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<br /> And �.t be3ng mutually ��.nderstood �ha� the �bove premises are gold to eaid second par�y for impr-
<br /> ovement and aultivation,the $aid �artp hereby further agrees and obligates His heirs and ass3gna
<br /> � that all im�rovements placed apon said pr�:nises s�iall remain thereon,and shall not be rsmoved or
<br /> . destro�red, until final pay�nent is amde for said 1and;�nd further,that He will punetually pay sai
<br /> sums of money above s�±ecifieri as each of the same becomes 3��e;and that Ae will regularlp and
<br /> � seasonably �ay alI taaea and assese�ents u�on aaid premises for tha current year of 1909,emd.
<br /> thereafter. In ca�e the said party His le�al representativea or His asgigns,shall pay the severa
<br /> � sums of money gfpresaid gunctually,and at �he aeveral tim�s above limited,and ehall strictlp and
<br /> .literally perform all and sin�ular xis agreementa and stipulations aforssaid,aftex their true :
<br /> �enor and 3ntent,then the first party will furnish the said second party His heirs or assigns
<br /> _ upon the request of the seaond party at Cairo Nebr and the surrender o� this Contract� ,a good
<br /> , � - and sufficient Warran�p Deed,free and clear of all incumbrance,eacept a� a�ainst taaea on said
<br />, land$,�rhich said second partp has agrae3 to pay as a�aova set forth,and as against anq and all
<br /> acts done and sufferad by said purchaser,o� his assign�,�ubsequent to the date of �his contract.
<br /> Eut in case the second party ahall fail to make the payments aforesaid,or anp of them,punctually
<br /> and upon the strict terms and times abone limi�ed,the time� of papment being of the essence of
<br /> thi� contract,and like�vise ta perform anc� complete a11 and each of His agrsements and stipulat- _
<br /> � ions aforesaid,a�rictly and literally,�vithout any failure or default ,then the partp of the first
<br /> shall have the rigY�t to declare this contract null and void,and all rights and int�rests hereby ��
<br /> ` created or then eaisting in favor of the �aid second part�,or derived under this contract,$hal3
<br /> � � uttarly csease and determine,and the premises hereby con�racted shall revert to and revest in sai
<br />,, � � firs� �arty( �i�hout any declaration of forfeiture or act of reentrp,,or �ri�hout .any other act
<br /> _ bp aaid fir$t partq to be performed,and �►ithout any ri�ht of said second party of recs3am�tion or
<br />, . compengation for money$ paid or improvements made) ,as absolutelq,fullp,and perf�eatlp a� ii this
<br /> . � contract had never b�en made. � �
<br /> . And it is further agrseS,on ths part of the purchaser,that a failure to pay any installme�it of
<br /> , principal or interest,or a failure to keep any of the covsnant� and agraement� herein made by
<br /> . • h3m,�ha11 Work a. forfeiture of all his ri�hta,an3 that thereupon ths first party may,if he e►o
<br /> elects ( and the purchas�r herebp wavies any notice of such eleotion) ,t�eat the purchaser ae a �
<br /> ° tenant holding over and at aufferance,and procaed a�ainat �aid purchaser bp summary act3on of
<br /> for.cible entrp and detainer to recover posseseion.
<br /> � And it is further stipulated that no assignment of the premiaes sha11 be valid unless'the same
<br /> ,. _
<br /> ' � �hall be endorsed hereon,or permanently attached hereto,and counters3gned by the first party
<br /> � ( for �ehich purpose this contract must be sent to him by mail or otherwise) , and that no agreem-
<br /> � enta or conditions,or rel�t�ions between the sscond party and �ii$ assignee,or any other persan
<br /> acquiring t�.tle or inte�est fro� or through Him �hall preelude the firet party from the r3ght to
<br /> convey the pre�iseg to said sQCOnd �arty or His a�signs,on the surrender of thi� agreement �and.
<br /> the payrnent of the urigaid pQrtion of the purchase monsy which. map be due to the f�rst party.
<br /> � In Witne�s of which,both �artie$ have eigneci these gresents in duplicate,on the day and pear -
<br /> above writ ten.
<br /> , Nettie �acobs . � � Henry J.: Cole.girst Party .
<br /> Elliott Harxison Gqo. �.�in�ert Purchaser.
<br /> The 8tate of Ohio } .
<br /> )SS
<br /> �ood County ) On thi� 4th day of Januarp A.D. 1909,�efore r�e a 14otary Pub13c in and ��
<br /> for said County duly �ersonally came Henry J.CoTe a single m.an to �e known to be the identical
<br /> pergon �ho is des�cxibed in and �ho egecuted the foregoing a�reement as grantor and ackno�rledged
<br /> � the said instrument ta be His voluntary act and deed.. .
<br /> Witness m hand and Ssal the day and year last abov� �rrittnn. ,
<br /> ( Seal � Filed for record this 7"day o� January 1910 at lOA.M. H.N. Jacobs �
<br /> o ary _ u zc
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