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��� <br /> --._ _ __ _ ._ ____ _---.___--__ _ ____ _. _ __. __- - - - _ _ <br /> �he��c ovicl � �Y-`}, }�er�l� y ��� <br /> Range Ten (10} �Jast of the 6th P.T�', according to government survey. And the said party of,� � �� <br /> a-�the first part , the sum of Fifty six Hundrac� and no-1q0 Dollars in the manner followin� nine�een ' <br /> hundred (�1900 00) and no-100 Dollars cash in hand paic�, the receipt whereof 3.s hereby acknor�- <br /> ledged, and the bal�nce Seventeen Hundred Dollars on l��arch lst , 1�10 and take a �larranty Deed of <br /> , <br /> the aL-ove described �reniises �ubject to a 1�ort�age of �2000 00 with interest from ��tarch lst , <br /> 19U9, the �aid Ydilliam Friesrnann t o get �he �100 00 rent t o becorne due Sept . lst , 1909,��ith�.� � <br /> ir.terest at the rate of 6 per cantuni ��er annuni, nayably annually on •the �1`700 00 �rom maturity <br /> and to pay all taxes, a�sessments, or im�as3tions that may be legally levied or imnosed u�on <br /> said land, aubeenUent to the year 1909; time being of the eg�ence of this contract; and in case <br /> of failure of the said party of the second part , to make either of the p4yments, or to perforr� <br /> any of the covHnants on their part hereby made and entered in-to, this contract ehall at the <br /> I option of the party of the first �:�art , be forfeitecl and determined, and the part_ of the , <br /> � <br /> secor!d part shall forfeit all p ayments by him made on this contract and such �aayr�ents shall <br /> Le retained by the said party of the f irst part 3n full sat 3sfact�:o� of a11 damages by h3m , . <br /> su�tained, and he shall have the right to re-anter ancl take possession of the gaid preinises . <br /> aforesaid; the said fi�rst party is to furnish the abstract extended to T�4arch lst, 1°10. <br /> It is mutually a�reed that all the covenants and agreements herein contained sha11 extend to <br /> i <br /> and be ok�ligatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the respective p,artie . <br /> I IN i�ITNESS �lH�REOF, The parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and <br />� . <br />; seals, the day and year first aUove tivritten. • <br />� John 'G. Rosdahl. (L S } <br />� Signed, sealed and delivered in �nresence of ' ' ; , <br /> ) Elin Rosdahl (L S ) <br />, �. E. Aittner, as to ) � <br /> iJames E. Dill, as to William Frieamann ( L S ) <br /> St�te of Nebraska ) � . <br /> )ss � . <br /> Po1k County ) <br />' On� this 26th day of April A. D. 1909 bef'ore me the undersigned, <br />� <br /> a Ttotary �'ublic, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, pereona3ly <br /> came John G. Rosdahl and Elin Rosdahl, his r�ife, to me known to be the identical persons wh�ose ' <br /> names are affixec� tv the foregoin� instrument as grantors, and acknowledged said instrument to <br /> , <br /> be their voluntFZry act and deed. �fitness ny hand and Notarial aeal the day and year last <br /> above written. ;�,iy com.mission exx�ires the 1'7" day of January, 1911. , _ <br /> �ax E. Bittner. <br />' (SEAL) 2•dotary PuUlic. <br /> Filed for recor� t��e 28th day of April, 1909 at 2 P.M. <br />' � � a-�!� � , <br />" � County Cler . <br /> � ` <br /> ��'�'�r��'��-���r'�r���'1�`���r'r�����"tii�� ,��,':,��.����`;��7��1;," � ,��i�t�������'�'�������3��'���'������������� <br /> �Original) This LEA;E, r:�ado ana entered into tnis 26" da;T of April, A. D. 19(79, by ana between . . <br /> \ ,v:ary E. �rake, of the county of Hall anrl State of Plebxaska, party of the fir�t part and _ <br /> � <br /> �� �filliam J. Tho�:���son anu �'�lice Jane Thcmpson, -�his wife,of the county anci sta�e aforesaid, . <br /> � parties of the �ecord �art . �titnesseth that the se�id party of the firet part, in consideration f g � <br /> � impravements, made b y 1�i13.iam J. Thompsan upon the premises hersina��er described and the sum <br /> of three hundred dollars (�300 00) the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowledged, hath demised, . <br /> 1- leased and let , and by these presents does, demise, lease, and let, unto the said �arties of , <br /> the second nart , the following described premises, to-wit : The west one-half (W�) of the <br /> e Nox�h-west quart er (idiPz�) of the Northwest Quart er (1VW�) of sect ion number t�enty-two (Sec. 22} <br /> � <br /> � Township number ten (Twp. � 10) ; �ange number eleven (11) , l�est of the siAth �rincinal meridian in <br /> � the aoun�y of Hall �nd State of�Nebraska. Such. .rooms in the d�rellin,g hause now occupied by <br /> � the parties hereto and aituated on the South-Rest quarter (Slll�) of the Atoi�th-west quarter (NW�) <br /> . <br /> � of Seetion number twenty-two (22) , to�ehip and range �s last above written, a�a are hereinafter <br /> deacribed, the rooms on the grauna floor of said dwelling house now kn�tvQn as the ,east kitchen. <br />,�- _ <br /> , ; <br /> 4 ., _�__ < <br /> .. - . :... :_ , <br />