�- - i
<br /> x?�r, �
<br /> 281
<br /> )ss .
<br /> Hall County. )
<br /> ' �eavi�t �P. Rollins a res3dent of �rand Island, Nebraska, being first
<br />' � ciuly s�rorn according to law ae;�oses and says that he was the owner of I,ot Ten in Block Eleven
<br />{
<br />� of Rollins Addition to Grand �sland, Nebraska, on Cctobex 27th, 1$87, that he had contracted
<br /> to sell saicl lot to John F. Copenhaver and the said John F. Copenhaver had some buildings
<br /> execteci upon said lot and then failed to cArry out the �urchase of said lot and that he, the
<br /> said affiant, bought from the said Copenhaver, the said Uuildings and the said Coper�aver
<br /> surrendered the ;�urchase agraezrent of said lot to the said affiant and the said a�reement of
<br /> sale was thereUy rendered null and vaid and that ht the time of the sale of said lot by the
<br /> affiant to Ernest Eriksen that he, the affiant. was tho sole and only o�m.er of said lot .
<br /> Si�ned��Leavitt fid. Rollins . _
<br /> � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of Cctolaer, 1909.
<br /> J.E.Dill.
<br /> i (SEAI,) T�iy commis�ion ex�ires July 16, 1913. P?otary Publie .
<br /> Filed for record the �Oth day of Gctober , 1909, at 10-20 A..d.
<br /> - �- a��G�
<br /> � County lerk.
<br /> � ��-�#��'�������##����{�"����f�9�ta'":����r��:�����#����-���;�-�;�c "r=r���r��;�:�-��r���������#��-�t#��#?��'���������#
<br /> , , u ,, , , � ., , i � � , „ ., .. , ;, „ �� ,, ,. , , , �, „ „ ,: ,. ,, �, � � �:
<br /> �. � � � PAATY t�ALL LEAS�. � �
<br /> TIiIS INDE;ITitRE an�. lease made and entered into on this 12th �lay of 4ctoper, 1909, by and
<br /> bet�veen Henry Schuff and Hannah E. Schuff, hia �vife, p�rties of the first part , and The Roehler
<br /> Hotel Com?�any, a corr�oration, of rrand Island, T�ebraska, party of the second part , all of
<br /> 'Hall County, 21sbr�ska, i9itnesseths
<br /> I
<br /> �That Jfor and in consideration of the payment of Cne Dollar and other valuable consider-
<br /> ations hereinafter named, receipt of �vhich is �hereby acknoti�led�ed, the said firet parties hereby
<br /> _ and by these preeents c�e,�ise and lease unto the second y�arty, a atri� of ground twelve inches
<br /> juide and ninety-nine fee� long ( or so much thereof as may be needed and used for the pur}�oses
<br /> hereinafter stated) along .and off the South or Southerly �side of the north one-half of Lot
<br /> number four (4) anc� the South or Southerly side of the 2dorth One-half of the West One-half of Lot
<br /> number three (,3) , all in block fifty-five (56 ) in the Original Town, now city, of rrand Island,
<br /> .
<br /> Nebraska, for the purpose and use of erect ing and main�.aining a party rYall thereon with suit-
<br />��
<br /> able and subst ant ial f oot ings underneath same.
<br /> Ana the said aecond party, for and in consideration of the payment of One Dollar (�1 00) �
<br /> and other valuable considerations ae hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknawled�ed,
<br /> hereY�y demises and leases unto the �aid Henry Schuff,a strip of �round twelve inches wide, and
<br /> - 99 feet lon� ( or so �uch thereof as may be neaded for the pur�oses and use� hereinafter stated)
<br /> along and off the North or Northerl}r side of the south one-half of lot number four (4) and the
<br /> _ Narth or northerly side of ths south one half o� the westerly one-half of Lot three (3) , all in
<br /> �
<br />�
<br /> Block nurnbered Fifty-five (55) in the Ori�inal Town, now city, of �rand Island, 13ebraska, for
<br /> the �ur;�ose and use of erect ing and maintaining a party wall thereon with suitaY�le and sub--
<br /> , st ant ial f oot ings unde rneath s�me.
<br /> , This lease includes a strip of land twelve inches wide ancl 99 feet long (or so much thereof
<br /> as may be nesded for the purposes herein �tated) alang each side of the dividin� line bet�ween
<br /> the North or Northerly one-half of said lot four (4) anci the northerly or north one-half of the
<br /> �esterly one-half of said lot three (3) be3ng the pro��erty of the said f3rst �aarties, and .the
<br /> ,
<br /> South or southerly one-half of said lot four (4) anc� the south or southerly one half of said
<br /> Lot three being the pro�erty of the said secQnd party, said �trip of land cor.�mencing at Locust
<br />