2�2 . :
<br /> ,
<br /> received in evic�ence �n all the Courts of the State of Kansas. In Testimony whereof, I have '
<br /> hereunto .set my hand and affixed the seal of said Probate Court, this 1&th day of Februaxy, 1909
<br /> � (SEAL) . M. G. Ham i
<br /> I Sole Jud�e and Ex- ic o er o e
<br /> State of Kansas, Brown Count;r, SS. � Frobate Court.
<br /> I , �,�, Cx, Ham, sole Jud�;e o:£ the Probate Court of said County, do hereby dextify, that M. G. Ham
<br /> whose genuine si�natuxe is affixed to the fore�oin� certificate is , under the laws. of the State �
<br /> af Kansas, b,y virtue of his affice as sole Jud�e of said Caurt , also the Clerk of said Court,, ,an
<br /> was such C1erk at the time of makin�, and su�ascr3bing the same;• �hat his at�estation aforesaid is �
<br /> in clue form o,f l�.w, and b� the rxa�er officer, an� tha�t the seal thereto affixsd is the seal o
<br /> the said Probate Court , ana I further cer�ify, that said las� will and testament hae been ad-
<br /> mitted to probate in saia Court in �.ue form, and 3uly recorded. �Titness �ny hand and seal,
<br /> this 1�3th daf of February , 1909. - �
<br /> �ri. G. Ham.
<br /> (SEAL} Sole Jud�,e o� the Proba e aur. o ro�n County,
<br /> Kan.sas. '
<br /> Filed for xecord the 26th dAy of Febxuary, 1909, at 5 P.Id.
<br /> \� �'oun y er .
<br /> i, � �#��#��`��;�����`�������ri���`'����`����'��``�'���#�`�;���'�'���`��������'���������'����������������������������r
<br /> - CONTRACT. _
<br /> T�I:IS C�31�1T��CT , made and entere:�. into this 22nd day of Januarg, 1908, by and betwsen � ,
<br /> ►
<br /> Henry Arff and, Z�innie Ar�'f , parties of the fir�t �art , and reor�e Fleb�e and P�iay F1e�be , parties �
<br /> I of the second part , 'xJitnesseth: that �►hereas�, on the 5th day o� December, 1907 , the Parties
<br /> of the fixst �art ma��e an� �ntered into a cor_txact with the Cassel Fealty Com�aany, a cor�oration .
<br /> having their prir.ciral �lace o� br�siness in Omaha, 1�1e�iraska , ard which contract was� filed for
<br /> � record at the caunt;r seat of Hal.l County, State of ?�Tebraska, on the lOth day of December, 1907 ,
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> at 10: 50 0' clock A.2�I. , and recorded in Fook No. M of Miscellaneous, at page 45 an�. �:�hich con�rac
<br /> is hereby referred to and made a �art hereof , and �'herea� , the �?arties of the second par� have
<br /> bought from the ;�arties a� the first part a12 their ri�ht , title and interest in a certain de- .
<br /> scribed piece of pxone-rty , �and �chich nrorerty is referred to in said contract as having been
<br /> �urchased fram Rrandt �3ros. Naw, Therefore, it is mutually aUreed between said Fartiea to this ,
<br /> . �
<br /> cont�act that in consideration of said transfer- of property heretofore referred to, the parties~ _
<br /> of the second paxt a�ree to ray �to the Cassel l�ealty Cor�pany a11 sums of maney that are no�r due �
<br /> or are to become 3ue under said contract of the 5th day of Decembar, 1907. The parties of the • '
<br /> second part further a�;ree to indorse saic� notes� which are still unpaid and to assume all the
<br /> obli�ations and con�.itions as contained in said contract o� the 5th day o� December, 1907. ' -
<br /> � It is furt�:er a�reed between said parties that the parties of the second part are to assume the
<br /> pay:fent o�' a certain beer account that tYie parties of the f�irst part are omring to the Fred Kru� .
<br /> Brewing Con�any, of �ma�a , 1�Iepxaska, amountin� to �7I4 00. IN WITI�IESS' li�FiEREOF, we have hereunto
<br /> set our hands the day and date first above �rwritten. �eorge Flebbe
<br /> t�iay Flebbe _
<br /> State of ��ebraska ) . Henry Arff
<br /> )es Minnie A: Arff.
<br /> Ha11 County. ) Re it remembered that on the 22r.d day of Janu.ary, 1909 be�ore the under-
<br /> s�igned, a notary publ.ic , in and for said County; personally came Henry Arff, Minnie Arff, his �
<br /> �ife , �xeor�e Fleb�e and Pday Flebbe , hie �►ife, to me kno�m to be the ident ical persons deecribed
<br /> in and who executed the fore�oin� instrument an�. acknowle�i�ed said instrument to be �;heir �ol-
<br /> untary act and deed fox the purgoaes thorein set out. VP'itness{ my hand and seal the day and year
<br /> last above T.vritten. 18 ' �
<br /> (SEAL} Commission e�rnires Oct. � 1912. Fred �. Ashton. Notary Publ� .
<br /> � Filed for record t?�e 27th day of February, 1909 at 9-�0 A. :J' �
<br /> � a�-���� �
<br /> County Clerk.
<br /> , ` ;
<br /> .
<br />