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<br /> THIS LEASE AND CCI��TRACT r�ade and antered into on this lst day of P,iay, 190° by and �ettween
<br /> �'hQ Koehler Iiotel Comrany, a cor�aaration, of Grar�cl Island, Tlebraska, hereinafter called the
<br /> "��e�sor" , of the onQ part, and Oliver A. ;�icClint�ck of Chicago, Illinois, and R. N. Selbp of
<br /> �Grand Island, Nebraska, hereinafter called the "Lessees, "of the other part, �ritnegseth;
<br /> First: That tha said Lessor for and in consideration of the rentals to be paid and the cove-
<br /> nants and agreements to be kept anil the conditions to be performed by the les�ees, as herein-
<br /> after stated, hereby and by these �aresents demises, rents ana leases to the said Lessees the
<br /> follocvin�; described property situate in Grand Island, Nebraska, to-crit : The �Iorth sixty-eight
<br />� feet of Lots 4ne and Ttvo (1 & 2} anc3 the East Thirty-three feet of lot three (3) and the lAest�
<br /> I'orty-four feet of the south �ixty-fcur feet of Lot Tt�vp (2) all in block fifty-six (56) of the
<br /> 4riginal Tor�•n, now city of Cranci Island, Nebraska, together with the buildin � and improvem.ents
<br /> thereon. �he premises hQreir. leased to the said lessees includes the Koehler Hotel Buildin�
<br /> complete as same no�,r stands, includir.� the bar room, and the annex south of same, now used as a
<br /> F3illiarcl and Pool Roor�, together �rith the �est Forty-four feet of the yard or vacant lot
<br /> betvreen said hotel and the alley south of same . And the said le�sees, for ana in consideration
<br /> of the prer:�ises �nd of the condition� of this lea�e, hereby rent and lease from the said lessor
<br /> the saic2 above described prer::ises ana real estate under the conditions and terms hereinafter ,
<br /> stated, . This leasQ is for the terr� of tsn yaars and comnaences on the lst day of �,�ay, 1909, and
<br /> terminates on the 30th day of April, 1919, subject to the provisions and conaitions hereinafter
<br /> stated and set forth ,
<br /> Second: As rental for said premises herein ciescribed the said leesees a�ree ancl are
<br /> to pay to the lessor the sum o�' Seven Hundred Dollarc, per r.:onth for each and every calander
<br /> month of saici terr.l, paya�le monthly in advance on the first day of each and every nionth at
<br /> the offica of the Grand Island Tdational �ank, in Grana Island, i•deb�aska, sub�ect only to an e$�
<br /> ercise by said lessees of an or�tion to purchase a part of said premises as hereir.after set forth
<br /> �Th3rc1: In addition to the rental� to be l�aiu in cash for said prenises by lessees, as
<br /> herein stated, the said lessees, or their assi�nee , as hareinafter provided, shall, at their
<br /> own �roper charge anci ex��ense and tF�ithout claim upon lessor or its nroperty, keep the said
<br /> buildin� in a goca statQ of repair so that same shall at all times be in a tenantable condition
<br /> ineludin� the said anr:ex attacr,ed thereto, except the roof on said buildings and the side-�Jalks
<br /> around same and the boiler useci for heating same, �rhich saic� roof, sidetrralks and boiler are to
<br /> be kept in �oo�. repair b y said lessor; s�id lessees are, however, to keep said sidewal#s clear
<br /> � of sr.otiv, or ice, as required by the Crclinances of Grund Tslanci, at all times and are to keeP
<br /> the said pre::�ises, yarda connected therev�ith and the streets and alleys used bg them free fr4n
<br />�
<br /> any and all accumulation of ashes, cindexs or other refuse r�hich they ma.y create or accur�ulate
<br /> in connection cvith the operation and use of $��.a notei . Lessees are also to pay all charges �
<br /> for yaater, gas, electric lights ana other public utilities of every* kind us�d in said hotel
<br /> or about saic� premises and to �ea� in rerair all x,�lumbir.�, tivater pi��es, gas pipes, sewera�e,
<br /> electric �rirein� and cannections with public utilities used in and about s aid preMises and by th IIn
<br /> and generally, to keQp saic� prer�ises in a good clean, wholesome anci sanitary condition. �
<br /> Fourth: It is furtr.er agreed that said le�sQes will, at their own �roper cl�arge
<br /> and exnenso, thorou�hly renovate ancl refit said hotel '�uiluin�, redecorate and Paint all of
<br /> the interior of said buildin�; and rooms, re'�uild the elev3�or now therein so that same will
<br /> ti�vork satisfactorily, and will re-arrange the interiox of said building under the aavice and
<br /> direction of a com.petent architect so as to thxow the writin� room and ordinary on the main
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