record the 21st day of 2�arch, 1.910, at 11 A.�i. , <br /> � _���,�P <br /> County Clerk. <br />� �`#�f`����1�#1''��f� ,�-�-.`-71���l�-������r;'-#��#��������i`����1�-�k�k�r- ��'1t��-����#�� <br /> ��- <br /> C a N T R A C T . <br /> . <br /> { This cont ract made and enterect into thie 18" day of T�arch, A.D. 1910, by and betwesn Mrs <br /> � <br />', Louise Hedde , of Grand I�land, xall County, Nebraska, party of the f irst part, and The Commercial , <br />�'i �tate Bank of Grand Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska, partp of the second part, witne�seth: <br />� <br /> That f or and in considexatian of th� mu�ual agreements here3n conta3ned and of the sum of <br /> Seven Hundred f ifty (�:750 00} Dollars in hand paid by the party of the second par� to the �arty � <br /> of the first �axt, at the time of the egecution of this contract, � receipt whereof is hereby <br /> acknov,rled�ed, the party of thQ f ir st part herebp bargains, sell and conveys to the nartp of <br /> seconcl paxt, the westerly one-�aif (�r�) of the brick wa1S o�vned by the party of the f3.rst pa�rt <br /> and situate on the �este rly line of Lot 4ne (1} in Block Sixty-f ive (65) of the 4riginal Tawn, <br /> not� D3ty of �rand Island, Nebraska. . <br /> And does hereby demise, lease and let to the said party of the second par�, �he str�.p of land ', <br /> along the westerly line of said lot one (1) , in block (65} , in st�.'�d City of Gr+�.nd <br /> Island, an which �aid v�all is s3tu,ate, for a term of N3.nety-niz�e (99} years, fr4m and a�fter the � I <br /> date of' the exe cution af this contract . �- <br /> it ia further agreed by and between the parties hereto , that �ach pasty is to maintain and keep <br /> 3t� ane half (�) of said vrall in repair during said term, and to replace ar repair the same <br /> in event of total or partial destruction of said wa17.. It being the intention of` ths parties _ <br /> hereto, that each party is to own one-half (�} of said wal1, but tha� said wall is to be used <br /> ja3ntly by both of aaid parties, for the support �fi�i the3r respective bui7.dings,, �nd each par�y <br />� <br /> to keep and ma3ntain its portion of said wa11, and the garty of the second part, to have a lease <br /> of the ground on which 3.ts part af said wall is �ituate, for said term of Ninety-nine (99} <br /> years. It is further s.greed between the parties hereto, that the said �artp of the�£irst par�, <br /> ��rs Louise Hedde, �s to have perr�ission to cut an apening in said wal7. so a�to connect �the second <br /> floor of her buildin� v�rith the halls�ray on the second flaor of the building of the party of the I <br /> secand par�, and to put a door therein and maintain the same at her expense , said door to be sa <br /> eonsta�aated, guardeci and maintained as to be approved by F'3re Underwr�.ters and not to increase <br />�. _.a. _ _ � <br />