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�o� . <br /> gbvernment survey, thence runnin� east to the northeast corner, of the said northWest quarter of ! <br /> the nor�hwest quarter of �the aaid �ection �'7, thence nor�h �o the north�vest corner of the south- <br /> � � � � � <br /> ea�t quarter of the �outh�veat �uarter of said $ection 22, in �sid townshiF and range; tfience . <br /> east to the true line dividing the said southwest quarter of the� said �ection 22' from the south- <br /> e��t: quarter of the said section �2, thence south along and u�on ths trua �line, accarding to <br /> governmen� survey, to the southeas� corner of the said a�outh�a8,�st quarter of the southwest qUarte <br /> of the said section �2. And further, commencing at the iron �ipe or� the �overnment quarter <br /> s�ectian corner of the northeaet corner of said , lot � on mainland in said section 27, thence , <br /> cont3nuin� along said east true lins of said lot �' to the southeaet corner of the said lot 2, � <br /> thenee in the same direc�Gion to the south bank of the north channel of the Platte River;: thence <br />' in a southwesterly �ixection alon� and u�on the edge of the said aouth bank to �he south channel <br /> of the said north channel of the said Platte River, thence alon� and u�on the � bank of the <br /> i <br /> said south channel to the east line of the a�oresaid ten acre tract of the said A�argaratha <br /> Thavenet , as shown and marked by ��rhat is known as the F€�ldevin Survey, thence eouth along and <br /> upon the line establishe� by the said Baldwin survey, and whexe �he nev► �osts° and �ence no�r <br /> s�tand, on �he true line of the said Paldwin su.rvey, to the southeast corner, of the said �iargare <br /> tha Thavenet' s ten acre tract , ( the same being a part of lot 4 on I�land, ) to a point now <br /> markec� and desi�nated by an ,iron gos� placea there by the said Baldwin, thence west alor�g the <br /> line established by the said �?aldarin, to the soutn�rest corner of the said ten acre �ract as <br /> i <br /> found an3 eatablishe� b y �ne � said B aldv�in, It ie further conside�re�, ad�u3�ed an� decree3 by <br /> the Court that each of the �artie� hereto are entitled to specific performance of �the agreement ' . <br /> hereinbefore referred to, the said �1ar�aretha Thavenet as� a�ainst the said Lizzie Turner, an3 - <br /> the sai3 Lizzie Turner as a�;ainst the said 1�dargaretha Thavenet , as to the provisions therein <br /> eontained, to be oy each res�ec�ivel.y �erformed; �vhich respective provisions aa hereinbefore <br /> found, speci_Eie Performance thereof ia hereby ordere3, considered and 3ecreed. It is f�axther <br /> conaidored that the costs of thia case ?�e rai�. as fallows: That eaah party hereto shall pay <br />� their o*�vn coats of ��itnessos , an� each one-half of all the other ta�able co8#s hereiz, and , <br /> . , <br /> �udgment is so entered a� against the said M�garetha Thavenet and the said Liz�ie Tur3�er, an3 <br /> ex8cution erdered. <br /> . � . James� N. PauL <br /> 3t ate of Nebras ka } ! ���'u�ge. <br /> )ss <br /> Hall County. ) I , Fred C. Lan�man, Clerk of the Diatrict Court of the Eleventh Jw3icia2 :- <br /> , . <br /> Dietrict of Ne�raska, �rithin and for the County of Hall , do hereby cer�ify that the above and <br /> f Qregoing is a true and coxrect copy of the Dec.ree in the above entitled casee Nos. 3201 and <br /> � <br /> 3270 as conaolidate3 inta cas� A1o. 3201, and aa the same a�rears of record in �my said office. ' <br />� �Vitness my han�3 and seal of said Court at Gran� Island, this ?3, �ay of February, A. D. 1��09. <br /> Fred C. Lanryman. <br /> (SEAL) C le rk �f the L�is trict our . -� <br /> Filea for record the 23r3 day of Februaxy, 1909 a� 2 �:. i�. <br /> `� <br /> oun y er . <br />� <br />; <br />