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236 <br /> be deBired, shall be arran�ed and aa provided in the by-?awg of tris corporation. <br /> Art . 8. The cor�aoration shall have the right and authority �o adopt such rules, re�ulations <br /> and bylatnrs for its gov�rnment and management as may seem, to it v�rise, and ta chan�e and amend the <br /> same as provided in the b3r-�aws; Na chan�e, however, i.n these articles or 3n the by-laws sha11 . <br /> be made or�had unless on due not3.ce, and �i�ned by at least ten di the members, and filed with <br /> the secretary at least five da�rs before the same is to be acted upon, and have embodied_therein <br /> �he change sought . , � <br /> The che�ir here announced that the next thing in order was the election of a boarc� of <br /> five truatecs to serve until the first annual meetin� in May, 1910, and on motion �he follo�ing <br /> named members were elected as such trustees� to-�:�it : The same bein�; elected bp ballot :- <br /> George Sase; Richard �iesner; Henry; Josephf�tiller; Herman Elstermeier, each receiving <br /> , _ <br /> the votes of a11 membera �resent , to-wit : 54, votes each, and vaere, and were tiecla=ed bp the . <br /> i - <br /> chairman duly elected; each being presar.t, �.ccepted the said �osi�ian as trustees of this cor- ' <br /> poration. <br /> On motion of J. Petex �indolph, duly seconded and carr3.ed by un�nimous vote of the <br /> members present, the following officers were electec� b y ballot for the ensuing pear and to � <br /> serve un�il the first re�ular meeting in May, 1910; Jacob Pahl, President; Ed 5chlichardt , <br /> , <br /> vice-Presiden�; J. Petar Windolph, Secretary, and Phillip Saunasrs, Treasurer, and each were � . <br /> by the chairman duly declared elected to the aforesaid reapective positions; �4 voting ape. <br /> Geor�e Sass, a member of the said c;arpor�tion, then movsd that bp virtue of, �nd in <br /> accordance with the call of the trustses of the association heretofore read and sprsad at <br /> length upon the minutes, and of the rroceedings heretofore had �nd taken b y the members at <br /> this meeting, that the foregoing minutea, proceedings, articles of incorporation and consitut�o <br /> ( �ncluding the name of this corporation, be and the same hereby are adopted under and in accord- ; <br /> � <br /> ance with the statutes of the State of Nebraska, hereinbefore mentioned and referred to, fox <br /> the purpose of the incorporation of thiB �ssociation, and that the chairman and gecretary of <br /> this meeting are hereby authoxiz�d. and directed to prepare and file with the County C1erk of <br /> Hall County, Nebra�k�, a cert3fied eopy of these �arocsedings and minutee, including' the <br /> aforesaid call and articles of incorporation, a.nd nrocure the �ame to be signed by himself as <br /> President , and attested and signed by the aforesaid members of the �aid board of Trusbees as <br /> such, and have the same recorded by the said County Clerk aB by law in euch cases made and <br />'� provided, and that they take any and all further actian in reference thereto, and in furtheranc . <br />� thereof, as they may deem neceaaary to complete the organitiation and incorporation of this <br /> asaociation under the name and in accordance with the proceedings hereinbefore had. 1�'h3ch <br /> motion was duly seconded, and after bein� placed before the meeting by the chairman was carrie <br /> each member �resent voting aye, and by the chair declared, af�er the announcement of such vote, <br /> tha�t the same �as duly adopted. On �otion the said meeting adjourned. <br /> State of Nebraska ) . <br /> )ss <br /> Hall County ) <br /> I, J. P. Windolph, being ths duly elected, qualified and acting <br /> secretarg of the meeting of the members of The Gvuntrg Club of r�all County, Rebraska, on the <br /> + <br /> 3rd day of Y�ay, 1909, in pursvance �o a call duly s3.gned bp the �nustees of the said associatio <br /> and notice tl�ereof duly given, do hereby as such secretary, certify that the fore�oing is a ' <br /> true, full, complete and correct copy of the minutes and proceedinga �f- such meeting held at • <br /> said time and place, ta�ether �ith �he names of the tru�tees and office�s of the said assoeia- <br /> tian duly ele��ed at said meeting, as sho�n by the boa�s and recards thereof nov� in my passess- <br /> ion as such secretary, That I make this cert�ificate for the purpose of perfecting and <br />