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�'����' � <br /> 259 <br /> • of this laaso or sublettino of said pxei��ises shall be made except to the said IdcClintock Hotel <br /> Com�any, or its succe�sor, and any a-ttern}�t so to do, vaithoutfi the tivritten consen�t of lessor, <br />� <br /> I will voia this lease at the o �fon of lessor. It is a�reed 'nowever that in case the lesgeas <br /> P Q � � <br /> or their assignees, herein namQd shall find that it is expedient or neeessary, under the la�r <br /> to sub-let the bar roam 3n said hotel to the party o�nera�in� the saloon therein, or desires to <br /> , <br /> sub-let space therein for a ci�ar stands or other le�itimate purr�oses not inconsistent t�rith the <br /> �eneral business of the hotel, saicl lessor �vill consan� to such sub-letting of said k�ar-room <br /> and other spaco, the same in no tivay to release the lessees from the �nayment of the rentale herei <br /> reserved. <br /> Ei�hth :: It is furthar a;reed tnat the prompt �aayment of the rentals herein reserved d <br /> provicioci for and the keei�ing and per�ormiri� of all of the conditions, covenants and agreements <br /> to be ke�at and �erfoxmed by the saici lessaes, includin� the ingtallation of said repairs tivithin <br /> the time herein l�rovicled, shall 'pe considered tho e.saence of this leaso, and a failure on the <br /> �art of lessQOS or their assi�nee, named herein, to keep and perform any of said conditions <br /> and covenants, sha11, at the o�tion of the lessor, void this lease, and entitle the said lessor <br /> to enter upon and take possassion of saia prenisos tho same as if �his lease had never been <br /> j made, but such course or action uy lessor shall not l�e construed in any event, to release, the <br /> I � ' <br /> � lessees or theix assi�nees fror� the �ayment of tho rentals herein provided for or from any obli- <br /> ± �ation imy�osecl upon them her�in, but lessor shall have the ri;ht, at it option, to sue or dis- <br /> �r <br /> txain f�� said xentals . <br /> � � Ninth: In case of the aes�ruction of saicl buildin�s by fire or the elements so that <br /> same beconie untenan�taLle, the lessor shall have the nri�ril��e of rei�uilding same tivithin gix <br /> I months after such event , the rentals to a'aate aurin� the period of such rebu3lding, or at its <br /> I <br /> �x <br /> o tion it an re u l h ' se h' s leaso shall cease and determine . In case <br /> p c f se to rebui a, in ,r ich ca t z <br /> of a partial aestruction or of damage which shall onl;� render a part of buildin;s unfit <br /> for use, the rontals shall abate �ro ratQ, until �aid builclin�e and the portions thereof ���a��� <br /> axe re�aired by lessor, and j�ossession �iven �to lesseas or assigns, reaay for use, which re�airs <br /> must be completad �ti�ithin �0 days thereafter. All loss, d�mage and injury caused 'py the overt or � <br /> negligent acts of lessees, their serv�nts or employeQS (excentin� fire} , �hall be replaced by <br /> them free of char�� to lessor, and at the end of t7:is lease lessees agree that thoy �Ni11 <br /> deliver �eacea'ale possession of said �rernise�; in good condition, ordinary wear and tear and loss <br /> by the ele:�ents alone, excapted. <br /> Tenth: For the consiaeration above statecl and as a. part of this leaso and contract the <br /> said lesaor, as o�� of sai3 Z�remises, hereUy �ives and �rants to the said lessees, or to tha <br /> said �1cClintock Hotel Company, or its successors, an option to �urchase the said Tdorth Forty-fou <br /> f eet of Lots numbered Cne ana Two (1 & 2) and the �ast Thirty-three feet of Lot Three (3) in <br /> � said Block Fifty-six (56� in the Ori�inal Totivn, no��r city, of rrand Island, A1'ebraska, together <br /> with the buildin�s a�purtenant ther�to and said saloon fixtures, for the �um of Seventy- <br /> Thousand (�70 ,000 00) Dollars, of v�hich Ten Thousand Dollars ie to be paid in cagh at the time <br /> said option is exercised (said ��>10 000 00) to include rents paid to t�zat date as hereinafter <br /> provided) , and Twenty-Thou�and Dollars of same to '�e secured by a second mortgage on said <br /> premises in favor of lessor, pa�able at the ratQ of Five TY�ou�and Dollars per year in payments <br /> of �40� 00 an the first day of each r.ionth for eleven rcionths of each year, be�innin; with the <br /> first month following the delivery of a cieed therofor, and �600 00 on the first day of the <br /> twelftiz month of each year until said �20 000 00 is �aid, with in terest thereon at the rate of <br /> si� ,�er cent ner annum, on said deferrecl na�,�ments nayable annually from the date of the <br /> delivery of said deed until fully ��aid, the said �20 000 00 mort�a�e to be in the usual form <br /> s <br />� _ <br />