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����`�� <br /> . �. � �'�� <br /> The Sta.t e of No'�raska ) � <br /> ) ss <br /> Hall County ) �3e it Kno��m, �hat on the 19th day of A�ril, 1909 before me, the <br /> � under�igned, R. R. Horth, al i�+0 t''i11"',� �'u'plic, in and for said County, �ersonally came �filliar� <br /> R. Gourley, to me knot;�n to be the identical persons described in and tvho executQd the fore- <br /> �oinU inst�unent as grantor and acknotvlec�ged said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witne�s rny hand and 2lotarial Seal the day and year last above ��rritten. <br /> (SFAL) 1�y com. Ex, J��Iarch 29, 1511 . R. R, Horth. <br /> . <br /> � Filed for record the 1,9th day of April, 1909 at 1-30 P.i�I. <br /> � . <br /> ounty Cle . <br /> �.'�t7J`7i'�,1`'7t�'7��;;�T'r;�;'�~f��',��,"7�'"JTt'7��"7r�'7t7f'7��`r�'�'�,L����t:t�i���il�l"T"�r��7l,#7�7��'��1`�7'tt�' rl'�`��7 c��;1�';#-1;it 7r-��'`,�-i7'iT77'+r7"7r#�7J'7�'Tt�7t'77''717r77t7T'71�7r7�'�7f7�'�'7���7�7r� <br /> THIS AGREEMETdT, indenture arid lease rnade and entered into this 19th day of April, A. D. 1909, bp <br /> and between The Independent PuUlishing Com��any of Grand Island, ( a corporation) party of the <br /> first ��ar�, and Elula L. Gilbert ana L. C. ��ilbert , her husband, of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> ' parties of the second �art , �Pitnesseth, that , whereas, the said party of the first ���.rt is the <br /> � o��,mer of the Southerly forty-four (44) feet of Lot� 2lumber Three (3�: and Four (4) in Block <br /> n�imber Seventy-nine ('79) of �he Llri�inal Tovm, notRr city, of rrand Isl�nd, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> .� � anci ��hereas, the said Elula L. rilbert , is the owner of trle ldortherly Eighty-eight (88) feet of <br /> � said lots, and it bein� c�esired '�y i�oth of the parties iiereto to provide for the erection and ; <br /> ' construction of a party wall '�etween the southerly forty-four (44) feet of said lots, and the <br /> � • � Northerly ei�hty-aight (88) feet of said lots . Novr, �herefore, in consideration of the premises <br /> and the sum of One Doll�r mutually paid ancl receit�ed by said par�ies, each to the other, the , <br /> receint , tivhereof is hereby acknowledged, the said part�,r of the first part hereby demises and <br />' leases unto the said Elula L. Gilbert a stri� of �rounc� tti�relve (12) inches ;ride an�. one <br /> hundred and sixteen (116) feet lon�, along �the northarly 'r�oundary lina of the southerly forty- <br /> . <br /> , <br /> �our (4�) feet of said lots th�ee (3) and four �4) in said block seventy-nine (79}., said strip <br /> so leased commencing at the z�resterly boundary line of said lot four (4) , or so much thereof as <br /> , <br /> may be needed for the purposes hereinafter stated, for the u�e and nurpose of erectin� and main- <br /> tainin; a party �aii thereon. And the saic� parties of the second part for the consideration <br /> herein n�ned do here'ay demise anc� laaso unto the said ���rty of the first �art, a strip of ground <br /> twelve (l�) inches wide and one hundred and sixteen (116) feet lon�, along the goutherly boundar <br /> line of the northerly ei�hty-eiont (88) feet of said lots three (3) and four (4) in said block <br /> seventy-nine (79� said strip so leased commencin� at the �testerly line of said lot four (4) , or <br /> so much thereof as may be needed for the purZ�oses hereinafter nained, for the pur?�oso and use of <br /> erectin� and maintaining a party �vall thereon. This le��e incluaes a atrip or x�iece of ground <br /> twelve (12) inches wide and one hundred and sixtetn (116) feet lon�, along each side of the <br />� dividing line between the southerly forty-four (44) feet of the �vesterly fifty (50) feet o� <br /> - aaid lot three (.3} and the southerly forty-four (44) feet of said lo-t four (4) and the northerly <br /> �> � <br /> eighty-ei,ht (88) feet of the rJesterly fifty (50) feet of said lot three (3) and the northerly <br /> eighty-ei�ht (88) feet of said lot four (4) , all in said block seventy-nine (79) , or so much <br /> thereof as may be necessary for a party wall, and shall continue in force and ef�ect from the <br /> date hereof, so lon� as the !vall hereinafter provided for to be c�nstructed shall stand or <br /> either party may desire to erect or maintain the sarne thereon;: the said wall to be of concrete, <br /> bric� or stone or a combination af said materials, with a concrete brick, or s�one or com- <br /> 'pina�ion thereof foundation for basement , the whole to be built in a good and st�itable manner <br /> so as to maintain and carry a w�ll for not less than a tt�ro stor� building with sufficient . <br /> _ . footin�s therefor. It is furtner sti�ulated and agreed that in case either of the parties heret <br /> . <br /> shall desire to erec� a wall on the lina he�e,in provided for l�afore the other party is ready to <br /> � . ; <br /> f. � <br /> !,, <br />� _ - <br /> = ,�—.-- . , <br />