• . �",' �5�u �hk V� �•�ri � � - �s „"s �vT,".� C.f# .�_.s.. . .- _ � . _cf,fi �.:.:
<br /> t i} Ki.-iSr � �Z�. - il - y.r� fi �.aG.'.iw..::! ..>,.f.aJ..
<br /> '.,,t�r.s�k�.u.ci�...vi,�i�[,vt il.,«..,.s.�.:.Jt�......,.u:.:..............,..,...' ��.�c
<br /> �+4�.� � � "s-
<br /> .5� TO(lEIFiER N7fH M fh�hpfovarn�iits ao•x or haartm aecled on fhe propaty,and eA e�6anenta,epPude'wicn,end ��+�+�+-+- _ _
<br /> -,w ` ' (atnrot mw p MroMw s pwt uf yN yrqwly.M tefdwemeob and addNont�M1�ko be covered by thie Secmity Intin�m�nl t `
<br /> �= N of tlN lunpoY�p k nMrt+d 10 N Wt 8�axk�In�Wm�nl��the•Propxty.•
<br /> ,� gppppy,r'p COyENANfB 1Mt Barrxr It Invfuly saleal oi the aql�h�by canve/eA �nd h�� tne dpht to greM rA `�f�` `,i
<br /> � convy ffi�Propay�nd tMt tt�e Proprty k unencmb�rad, exa(d fa ee�umbr�nee� ol record. Oortowx w�rc�nl�and � zr� �..,'� : .
<br /> tti
<br /> vA d�iMd 9infi+W Ni Wt[a th:Pr.{s.`N:ff�'�st el c�2m tnd d�mende,eub,bci lo my mamlxenu�ol r�cord. � `�'S-��{t -.�. � .
<br /> �� '6{IS 6F.ClN1RY IN9TRUMEM corr6hes ueBam COYMINl6 for nnimY ute �nd non�unNOrtn coven�nfa wkh � 'rij¢�l�n�t?S��y�_`
<br /> , '�9 fml�ed vrYlbn�6y 1���^to eon�dlN��unNOrcn akv�Ny heWmmt wvxNp rwl properry. � . '�
<br /> ���,.1 uH�oro�t covewwie, earowK�nd�mda covenAnt nnu epree�s toww:: E"� q �}��{'s�'i" a.'
<br /> r'_�; 1. Paym�M of Prinolpal and lntsnat; Pnp�ym�nt and Lab Chugea.oonow«ei�.n pmmpW p�y when C'• ,3 �;{�
<br /> �%�� due 1hs pMC�»t oi�nd Nlao�t on tlie debt evldeneed bY�e Nole and arry pr�»ymenl�nd Yle cl�vpes duo undn th� � t�,�,.51��4+ ...
<br /> NoIO. SJf��.1::1.,a l�n.r•.
<br /> .:.� 2. Funds tor Tuas and In�urance eubJea a app�c�we rw«�o a wmim w�Na by�onaer, 6orto'xu ah�8 pay �,,f
<br /> �-. lo lmder on lhe doy monthy prymenta ee Jrc undx the Nole, unU Ihs Nole Is pdA in lu0.�sum('Funds•)Por. p)yeey ya�{ �-., 4 ��;-
<br /> �:-.1 tues�nd usessmen�t which nuy a141n e��Y ovs We Socwity Inawmenl�s a finn on Il�e Propmty.@)Ya�T�r le�aehdd . -
<br /> ;�� pymente a ground rml�on�ho ProPary.�sxr fcl S�b��d a Propaty Nsunnee Premums: (B1 Ymx.y fm3 Nsuruwa q,� .- `r = ,�.
<br /> y pmYuma,N anY•(u1 Ye��j mo�ip�90 Insaar>x Fa+6.rns,i srry;and(Q�ny aums paYable trY 8a-rov<n to Lacet.e Y�a.:aeLnu �i�� r �� - ; �1�
<br /> :-. k� x•3L ihe f+v.irixis oi p�mpnph 0.In ixv e3 ttre�rfmrS M mody�ge Nsvrenw prmJums. T•sxaa P�rts a't eaEx! 'Ese+ow r + e'�i�`i ..'.
