<br /> v
<br /> floox of sair3 hotel into the lobby thereof, tivi11 install additional roons with baths vrhere the
<br /> �
<br /> back stairway is noyl locatec�, wi11 put telephones and i�ot and cold c�ater in all of the guests
<br /> rooms in said hotal, refurnish and refit same, usin� such �urniture and fittings which lessees
<br /> have purchased frorn the forraer tenant, as �an be used to advantage in said hotel, a11 of said
<br /> chan�e�, irii�,rovements and betternients to '�e madQ by leesees within six montYis froM �1ay lst , 1909
<br /> anc� all to be raade as ai�ove statad at their sole charge and ex}�ense, they agreein� to hold
<br /> said lessor anu its premises harmless fron� any ana all loss, costs, exnense or damage by
<br /> reasor� thereof, anci to leave all such ir:lproveMents, fixtures, betternents and additions of a
<br /> perr�ianent character placed in, around a.nd u�on �aid building b� them, in said buildin� at the
<br /> er�cl of said 1Qase in as �ood conuition anci re�air as when installed, usual wear and tear and
<br /> loss by the ele:�erts exce�ted.
<br /> Fifth : It is ex�ressly understood and a�reed that all plans for change� and alterations
<br /> in the �eneral plan of saici building as it no�r �tands, shall first be suvr,litted to said lessor
<br /> anci a�proved by its offieers before same are macle, so that any ehango or alterations made in
<br /> �aic� buildin� �hall not en�anUer its �aermanency, stabil3.ty or use `as a 'hotel buildin;. It is
<br /> further a�reed that �.n case of a disl�ute over this cl.ause of the lease as to �vhat mi�ht con—
<br /> ��itute ;�ermanent injuxy to said buildin;, the parties hereto agree that they will, at their
<br /> nutual ehpensa, call in a seconcl coml�etent architect and abide k�y ltr�e decision and judgment
<br /> rela�ive to such alteratians . It is further agreecl that at the termination of this lease all .
<br /> permanent aclditions, changas, altorations and fixtures installed in said building shall, as
<br /> abo�Te a�c`�, tAl.t� xemain therein and become the proporty of lessor, without charge or expen�e to it . '
<br /> i Sixth:: It is further a�resd that s3id premises are le3sed for the p�.pose of o�erating
<br /> trierein a goad, first class hotel, and that lessees vri11, during the entire period and .term of
<br /> this laa�e, operate and conc�uc� therein a �ood, f irst class hotel for the accompdation and
<br /> en�ertain���en�L of tl-ie ` �ravel3�� �u"�lic de�irin� to becoi�e �uests therein, keen said l�remises
<br /> and �uildin�s in a clean, �anitary conc�ition, will not commit nor �ermit any waste therein or
<br /> therea'oout , and t�rill so o��era.te said hotel and conduct its bu�iness as to creatQ, presexvQ and
<br /> maintain its re�utation and character as a first class hotel for the comfort and convenionce of
<br /> the �atrons therein and ��;ill, at all times, ;�reserve order therein, including the 'aar room
<br /> connectea therevrith, and wi21 not know3n�ly al].o�v, �err.iit or suffer any gar�bling or illegal
<br />� � � �
<br /> practices or nu3sancae in or abou� said premises, but this shall not '�e cons�rued to prevent
<br /> the ,uests of said hotel from playino cards for �leasure or shaking dice for cigars, unless the
<br />' latter ��r3ctice should '�e inhibited by law. This leaso incluaes the use of the front and back �
<br />�
<br />` bar now loc�� ted in the saloon room of said hotel, the s�me to be used in connection with said
<br /> ho�el and bar roo�n ancl not to be rer�oveci therefrom �vithout the consent of lessox and if
<br /> removed 'ay lessees, to 'ae stored at their expense anci reinstalled without charge to lessor, at
<br /> the end of tliis leas�. aaid lessor reservas the ri�ht for itself, its officers, agen�s or
<br /> employees to enter said �nremises at �,all reasona'r�le times fox the purpose of inspecting same or
<br /> makin4 re,r,air5 therein ��rovided same sna11 not be inconsistant with the use and occupancy of
<br /> said premises by lessess.
<br /> Seventh: It is a�reeci that lessees ma�r assi�n this lease to the ��ficCl�.ntock Hotel
<br /> Companv, a corpora.tion, or it� �ucces�ors, a corporation, but upon the express condition that
<br /> in case of such assi�nment saici. las�ees shall and hareby agree to guaranteQ to the les�or the �
<br /> prompt ,�aymen� of all rental� herein providecl for, at the t�m�s and in the amounts stated, and
<br /> the performance b y such assij�ee of all the conditions of this l�aae, and that no assignment
<br /> �
<br /> ___ _ __ ___ _. .
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