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,� _ _ _ � _._.,.-...n,-�-�-_-,,,. <br /> , <br /> 24� <br /> --- _ <br /> __ _ -- _ __ _ _ __ __----- ---- --_ --- __ :_ __ _-- ------ � - <br /> P0�1FR OF ATTCRI�EY: Ki;Ov�' ALL i.iE�t �Y THE�E PRESENT,�: That I Viola F. Hill, of Grancl Island, in th <br /> County of Hall, and �tate oy IvTebraska, clo hereby make, constitute, and appoint John R. Thompson <br /> of the Town of Grand Iuland, ir. tho �ounty of �iall and State of Nebraska, my true, sufficier.t, <br /> and lawful At�orney, for me and ir. my nt�me, place, and s�ead, to canduct and carry on the bu�i- <br /> ness of Controlling and executin�, and signing note, bond and mortgage for �1000 00 upon I�ot <br /> (6} six in �loek (6) in �Jallieh?s Addition to Grand Islancl, Nebraska, �s shov,m by the reeordec� <br /> plat thereof anci do� �uch other acts in ralatinn to san.e as nay be necessary; sign, acce?at , and <br /> ir.iiorse rLobes, drafts, and bills; to state accounts; to sue and comrronise, collect , or settle P <br /> all claims or deManas, uue or to becor�e due, now existin�, or hereafter to arise in my favor, an , <br /> to adjust , settle, and nay all claims and demancis which now exist against me, or may hereafter " <br /> arise, either as cor.nected �1ith the foregoing businees or otherwise; to take the �eneral manage- <br /> ment and control of my affairs, property, ana business, and therein to mortgage, and to execute nd <br /> enter into bonus, contracts, mort�ages, connected therewith, and in general to do a11 other <br /> acts and things �rhich he may consicier useful or necessary connected rvith my business, property, <br /> and interegts . '=� <br /> Viola F. Hill. `` <br /> Si�ned in �?reser.ce of � � <br /> Lizzie Limback , = <br /> —___________ _______.. • � <br /> State of Nebraska ) � <br /> l s s X� <br /> Hali County ) On this 31st day of lviay A.D. 1909 before me, the undersigned, a I�otary "�_ <br /> Public, duly conu:�i�sioned and qualified for and residing in �aid county, personally anPeared Vio a <br /> r. Hill, a single rJOr�ar, to n�e well kno�vn to be the identical person who; subserik�ed said ,�: <br />� .� <br /> Power af Attorney as principal, and she acknowled�ec� the said instrument to be her free and vol- � <br /> untlry act . . In Testimony '�lhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal at � � <br /> rranci Islar�a, ir. s�:3d County, the day and year last a�ove written. _ <br /> Lizzie Limback. <br /> �SEAL) l�y comrrii�sinn 8�:?�ires Sept . 2nd, 1910. Notary Public, �� , <br />` Filed for recorci the lOth day of June, 1909 at 11-30 A.2�. :� <br /> � � County Clerk. <br /> Tr7T�T"�171t`7?���""1fJJ�77 7..q7}���i7'�'��T 7rJT����!!T1'7f'7?i���� �77'��il��7!`�7�'71"if�"���71"7f7�77'e��'�7I'7'���"lf����il`�i1�7C��7f'�����Tl'7T'7P�� �Tf'�7I71�� <br /> 7 <br /> PARTITTOPd �AI,L LEASE ATdD AGREEMENT. <br /> This Indenture made and entered into in duplicate this twenty-�ixth day of 2��ay A.D. , 1909, - <br /> by and between Samantha B. Bowen and �Terry Bowen, wife anu husband, first parties, and Thomas J. � :� <br /> Dunn and Lisette F. Dunn, husband and wife, second Parties, all of �Pood River, Hall County, <br /> �lebraska: �Gitnesseth:- V�hereas, said first parties are the owner� of lot eleven (11} , in block <br /> twen'ty-ona (21) , in the Village of �1ooa F�iver, Nebraska, excePting a stri�? about fourteen inches <br /> (14") ��ride, , off the '7�est Side of said 1ot ancl are the owners of a two-�tory brick building now � <br /> �� <br /> standin� on the south ei�hty (80) feet of said lot , and iNhereas, the said second parties are the � <br /> ownera of lot ten (10) in said block tv�renty-one (21) , and have purchased fror� the first parties � <br /> � the strip aboT�e mentioned, and are desirous of erectin� a buildin� on their �remises . Now, <br /> therefore, the first parties, in consideration of the premises and one Dollar (�l 00} to them in <br /> hand paid, do hereby der�lise, 1et and leas$ said second �art3es a strin fourteen (14) inches <br /> wide, east of �nd parallel with a line extending from Ninth Street northerly through the cen�er : <br /> of the �Pest v�all o� the buil�in� descri�ed above to the alley of said block t�venty*-one (21) , �nd � <br /> the said second �aarties, in con�ideration of the premises and One Dollar (�1 00) to them in <br /> hand paid, do hereb� der��ise, let and lease to the said first parties a strip fourteen inche� <br /> (14") rride �7est of ana parallel �vith a line extendin� from Ninth Street ��xbrthe�ny through the <br /> � , <br />, . <br /> _ _ • :� <br />