� __ _ _ � �
<br />,
<br /> 20�
<br /> of said lot 2 on mainland in said section 27, thence continuing alon�, said east true line of said
<br /> lot 2 to the southeast corner of the said Lot 2, thence in the s.ame �,�irection to the south bank
<br /> of the north channel of the Platte River;• thence in a southWesterly direction alon� and u�+on the
<br /> edge of the said south bank to the south channel of the said north channel of the said Platte
<br /> River, thence alon� and u�on the south 'aank of the said south channel to the. east lina of the •
<br /> aforesaid ten acre tract of the said Margaretha Thaven��, ae shown and marke�., by �rhat. 3s kno�qn as
<br /> the Bald�in survey, thence eouth alon; and u�on the line established by the said Baldwin survey , a �
<br /> and arhere the new posts and fence noc� stand, on the �rue line of the said f3aldwin survey,, to �
<br /> the southeast corner of the said Mar�aretha Travenet ' s �en acre tract , ( the sa�e being a part
<br /> of lot 4 on Ialand) �: ta a �oint now rriar. ked and desi�nated by an iron post �^laced there by the
<br /> .
<br /> said Bald�in, thence �rest alon; the line eetablished by the said Bald�vin .to the south �rest �
<br /> corner of the said ten acre tract as found and established by t?�e said Baldwir_. That ths sa3d" T '
<br /> �
<br /> Max�;aretha Thavenet should �ae nrdered, �.irected and cansidered that she shall commer.ce , as soon
<br /> as the *rceather �rill rormi�t , to build an�. complete a division fence u�on the line hereinbefore
<br /> de�cribed as being the true line between the reagective land� belonging to ,her and those be-
<br /> lon�xing to the said Liz�ie Turner, com*�encing at the aforesaid iron pipe on �he government
<br /> quarter section corner of the northeast corner of the said Lot � on mainland of the said section
<br /> �'7, thence continuin� south along the sa3d true line of the said lot 2 to the �outheaet corner
<br /> of the said Lot 2, thence in the eame direction to the south bank of �he north channel of the
<br /> Platte River. Which fence �hall be constructed of �oad substantial Fosts ,�laced not more than .
<br /> si�rteen feet agaxt , �vi�h. a sta� in the center thereof, and of not les� than four barbed �vireg�;
<br />` and� that she , and her heirs �nd �rantaes , should and shall forever keep and m�intain the said
<br />�
<br />� fence in a good farmer like condition. That she- the said ?Rargaretha Thavenet- is the r�wner of
<br />, ,
<br /> and shall have all the material in the old fer_ce along the line above described where �hs_
<br /> I the said Mar�aretha Th�venet- i� to build the new fence. It is further found that the said �
<br /> j Lizzie Turner, as soon a� the weather will �ermit , shall construct an equally good fence, along
<br /> and upon the said true division line ae hereinbefoxe desi�nated, commencirtg at the said �oint of Y� �
<br /> south bank of the said river , and fram there along and u�an the said true liae as herein found
<br /> des-ignatec�, to the south�rest corner of what i� known and desi�nated h�rein as the ten acre tract .
<br /> be�.onging to the said �ar�aretha Thavenet , and being a part of said lot 4 on I�land. And that
<br /> she- the said Lizzie Turner her heire and �;rantees , should and ehall forever keep and rnaintain
<br /> ,
<br /> the said fence in a �ood farmer like condition, And that she- the said Lizzie Tur�er�- is �he
<br /> owner of and sha11 have all the material in the old fence along the line above described where
<br /> � �
<br /> � s�he- the said Lizzie Turner- is to build the new fence. . Tt is further found, that ell af the
<br /> ` i partieg to �this action have , for a valuable con�ideration, mutually pravided in the said agree- '
<br /> ment filed in this case No. 3201 on February 8, 1909, that at any time subsequent to two years
<br /> from t his date either of said parties, or their he3rs or grantess, may notify the other t�a� �
<br /> she desires° to have � fence built upon the true boundary line on said three �ides of the south-
<br /> east quarter of the southwest �uarter of said section 22, the true linss upon v�hich the said '
<br /> fence is to be con�tructed, and before the construction thereof, to be deternined by the then �
<br /> county or state surveyor, as agreed upon between the parties, each rarty to pay ane-half af �he
<br /> costs of the gaia survey, and thereupon the said fence $hall be built and maintained on the said
<br /> true line as �rovided by la�v �overnin� devision fences. I� is further found that the said '
<br /> ,.
<br /> agreement hereinbefore referred to and filed in this case 3201 on February 8, 1909, -�hould be :�ad
<br /> a part of the com�lete record in this case. It ie further found that each pf t�e partiee hereto
<br /> �ha11 pay �heir o�rn costs and witnesses , and each one-half of all the other '�axable coat� herein.
<br /> It i� therefore considered, adjud�ed and decreed that the tem�orary order af in�unction iesued �
<br /> in the case of Lizzie Turner ve Mar�aretha �havenet , Gue� Thavenet , William Tho�tenet and
<br />