<br /> E,s���.• ta.�x..l. ai enY 6R». c���d tr;.H, ic.n->y �;:�:,1 r1 to exr_ed i.'a r^:�iY� am�it a Sar.dm S.�r a � r e-- •-
<br /> � s%� tr�xatf re1�?�d rx�lg�ge Ioan mr�req.�ks Ur&aa'ua's esavx a�wn:�aa2x W=lniea!Ra►£s:ve S:+t�mmt Pra;:.3xes '
<br /> ,,�:; A:t oi 197�ax ar,mdeA fmro 7r.rt 4a Yma,12 US.C.$2W 1 N seq. ('kc3PA•1. ���Srss a�NTA kx thal r�ppies to iha R»2s � -1 ¢ . � ���_
<br /> ceE;e lassa amounl tl so,l�da m*y.at xq ime,m^xt and hwd funds N an xrsa+e�l nat to eccced the{usd a�t ' �- �`' '� '•=
<br /> ��y- lr..r?a nry attn�te the ur.a•m:01 fuMs cue m tha basis ot artmt d�la end reasaia:'e r.s!r�utts oi e�pm&:u:es c7 ��u,e t a i t:` t �-
<br /> t
<br /> -:��_. E;r.rux flpns q alhawise N accorcNnw a'h a,pi:abte aw. '-'° ^"� �:
<br /> !ta;¢
<br /> Ihe Funds ahY be hdd N an NsUqti,xn who-sa dtpasils ue Lasured 6y�fedtnl�pencY.Nn��ta8ry.a mlty f��cia3ng , - >�"`�"���' �-.
<br /> lOndx�M Lende�ft wch Y�NsUb.fiM)w i�'rtny FOdlyd HtmO LON&nk Ltndet Ehl1 rppN lh0 ii�.r7.t to pey ihe EspOw ` ��M.,'!.
<br /> '.�i�� Nems.Lmdar my not elwpn Bortowa(or fim�i:g and apPN�9 We Funds,�nnw�/aney3+g Ihe acrow axant, or ven;�i^g �1x�'fa -
<br /> -.-,.` ttia Esanw Nems, wikfs Lender p�ys Bc(ranY niaut a� the Funds and rpplca�4 7zw pertriis Lmda to mn;a �ish� '-. --....
<br /> ,-„��fi�. d�vp�. Hare+x� Lmder tNY re4+Y�Borrvru lo WY�onetin�charlM la an Ndapcx8mt reJ aute Gz «porT.r.g��a�ice 'RS�i�r _ -
<br /> -�- ;' wrd by Lmda N connectun Mlh Ihis Icac w�bss �ppic�bb hw puMdcs ahaxise. Unkss m �greKnml is ma,a u a�i ��__
<br /> -_-�i aFykabk Isx req�Ya Merttl 10 be pdd Irn3zr shul not be requYed to pry Borcowa mY Ntaal a eunNps on 1ho�unrk. yy f i.,y.qq��,:.
<br /> . `.. porcower�nd Lmda mry ayree N wdCaS.hexever, 1Mt hlaat ah�l be pWl on Ne Funds. Lender ahM yke lo �ortaxa. t Y ��- .
