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�_ , a <br /> 24� <br /> be replaced in as �ood conciition as they nv�r are. It is further agreed between the �arties heret <br /> that the proposed race tr3c�lC ahall. not be ��ore tha� 45 feet in width at any place throkgh the <br /> tree� and that no trees shall be re:aoved in any part of the park by the said Ro�md other than in <br /> the space aver v�r�aich the proposed �,rac� track shall egtend, All trees eut out or renoved by the <br /> �aid Rownd in the construction of the said trac� shall remain the �ronerty of the first party. <br /> zt is further understood that the said Rownd shall hold the said Hann harmlese by reason of <br /> a � any increased taxes levied by virtue of improvement placed on said premises. <br />� � �� � r <br /> Zt is the duty of the secona ;�art�r herein to keep the race track, buildings, barns, �rand <br /> stands, blee'chers, etc. in good condition, to keep same in repair and at a1I titnes to h old the fi �t <br /> r�arty harmless from all clamages by reason of the said race track, buildings or grand standa and <br /> bl8echors bein� out of repair, or f'or any other cause and in all events. The second party a.grees <br /> wzth the firat party that he will hold a race tournament at laast once a year lasting at least <br /> ��u continuou� clays, that he will giva the first �arty si�ty days notiae of auch tournament and <br /> that at any time during s�id t�urnamsnt or �ny other seheduled race there shall be a eircus� bille <br /> for said premises, the said �arty of tho secona part will �ive way w3th his races for that daf. <br /> It is f urther understood that races, other than those of a weekts duratzon, arranged from time . <br /> to time may be hel� on �he said �rou�ids when same do not interfere with the businesa of the said <br />� Hann, in said park or v�Tith a ny other arrang�n�� that he may have made for any other business <br />� or amuser�ent . <br /> The first party also agrQes that the second party shall be permitted to erect his . <br />; <br /> stables on the grounds indicatea by the Letter "G" * �.:in the attached Euhibit , that he shall be � <br />� permitted to keep horses in said stables between �he first clay of P�iay and the first day of Octobe <br />� <br />� each year, and at a11 times have charge of said stablea, that the owners of said horses sha11 at <br />� all tirrlea during the neriod said horses are c�uartered in said park have the privilege of tryin�_ I <br /> fout or training the said horses on saia �rack, ��hen said tryin� ou� or training of said horses <br /> shall not interfere c��ith the business of the said H�nn or with any other busineas or aniusenient <br /> arran�ed to take place on saicl premises at that time. The narties hereto agree that in no case <br />, <br /> shall horses quartered in the �tablos on said grounds be per�itted to run at Iar�e about said <br /> i <br /> I r�remises, anc� that eaid horses shall be kept in sai�i stables at all times they are in the park <br /> E with the excention of such times as they are being tried out or engaged in racin� or on their <br />� <br /> 1 <br />' wa� to and from said stables. It is agreed however, that the second party shall have the abso- <br /> lute control of the part of premises fencec3 in for racing �ur�oses during the continuance of any <br /> � horse rac3ng meet for which he has given the said Hann the required notice. In cons3deration of <br /> tr.e a'qove �,rivile�es �;iven to the said Rownd in the above mentioned premises he agrees to pay to <br />� <br /> the first party ten r�er cent (10�) of all the gate recei�ats for races held in said park, the said <br /> Ha�� to have the �rivilege of selecting the person who shall sell tickets to said races and that <br /> in a21 cases an admission of at least 25c sha11 be chargec� all adults. That there shall be but <br /> one entrance to the said races and that that shall be on Loeust Street at the �oint indicated by <br /> the Letter "G" on �he attached diagram. The seconcl part�r �urther agrees that during the <br /> occupancy of the Far1: by him under the provisions of this contxact he will keep the said premises <br /> in a clean condition; that he will not allow manure nor any wasteymatter to accumul�te about his ` <br /> s�ables or anSr other part of the �rounds; th�t h� will aig ditches of suitable de�ath and width <br />� frorr� the point indicatea by the lettor "E" east , and from the proposect stables east, for the <br /> purposes of draina�;e; that the second party wi11 not as�ign nor 3n any manner transfer or attempt <br /> to transf er his interests in �his contract ta a third party without the consent of the firat <br /> party enaorsed in writ�ng hareon, and any atte�npt -�o to do shall o�erate as a breach of thie <br /> contract anc� void at tha 'election of the �aid H�nn. <br />�.Y__. _,�__ .�_y� _ __. <br /> ' ,,, . <br />