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<br />� 1.
<br /> . 20�
<br />; , bp the �aldvrin Survey;• thence east alon� the said survey to the southeast cornsr of the Qaid � ;
<br /> ;
<br /> ten acre tract ae established by the said Paldwin survey, and to the iron post hereinaftex re-
<br /> ferred ta as bein� rlaced thereon; from thence riorth along and uron the said Baldwin survey to
<br /> • the point ;�here the east line of the said lot f our (4) on Island would meet the east 13ne of the
<br /> said 1ot one (1� on Mainland, ( in said section �?) if each of said lines were so extended;�
<br /> thence along and upon the southerly boundary of the said lot one ( 1} on mainland, to place of
<br /> � beginning. And that ahe is entitled to have, and should have , the title thereto as to all of the
<br /> afore$a3d lands o�vned by her,-the said Margaretha Thavenet- quieted in her by- a �eeres in this
<br /> aase as a�ainst each and all of the other persons , �artiee to this action, their respective heirs
<br /> or grantees. And that shs- the said i.�argaretha Thavenet- is entitled to have the aaid Lizzie
<br /> Turner, and Benjamin F. Turner, her hus�ra�c�, and their heirs and �rantees , forever enjoined from
<br /> in any manner intsrfering with her q�aiet and peaceable enjoyment thereof. The Court further
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> . I fir.da that the said Pdargaretha Thavenet , her heixs and grante�s�, have a right to keep and main- j
<br /> a
<br /> ;
<br /> tain and continue �he operation of her ice ronci on her said lands, or any �a rt thereof, and '
<br /> for that purpose the said Mar�aretha Thavenet has , and should have decreed to her, and t�.at i�
<br /> � should be con�idered herein that she- �he eaid �iargaretha Thavenet� her heirs and grantees, shall
<br /> . have the ri�ht to put in such dam or dama on her ovm land ae are necessary to construct the
<br /> eaid ice pond and inaintain and or_erate the sa.me; and shall also have the ri�ht to continue �he
<br /> • dam or dams across the said south chan�el on her own land from time t-o time as ahe - rer heirs an
<br /> grantees� - may deem neceasary for the successful operatior. af the said ice �lan�t, and for that
<br /> purpose she- the sr�id 2viargaretha Thavenet , her he irs and �rantees , may deegen the said south
<br /> �
<br /> channel and remove all brush and obstruetiona therefrom when by her ox her eaid heirs or grantees
<br /> deeired, but in so doing she shall not undermine or dig away or remove the sa3d south bank of
<br /> the said south channel of the said north ch�nnel of the Platte River or any �ortion therpof. An
<br /> that in constructin� and maintainin� the said dam or dams the same sha11 be so constructed anc�
<br /> maintained that there shall be no averflow or damage to or upon the lan_ds of the said Lizzie '
<br />� � Turner. That the said Lizzie rt�urner is no�, and ;vas at the time of the commencement of this '
<br /> action, the o�vner in fee of the southwest quarter of the south�vest quarter; and the north half '
<br /> of the afa�@�aid sQUthwest q�.�arter of said section 22;: and the �vest-half of the south�-east
<br /> ' quarter of the said section 22; and lot three (3) on� mainland in said section 27 and lot twa (2) •
<br /> � on Island in the aforesaid section �7;; also all that p�rt of 1ot three (3) on Ieland South and
<br /> southerly of the true line hereinafter desi;nated aa dividing the lands of the said Lizzie
<br />' Turner in the said lot three on Island, in said section 27, from the lands of the eaid ?�argarethe-
<br /> � - Thavenet in t�e sa3d Iot three on I$land. Also the orvner of lot four (4) on Islar.d, in said ,
<br /> section 27 , save an except the �art thereof heretofore found to be o�►ned by the said a�ar�aretha
<br /> - Thavenet , and kno�rn as the said �:�ar�aretha Thavenet ' s �en acre tract. Also the o!vner of the
<br /> �
<br /> north�ast quarter of the south;�est quarter of the said seetion 27, all in Hall County, �ebraska.
<br /> And that the true line �ividing the said lands of the said rlaintiff- a,iar�aretrila Thavenet-
<br /> from the eaid lande of the defendant-Lizzie Turner- is as follows, to-wit : Commencin? at the
<br /> noxthWest corner of the �!.orthwest quarter af the said section 27, in to��nship ��, nor�h range 9,
<br /> _ in said Hall C ounty, *.*ebraska, according to the �,overnment survey, thenae runnin� east to the
<br /> Northeast corner of the eaid northwest quarter of the north-west quarter of the said aection 27,
<br /> � thence north t o the northwest corner of the southeast �uarter of the south�vest quarter of said
<br /> sec�•ion 22, in said t�wnshig and ran�;e, thence east to the true line dividing the said sauth-
<br /> � wes�t quarter of the said section ?2 from the southeast quarter of the said section 22, thence
<br /> south along and u�on the t��e line, according to �overnment survey, to the southeast corner of -
<br /> �
<br /> the said southeas� quaxter of the southwest quarter of the said section 22. And further, com-
<br /> ,.
<br /> mencin�; at the iron pipe on the �overnment quarter section corner of the northeaat �a� �
<br /> - �
<br />� _ . �
<br />� . _ _ � �, ,
<br />