<br />- �� wiihout ch►ge.�n�nnwJ�aounling of iha Funds, ehowhg aecFS�nd debxs lo the Funds aid the puryose for which eech tt `t7 ,c�`��a°�--
<br /> �-i� debft Io Ne Funds w�s m�de. t",a iunds ue pleJped as oddtbn�l sxun�lor al 6ums necurcd Dy 1he SewrNy Inalrur.�r7- � R_�
<br /> �, �� H the Funds held by Lenaer u�eed Ite unounls pm�taed lo be hNd by�pp9reVOlsx. Lmda shN aaaml fo IIarowd y q'<r�
<br /> A�� for the a¢ese Funds N�aaaa�ce vrill+Ino«p�temenls ot�ppiable kn.11 the�mocnt of the Funds hefd by Lmder el�ny r��t�i?�-'
<br /> s/a Cme Is nol auificimt lo pay Ihe Fscrow II�+�"�an dua Lmder r�uy sn nmdy flortower In x+iing. �nd, N such ase Darowd i i +��i s ,� -:
<br /> ti.':��.� shN pay lo lmder lhe unant necesse�cz nake up the defioMnry. 6or<wa ahal meke up 1he defidmcy N no nwre then Et� k#J.F-1°�.:
<br /> :.,.,!,�„� txtMe monlhN p�ymems,a1 Lmdu's soie asc:nlon. , �Ai� ��.:
<br />.. ;�::�bi't Upon p�ymxit N ful ol a!sums seanotl by tMS Fzttvity InsWmml. lmder sh� prwnFtY rtrrnd to Otrc.Wa�nY "=".s,!�,`;.+�,1M1T,n�;M•
<br /> .. �y.- f�NIdF hdd hY LandOr. ii. unda P�SN�n 27. i'aniii dhn:nU'rv:0 f'�ihL W�..:a.:.x•�.FN�!C Lh!2Cm�}�f�.e•ub .J a✓• S '_.
<br /> 1 ,h <I the Propnty,shai�ppy�ny Funds hdd by lmder at tho IYne ol acxrylAlion or se7c c�s a aedl egeNsl lho euaa;_curtd i �y��r?�'1 r�,,�.
<br /> ry�;ii� by this Sear'M1y InsWmmt. �r�'
<br /> } � 9. A(1p11CNI0f1 Of P�yrtIl�I1t8.Un:ess�ppYubte kw provldos ol+traise, all p►y�nente rcctktd by len'Jer �da r -"-!ii ��� .__
<br /> ����� Saroynyhs t r�12 ahaE be�FT�ed: fiv ux a:.y prepeymml chupa Uuc u.�Ed tha Ncle: second.t¢a^,cums FaS��x�nEer �` , ' ��`� -
<br /> Ea
<br /> tara�ap.ti 2;U.•J,to Nlcreat e::e:tcunh.m pr�dpnl due;nnA ksl,lo eny d1e chu0es c9:e undtt Ihe hote. �����5� ��� '
<br /> �,��,'; 4. Chorpa; Lbna 6an:xe/sh�u poy H tues, assesamenls, ehugea Ges ar.d MnposXlons aR�utat:c ta Ine t �� r � .�}S}t_.
<br /> D'-;i propp(y whkh r�wy alleln prlordy ova lhis Securiry InsWmml, end leasehold pe}m:ertc tt ground rmis, X eny. Ci�nowa ��� j)�_.� �. ;
<br /> �°:,C ahJ pay Nese obig�UOns N Ihe manna provided In p�ngraph P. or X nol paW N thel m�nnr.. Borcowa shal pry them on i' . ., .� ;
<br />`.,f.�i'". .�;n.�..,,n. .. f -..
<br /> tine drecU�lo the panon owed p�ymen6 Ocrtowr shu promply hmish to Lender�I nolices o�emwNS to be pW unda - _s:,��.�!�
<br />�:��:�":i�'` thls pangroPh.II Bonown mekes these Peymmis dtredy. 6orcowa ahal promply tum�sh lo Lmder rea7p15 e+ldmdn9 .'�,q:,���r_�:'r:r��-
<br /> - M�., . .i Tt}t
<br /> -� Ihe p�yrcMAS.
