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<br /> reorge Thaven�t, bein� case ?�10 � 3270`, be and the same is hereby disso�ved. It is further con-•
<br /> sidered, adjud�ed and decreed by the Court that the temporary order of injunction in this
<br /> case No. 3201., be and the same is hereby made perpetual ae to all of the lande hereinbefore
<br /> found to be ''owned and g�saessed by the said Margaretha Thavenet , and diseolved as to wherever
<br /> • it affects the lands hereiribefore found to be o�vned and possessed by the said Lizzie Turner.
<br /> � gnd also dissolved so far as it affec�s the remaval af th.e fences and Flacing the same on the
<br /> .
<br /> ' true lin� as it is hereinbefore found that they should be �laced. It ia further conaidered,
<br /> adjudged and decreed by the Court that the title and possession of the plaintiff- �argaretha .
<br /> Thavene�- in and to t'he follo�sin� described premisea°, to-wit : �he Southeas� quarter of the � south
<br /> west �uarter of section Twenty-two (22) , in township eleven ( 11) range Nine (9) , in Hall County
<br /> � Nebra�ka, up to and including the true line thereof according to government survey; the nox�hwest
<br /> , qx�arter of the northw�est �uar.ter of section twenty-seven (�'7) in the said townshig and range;•
<br /> ,
<br /> lots one (1) , and tv�o (2} on mainland, and up to and includin� the true linee thereof; and all
<br /> that part� of lot three (3) on Island North and northerly of'.the true line hereinafter described
<br /> and established dividing the .landa of the said ?�4argaretha Thavenet from �he lands of the �aid
<br /> , Lizzie Turner in the lot three (3) on Island. And ala o that par� of lo� f our (4) on Island com-
<br /> mencing �t the south�est corner of lot one (l� on mainland, running thence south along and upon
<br /> the west line of the said section to the southwest corner of the ten acre tract herein referred
<br /> I'� to as� found and established by the Rald�i.n survey;� thence aa�t alon� the aaid survey to the
<br /> s•outheas� corner of the said ten acre tract as esta�lished by the said Baldwin suxvey, and to the
<br /> � . .
<br /> I�� ' iron pos� hereinaftar referxed to as being �laced thereon;• from thence noxth along and upon the
<br />�k.
<br /> R � said' Baldwin survey to �he �oint where the east line of the said lot 4 on Island would mee� the
<br /> r �
<br /> � eas� line of the said lot one on mair_l.and (in said section 27} if each of said lines were eo ea-
<br /> tended;� thenee along and upon the southerly boundary of the said 1ot 1 on mainland, to place o�
<br /> , beginning, be and the same are here�y quieted and confirmed in her - the said Margaretha Thavenet
<br /> �nd that the said defendant- I,izzie Turner, and her husband Benjamin F. Turner and all peraons
<br />, c�Taiming through, by or under them, are hereby enjoined from claiming any intereet in and to the
<br /> eaid premises� adverse to that of the said Margaretha Thavenet , her heire and grantees , or from
<br /> interruptin� their q� 'iet use and en�oyment thereof. It is further considered by the Court that
<br /> the titls and .�osses�ion of the said I,izzie Turner, defendant , in the follo�ing described �rem-
<br /> ises�, to-�it : the south�vest qt�arter of the south�reert quarter; and the north-half of the afores�ti
<br /> southwest quarter of said section 22,•• and the �est-halP of the southeast �uarter of the said
<br /> eection 22; and lot three (3) on mainland;° and lot two {2) on Island in the aforesaid seetion �''t
<br /> also all that part of 1ot three (3'�) on Island south and southerly of the true line hereinafter
<br /> des�ignated aa the dividing the landa of the said Lizzie Turner in the said lot three on Island,
<br /> � in said section �7, from the lande of the said Margaretha Thavenet in the said lot three on
<br /> Island. K Also lot four (�) on Island in the said ae�.�tion �'"l, save and except the part thereof her -
<br /> tofore found to be o�vned by the said M!ar�aretha Thavenet , and known as the Mer�aretha Thavenet' s
<br /> �, ten acre tract also the northeast quarter of the Bouth�rest quarter of the said �ection 27, all in
<br /> H�11 C ounty, Nebraska, as hereinbefore found tha� she owns be and the same are hereby quieted
<br /> and confirmed in the eaid defendant Lizzie 7�Zrner;- and �hat the eaid Mar�aretha Thavenet , Qus
<br /> Thavene� , William Tha�enet and George Thavenet , and all persons claiming by, throu�h or under
<br /> �hem or either of them, are hereby enjoined from claimin� anp interest in the said premises a�.-
<br /> veree to tha� of the said Lizzie Turner, her heirs or grantees , or from interrupting their use
<br /> and en�oyment �hereof. That the truo division line between the said lands of the $�id plaintiff-
<br /> _ Margaretha Thavenet- and �he said lande of the said aefendant *Lizzie `T.urner- is aa found to be ,
<br /> and is hereby established a$ follo�vs: Commencing at the northwest corner of the northwest quarte
<br /> , of the said section 7, in townshi� 11, north ran�e 9, in Hall County, Nebras ka, according to the
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />