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<br /> name of eueh corporation fixed and determined, the officars governing the said corporation pro-
<br /> . vided for, the mode of government and managsment of the affairs_ of the said association consid-
<br /> � I � � . �
<br /> � �red; anci such ot�er bu�3neas transactad as may legally come befare -�hb meeting. Dated thie
<br /> (
<br /> ( 28 day of April, 1909" . C�eorge $ABS.
<br /> Richard �Piesner.
<br /> � Henrp Scha�f.
<br /> Joseph Stillar.
<br /> Herman Elstermeier.
<br /> rhere were present at the sa3d meeting under said call and notice, a ma3ority of the members of
<br /> the said association. On motion J. P. Windolph, was eleeted secretary and Jacob Pahl was elected
<br /> chairman of said meeting. The said call was then read at length and the purpo�e of the meeting
<br /> stated and the roll of inembers called showing a majority present, to-�rit: 64.
<br /> �t was then moved and seconded that the msetina proceed to the or�anization of the said aBSOCia-
<br /> tion as a corporation under and in accordance �rith the laws of the eaid state, which motion was
<br /> � carried all voting, aye. The following articlee of incor�oration were read and �dopted as the
<br /> . constitution of the said societp, on �ation duly rjade and seconded, all members present voting
<br /> aye, and the same �as duly deClared carried by the chairman.
<br /> Ar�t . l. The name of t8nis association shall be The Gountry Club of Hall Countp, iVebraska.
<br /> Ast . �. The princi�al plaee of business, and for holding meetings of this cor�orat3on, shall be
<br /> iin �aehington Township, Hall Coun�y, NebrasYa.
<br /> � Art . 3. The existence of th3.s corporat ion �ha11 comrnence on the 5th day of 2�aq, 1909, upon the
<br /> f iling and recording of the minutes of this meeting and of these articles of incorporation in
<br />, .
<br /> � the off�.oe of Clerk of Ha�.l Countp, i�lebraska, and ahall contint�b.� for twbn�q qears from the said
<br /> � laet named date.
<br /> Art . 4. The businesa, ob�ect and purposes of this association she�11 be for the advancement of
<br /> lits members in (�erman Son�s, music and literature; the perpatuation of the German language in the
<br /> community; �o aid eaeh member socially and menta].ly thereby; to k�ep aline the members' love and
<br /> re�psct for their Qerman ancestry; to pravide and �.old such entertainmente as mag be deemed
<br /> egpedient to advance its purpose; to do and transact such busine�s as may be necessary to aid in
<br /> . �tl�e furtherance of the aforesaid ob�ects; � the renting, erection and main�tenance of euch bu3.ldinga
<br /> and struc�ure�s as may be necessary, and to purchase real estate as a a3.te therefor.
<br /> Art. �. The membere of thiB corporation ghall be confined to residents of Hall and surrounding
<br /> countiee. Each applicant shall be adr�ittecl to membershin under and striatly in accordance as
<br /> provided by its b;r-�.aws. .
<br /> Art . 6. Tha business of the corporat3on shall be managed and conducted by five trustees, to be
<br /> chosen at the first meeting of this association, and they sh all maka, enter into and sign all
<br /> contract� of the corporation, unlese they shall otherwise direct . Each of whom shall s�rve
<br /> , until the f3rst Mondap in t�ay following and until the3r respec�ive suacessore are elected a�c�
<br /> qualified. i�hiah first �ondap in Map shall be the date of the annual meeting of the membere of
<br /> ' this corporation. In addit3on to the aforesaid �;sustees,the officers of th3s corgoration shall
<br /> be pres3dent, v'ice pres3dent, secretarp and treasurea�; each of which places shall be filled bp
<br /> election, each member pxesent casting one vote at the first regular meeting, and at the annual
<br /> meeting thereaftsr, and shall hold their respective o�Efices until their respective successor�
<br /> are elected and qualified. One person map fill one or more of the said offices if the membership
<br /> so dssire.
<br /> Art . 7. The said annual meeting of this corporation shall be held at the hal� o� �h�r place of
<br /> � � � �� -'�" °`,� �'� ��{� ��� , ��,�, .�� �
<br /> .,d�'�e�� -fo ��� - ���.; �� , �e_a�,�,� ,�
<br /> business of the said corporation and �.n the afore�aid township, a�hich time members�ahall be�1
<br /> elected thereto by b�llot , and shall be for the trabsACtion of any and all buBiness which may
<br /> ;
<br /> properlq come before the meeting. The tims and manner of holding other meetings, if anp should •
<br />�: ___—._�—
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