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� . — �T <br /> �' �".��� <br />� <br />�� 241 <br /> CONTRAC T AND A (� REEMENT. <br /> This Contract and agreor�ent made and entered int on thd.s 24" day of Januarp A.D.1907, <br /> • - by and between Henry xann of rrand Islanci, Hall County, i7 'oras�:a, of the first part, and w.E.Rown <br /> of Granci Island, Hall County, Idebra�ka, of the second }�a t, witnesseth:- <br /> That for and in consid�ration of the agraements nd covenants hereinafter mentioned, �o <br /> be kept and �erformed by the par�y of the secona nart, th party of the �iist part hereby grants <br /> unto the party of the second part the privila�e of establ shing and maintaining for the period of <br /> ten years a one-half mile race track on the grounds kno�vn as Hann's Park, bein� Lats Ten (10) . <br /> Eleven (11) , Twelve (12) , in County Sub-division of the W st one-half (�) of the 5outh-west one- <br /> quarter (4) of ssction 15, Townshi;� 11, Ran�e 9 in Hall C unty, Nebraska. It is hovrever agreed <br /> by and between the above mentioned parties that if, after the expiration of five years, the said. <br /> Fa��3 shall have an opportunity to sell said premises, th said Rownd shall and hereby agrees to <br /> accept �1000 00 in full settlament of all rights he may h ve under this contract and agrees to <br /> surrender this contract and nacate said pre�nises; The pa ties hereto also agree that in case any <br /> • pro��osition to buy is maaa to Hann of which he is desirou of taking advanta�e under the above <br /> c�iause, the said Row.^.d shall have the first oprortunity t buy said premises at the pr�ce offered <br /> � by any third party. It ia also unclerstood that in case the said Hann, under the above clause <br /> shou,ld purchase a release of this contract from the said econd part�, and under the provisions <br /> of the �aid contract should pay to the said Rownd the sum of �1000 00 all of the buildings, fence , <br /> grand stands, etc . erected u�or. the said premises b y the econd party shall become the �roperty <br /> of the said �ann. OtherRise at the termination of this lease the said Rowncl �ahall have the <br /> privile�e of removing all buildings placed upon said �rounds by him. It is further agreed by and <br /> bet�veen the. �arties hereto that all work done and material furnished in the eztablishing of the <br /> said race track shall be at the expenae of the secand party and under the following restrictions: <br /> Al1 dirt dug upon said pre�ises to be used in the making of said track shall be dug from <br /> � the North-east and �outh-�ast corners of said premises and under no consideration shall any dirt <br /> � <br /> be removed or holes du� insids of said �ropo�ed race track as indicated by the attached diagxam <br /> . <br /> � or among the trees in the western half of said prer�ises; the second party at his own expense, <br /> � shall removs the �rand stand ancl bleechers from the south part of said premises as indicated in <br /> i <br />' ; the attached exhi'�it by the Letter "A" to the point indicatea in said diagram by the letter "Bn <br /> on the, north side of said pramises and re�lace the said ;rand stand and bleechers in the new <br /> ' location in a sount� anci substantial manner. The secorci party shall have the right to place on <br /> .. � . <br /> - ; the north aide of said pre�ises, between the pro�osed race track and the northern edge of said <br /> � premises the additional ;rand stands that he may see fit to erect anc� it is understood that the <br /> said Rownd shall erect a high board fence f rom said grand stands in a westerly direction to the <br /> site of the horsa stables as indicated on the attached Exhibit by the Letter "C" , from there in a � <br /> � southerly direction to the center of the graunds to the point `. indicated on diagram bp the Letter <br /> "D" , and from therQ in a circular and south-easterly direction to the point indicatea on dia�ram <br /> � <br /> by the Letter "E" . It is also agreeci that the fence at the point as indicated by the Letter "D" <br /> shall be at least l$ f eet west of the western edge of the race track and that the gate in said <br /> fence at said point shall be a double gate at lea�t 20 feet in w3dth. It is further understood <br /> that the western edge of said race track shall be at a point between 95 and. 100 yards from the <br /> entrance to said Park on Locust St�eet . The secona Party also agraes that in reMOVing the old <br /> • ( grand stand and bleechers from the south side to north side, the same shall be �laced in <br /> r <br /> � position, convenient to the �roposed new ball diamond as indicatea by the letter "F" on diagram, <br /> � and that all Parts of o�d grand stand, includ�ing netting novr nailed on front of �rand stancl shall <br />� <br />