<br /> t- ��� Bortower shal prompty dscherge eny Gm whlcl� has prloriry ova lhis 6ecuriy ins4umml unless OortaHa: (ck+9�ees �. � r3 -�
<br />;.,r;��' N wmN9lo the pqmml ol the obigWon aecured by tta r:n N a m�nna aaeplabla lo Lmder, @)Contesls in 9ac?7it!Ihe .(� _ . 't'.M��,:`y
<br /> .�y��� fen by,a delends ag�NSl mforammt ol lhe im in, f�.Y�c:cceedngs which h Ihe Lmdds opNion operale •sa ->�r+m1 i � � 5 y�'
<br /> the mfacemmf ol the fen:or(c) eewres larn the ho'der cl tho fiCf1!0 l9fCM1M1 6lUS��d01Y l0 LMdM 6YI10fdCA:'P9 RI! � �-.��{ r
<br />'+_tr�1t im to lhls 6ecudty InsWmmL 11 Lender Co:>cn�ati thaf ony yrl c!Uv�ctopdty Is aubJeci to�Gen which m�y o�l�in-=r'cd:'I �. �, ,�
<br /> i - +� over Ihis Seeu6!y�nsWmmL lmder n.�y q�.e Ocnvnee n ncUea iJen7.^jng lhe Gm. Oortowct shJ saCSly iho Cen or txk¢ t '--�� �r _.
<br /> -?:�'��� one a mae ol lhe�Wons eei icnh ekovo wntT 1D d.�;s ct+ne aring ot rcUCe. rr �;
<br /> �'���ft��� 6. Hua�d O� PlOpaY!JI II1SI377111C0.Bcn[wa•aha7 kttp Iho YnprovemenES ncw CtlSINg or heleeflM Creti�: on Ute 1!4{�j(.�_f;+� , �' '-
<br /> !`�!�� PropMy hsurcd�g�hst loas by Nc.Mza�ds�ci:ded xPJ;n !he lcrm 'ezlmded wver�y' and eny otha hazattF. �rl�dng r� t_ z :
<br /> r�`�� Mods a Ibodng,tw whieh LW(IM fC�"1v'S i.^.SL4ML0. ThIS IIISUflOCC sha7 be maWahed h tho amwNS and fcr t�a pdiods L ---•\ `.�
<br /> '�'f��� 1ha1 Lender requYes. The Nsurenx cartk� v:ov'dng iha Insurenco sha:�be chosen by Bortown s�;e�: lo lcr.ca's epproral -?��' i R -�'
<br /> - ��' whkh ahd not be unrasonaby withhN.A- � O<newn feas to malntain wverege tlesmbed a6ova, la+�n rrey, M Lendcr's ��,C r", iz5 i-
<br /> opQon,obleN coreraga Io proSecl Lmdtt's r.ghu n thx Raterly in accordence wdh paragreph 7. 4 i tii
<br /> 5j`„ IU NSUtMU POfdes Nld Id1CNS�5 6hf9 b0 BUeF'�3`e�a ��dtt and shaA indude a aWndard matgege Wusz Lmder ._
<br /> shal have Ihe Aghl to hotd lho poGGes entl rm¢vrals. il Lendtt rcqu'res, Uonawtt sheG promply gke lo lender nA reuipls of i - - �_':
<br /> -���f. peid prmJunu end rmexal notices. In 1!�x evmt of Iosa, 6onowtt sha7 q�ve prompt no7co lo Ihe Nsurence tarrler nnd �
<br /> Lcnder.lmda ray mako proof ot loss e co[r:ede pror.�lly 6y Oortower. �
<br />`;�r�' Un+.ess Lender end 6arowtt ot6erwsr ayee in wLtnp.Nscran:e f���P�� shall be oppSed [: •eataa•bn or repeir ol � ' .. �
<br /> ��y.I� ihu FYopedy dunaged. H the ieata3c�<n or repa4 is economlwAy Ieas�Ue nnd Lenders securcy s nol Iesser.td. tl the � • ,r1;••�"' �
<br /> ,�;�f� reslorollon w r[paY Is r.ct ac_-�rica..ry (easUto or Lender's securiry woutd be lessene�. the u+auxncn procerb s:all be
<br />���' "idf° G�LCd IO lh0 Sums 6CCUlEC b� ::'i5 6eW1.Ty InSWmtr1, whtlhM or n0l IhMI d'Je. nY,h�ny CxCCd1�81d l4 .!G'CwM. II
<br /> ���'�� Oortowx ebandons Iho Prqpert�. a EoES �01 OOSwH wph%1 '.�1' dtYS 0 OOIIfR (fOT LMd.N 11187 1T2 }Sl+3CC2 G:C%! h35 . •- , �
<br /> - otlaed b ae:Je a daim, thm lenCer r.ai aOeU Ine insu�anw proceeds. Lmdtt ney use t-: o�cceeds 10 repair or .
<br /> .''+Q reslow tho Property or to pay sums s.<c�e0 M�hK Sear.ry Inswment.whethcr or not thm Cce '•e ?C�Uay pc+lod vnl
<br /> - ''':r� begin whm the nollco is gfrm.
<br /> Unless Lmdct and 6ortowx othrnvise ng:ee in r.�rq, x�y epplica5on of proteeds �o �rinG;wl snag rot ^emtl or
<br /> yostpone the due Wte ol i�e month:i paymn�ls •efened lo h pa2g�ephs 1 sed 2 a ch�+ge the smu� <� Ne
<br /> `i paymrnts. if under pa+a9�apy 2i ihe Pmperty is arqurea by Lenda. 0ortown's �3M to any nw�a.�ce po5aes a^a prweeds
<br /> msu:�My koro damaye fo tne P�opttry priu to me aca�s.'."�on shal paas lo Lmder lo Ihe eEml ol tht sems by Uis Sece�i�
<br /> - - . InsWmm:in+cdalB�pKw to me acq�ise,on. '
<br /> f3. Occupaocy. Prasarvatlon. Maintonaaca and Protoctlon of tho Proporty; Borrowors Loan
<br /> Applic�tton; L3135�hDidS. tiorrawa ahel anr��. eslab5sh, and ute thc Pruperly as 6onowcr6 prin 'fnal �es�dence
<br /> wnht� s6Ay days n�itt e�e u�ation of this Securiy 1.�s:urail end shaB con6�ue to oaupy the PropMy as Oortowtt's pd�apal �
<br /> rcsWC+ice lor el Icast one year attcr lF.e da:e ol ottv,+f��ty,un!ess Lmdtt othmrlte agrces in wrr1�9• hhbh consmi sha0 nol
<br /> bo unrwsonaby w'r�hhNd.or�rJC,s etv.�a•rq cirwmstances edsl vrhich are beyond Uortowers conVOl. 6urmrtt shai nol
<br /> desVOy. du�epe or M,aB the Pru.•n�[y. aV•n tEe P(opMry b delMaa�c,or commil wasle on ihe R'opmty.Ocrtcwtt 5�a0 be
<br /> � L� dMau1 M any Io�I6:ure action u vccs�<3�*� .TCUx U.9 a almhal. is beg�n Ihal In lmdtt's goodY 1h �rY/nml could
<br /> -�F:'�'� te5u:i t�lo�(Mlro ol Iho Propttt/ct ctT.o•N:it r.t:s:zT�Ynpa4�hp 6M dta1M by IhIS Sttur.y In� 1 � . +AV's s -
<br /> ��'�!�.'�' NIaCSL
<br /> - - Ft]�6.IN9 P0.9p oape]e/5
<br /> ;�1.
<br /> "-.Y� ,
<br /> ` t I
<br /> 9]l�]un
<br /> .
<br /> :
<br /> . . _. ___-..._._._�...,..-....-�_."_'___...... _ _ . .__ _ _. .-�.:.'___.__.ec.:.�2_n -.v��..._' .__.__
<br />