����� ,
<br /> 239
<br /> to such eustomer as he may have or procure for the same, for the �rice of Twenty-Two thousand
<br /> five hundred dollars, ten thousand dollare of said sum to ba paid in cash at the time of the
<br /> delivery of the deed for said premises, and the balance thereof to be secured by bond and
<br /> , mortga�;e, the bond to be drawn in the penal sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars , conditioned for
<br /> the payment of Twelva Thousana five hund.rec� dollars, in rnanner follo�ring that is to say: The sum
<br /> �f Tt�venty-five xun�.red Dollars in one ,�year from the date of said bond, and the like sum at the
<br /> end of each year thereafter until the �vhole of said sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars
<br /> is paid, together with interest on said sum of Twelve Thousand five hundred dollare from the
<br /> date o� said bond at the rate of six per cent . per annum, to be paid at the end of the first
<br /> yea�, and the interest on the balance of said �um remainin� unpaid after said first year at the
<br /> like rate of six per cent . �er annur,i payable annually, and the mortgage to be �iven as collatera
<br /> seaurity to said bond and to cpver said hotel property; and be it further resolved, that the
<br /> saic� reorge A. Smith be authorized ancl he is hereby authorized to communicate such offer to the
<br /> said �i.A.Edwards, and also to communicate the same to Harrison and Prince the agents re�resent-
<br /> ing this company at Grand Island, ��'ebraska. And �e it further resolved, that in case said.
<br /> offex is accepted b y the sa3.d H.A.Edwards or such custo�er as he may have for said property,
<br /> that the officers of this company be authorized and they are hereby authorized to have prepared
<br /> and duly executed a deed for said hotel �roperty at and for the consideration of the said sum
<br /> of Twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars, and that they acce�t the sum of Ten Thousand
<br /> Dollars in cash, and the balance thereof, to be secured by bond and mortgage, the bond to be
<br /> dravan in the penal sum of Twentl�-fiv� Thousand Dollars conditioned �or the payment of Twelve
<br /> ,
<br />; thou�and fiva hundred dallars in manner following that is to say: The sum of Twenty-fiQre hund- .
<br />'r _
<br /> red Dollars at the end of one year from the date of said bond, and the like sum each -�Zear
<br />' � � thsreafter until the whole of said principal is paid, F�ith 3interest on said sum of Twelve Thou-
<br />�-
<br />, sand f3vo hundred Dollars from the date of said_ bond at the rate of siz per cent per annum. to
<br /> a
<br /> be paia at the end of the first year and the interest on the balance of said sum remaining
<br /> . unpaid after said firat year at the lil�e rate of six �er cent . per annwn payable annually, and
<br /> the mortgage to be �iven as coll��eral security to saic3 bond and to cover said hotel propertS�.
<br /> President Gearge A. Smith statad that he had received a communication from Harrison and Prince
<br /> at�orneys of Grand Island, Nebratika, saying thet the purchaser, Henry Schuff, of the hotel
<br /> �ronerty situate at rrand Island, Nebraska, �xas desirous and willing to pay the sum of Twenty-
<br /> two thousand five hundred dollars, the entire purchase price therefor agreed upon, in cash
<br /> instead of Twelve Thousand fiv� hundred dollars thareof being secured by bond and mortgage as
<br /> pxovided for by a resolution adopted at a meetino of this Board held on the secand day of March,
<br /> . �.909, and thereupon offered the following resolution, which was seconded and by the aff irmative
<br /> vote of the directors unanimously aciopted; Resolvecl that the Palmer House ComPany of arand
<br /> Island, Nebraska accept of the said Henry Schuff the sum of Twenty-two Thousand five hundred
<br /> dollars, in cash as and �'or the nurchase nrice of said hotel �roperty situate at Grand Island,
<br /> Nebrasl:a, and that the officers of this company be authorized and they are hereby authorized to
<br /> accept said sum of Twenty-two tlloussnd five hundred dollars in cash on the delivery of the
<br /> dead by them to eaid Henry Schmff in payment of the purchase price of said hotel property instea
<br /> of accepting a bond for the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars secured by a mortgage
<br /> on said property a� provided in a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Directors of this
<br /> Com�an,r held an the second day of �darch, 1909.
<br /> I hereby eertify that the foregoing reaolutiona are true copies from the minutes
<br /> of the Palmer House ComPan�* of Grand Islancl,, rJebraska, a cor�oration of the State of New Jersey,
<br /> with its princip3l office in the town of Nev�ton in the County of Sussex, and State of New Jerse ,
<br /> E '
<br />