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__ . __ _ : _. . ".,1 <br /> 9 <br /> . � <br /> 2�� . <br /> and assessraents on said prenises before the same shall become delinauent, and not to commit or <br /> permit any waste on or about the eame; Now, Therefore, if �aid no�e shall be fullp paid, with <br /> interest thereon accordin� to the tenor and effect of said not�, then these present� shall be <br /> null and void; but if said note, or any part thereof, or anp interest thereon shall not ba paid <br /> �hen dus, or if the mort�a�or shall fail to keep or perform any of the covenants or agresments <br /> herein aontained, then said note shall immediat�ly become due, and the mort,�agee, h3s heire and <br /> assi3ns shall have the right to foreclose this mort�age and to have a receive.�" of the mortgaged � <br />� �, � <br /> I premises appointed at once. „ Which said note and the mcrtgage to secure �he same was da�ed . <br />; . <br />� January 7th, 1949, and �igned by the party of the first part and the party of the second par't ' � <br /> respectively and pro�erly executed and acknowled�ed. � <br /> The said party of the f irst part, his heirs, executors, administrators and as�igns <br />� hereby cavenants and agrees to and with the said party of the second part, her heirs, eaecutors, <br />� <br />, administrators or a�sigrs, that he �ri13. truly �ay or cause to be paid out �f hi�s share of the <br /> undivided one-foL:rth interegt 3n said estate above mentioned unto said party of the eecond part, <br /> her heire, egecutors, administrators or assigns that portion af the Fifteen HundredDollars that <br /> k <br />� would be lavrfully due to said party of the second part, her heirs, ezecutors, adminietrators <br /> or assigns, at the time of the division of �aid estate, the same as though the said Fi.fteen � <br /> Hundred Dollars had not been advanced or �aaid ou� of said und3vidsd one-fourth 3.nteregt of aaid <br />; eetate. Dated th3s 20th day of January A. D. 1909. � <br /> Delbert D. gam�thel <br /> In �resence of <br /> Jes�3e B. Ramsthel. <br />, <br /> Peter Anderson. <br /> Carl R. Kositzky. <br />' S�ate of North Dakota, � <br /> I �ss <br /> County of Burleigh, ) . <br /> On this 20th day of January A. L�. 19�9, before me, A. �. Cook, in and <br /> for said count3r, pereonally came Delbert D. Famsthel, �ho is personally known tol'�te to be the <br /> identical person rvhose name is affixed to the above instrument, and he acknowledged said instru- <br /> ment to be his voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and official seal, the date aforesaid. � <br /> (SEAL) 1�. �. Cook ' <br /> Clerk of �he istrict Court , <br /> far Burleigh County, North Dak ta . <br /> Filed for record the 26th day of �.iarch, 1909, at 10 A.�. � <br /> A�°�� . � <br /> �; Gounty Clerk._ ......_ - <br /> �`�#=�"���7##���#��-��;'-,�����"�����=�-;-��'��#�����':�������-��;-��;��#�#�`��#����� ��„ „�r#��` ���#���� � _ <br /> , <br /> AGREEMENT: Sale of R�al E�tate:- . �; ': ' <br /> _,��� <br /> This Iridenture, made this 2C}th day of �Iarch, 1909 be and between Dill & Huston = <br /> A�ents, for �ra B�eGo�van (Eva V. ) party of first part, and �ichael Costello, party of second � <br /> part . �Gitnesseth, tllat party of first part ha.s this day sold to the party of the second part the <br /> fo1loR�in� da�cr3.bed pro�erty, to-�rit ; Lot nvmber five 3n block nurnber t�aenty-three in �t�gy's <br /> Addition to Grand Island, Nebr. togeth�r �ith all an�urt�nances thereto belonging, for which <br /> � the party of the second �art agrees to �aay the sum of Two Thousand and One (�2001 00} Dollars;��o o.°° <br /> payable as followrs; One Dollar:;, cash in hand, receipt of which is hereby ackno�rl8dged. Balance <br /> Two Thousancx Dollars on delivery of a warranty deed and �an abstract sho�ring a goad and clear tit e <br /> all taxes to be paid to 1909. Party of second �art agress �that should he fail or refusb to <br /> carry out the above candit3ons, the money already �aici ehall be forfeitsd as 13.quidated damages, <br /> at the election of party of first part . The party of the first �ar� agrees to furr�i�h an abstra t <br /> af title covering said pro?�erty, brou�ht down to da�e, and �ive 2 days for eaamination, and if <br /> the t it Ie is def ect ive saici f ir et narty to have a reasonable t ime to corract said def ect or defe ts <br />:_ . _ . : <br />