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20� <br /> of t�rand Island, Ne��raska, being a strip of �round twelve inches wide commencin� at Pine Street o <br /> the west boundary line of sai� lot 5, at a point where the east and west divi�ing lines through <br /> � the middle of said lot 3ntersects said �vest boundary line nf said lot and extends thenee easterly <br /> along saic� center dividing lina 6F feet to the east boun3ary line of said lot 5, for the purpose <br /> af orecting and maintairi�.n� a Farty wall thereon with proper fovtings thereunder. And for and <br /> in consid�ration of the payment of One Dollar and other �ood and sufficient conside.rationa <br /> p assin� to and paid to the said first p:arties from the said second parties ,the said fixst parties <br /> hereby 3emise and lea^e unto the said Maggie �`. Glover and Ed�ard D. �'rlovsx a strip of ground . <br /> twelve inches �ride ( or so much thereof as may be needed for the purg��es therein mentioned) off <br /> the South Side of the North � of lot 5 in said Block �4, bbing a strip of �roun� commencing at <br /> �I Pine St reet on the evest side of said lot 5 at a �pint -�vhere the , east and �est center` or dividing <br /> I ^ <br /> line throu�h the center of said lot in�tersects its �►esterly boundary line, thence running, saat . <br /> along the north of said center line �6 feet to the east boundary line of said lot 5, for the <br /> purpose of erectin� and maintaining a party wall thereon �vith pro�er footin�s thereur.�ler. This <br /> lease inclaxdes t�velve inches of land on each side of said center or divi�ing line through said <br /> lo� 5 an3 is made for the purpose of allowing a party �a11. to be erected along and over the cente <br /> f <br /> of said line between �ai� tracta of land and, also for the purpose of esta�alishi�ng a xi�?ht of the <br /> mainta,inence and 3ivision of a part�r �vall alrea�y erected on the east �8 faet of said line and <br /> shall continue in force so long as s�id �:va11, �hen campleted, sha11 stand or either partp may de- <br /> sixe to maintain same. Said evall to be of brick incl�.adin� a basement �all of brick or �tone with <br /> sufficient footin,�$ and stren�th to carry a two stoxy buil�3in� thereon and to be built in a good, <br /> substantial manner. And �vhereas, �;here io now eracted and st�nding ,a �vall of brick oner the <br /> - <br /> I� center of said line an the east �'8 feet thersof, which belor.�$ to the said second �arties, it is <br /> i <br />�; agreed that the said firgt parties, being now desirous of usin� and utilizing same, shall pa y for <br /> r <br /> ane-half �the proper cos�- of a new wall to the secon� parties, the same arrived at as <br /> hereinafter stated, Second garties to have the ri�ht to fa8ten draina�;e spouta and maintain � <br />, same at their e�aense alon� anu�h arall from �t;heix building to Pine Street. And Whereas, the <br /> said first partiss are now ready to buil� said wa17. from said Pine 8txeet to �vhere same joins the <br /> said c�all a'oove mentioned, it i� agreed that they shall erect same ae soon as they 3esira, one_ <br /> half thareof to be on each side af said center line and same to be erectad at the aole e�pense <br /> and �charge of the first gartiss an3 to bs by them niaintained eo long as they retain the �o le use <br /> thereof. And it is further a�reed that ��hen so erec�ed only such part of the land demised herein <br /> as i� actually .u�ed and occupied by said wall ahall be considered as under the eontrol of the <br /> other �party hereto. And it is further a�reed t��at thQ saia seCond parti�s shall ha�re the right � <br /> which is hereby granted to them, to use, utilize and enjoy said wall so erected by the said <br />� first partiea, or so muc�i thereof ae they ma� desire to �ase, upon the paymen� to the said first <br /> part ias of one-half of the proper value and cost of said wall, or so much ther��o� a� they may de- <br /> sire to use or utilize, to be determined at the time when eaid use takes place, and this shall , <br /> �P- <br /> apply to only such part of the basement or u��er wall as said second party may to use, <br /> the remainder thereof to be maintained at the sole eapense and charge of the first parties and ca e <br /> the y cannot a�ree upon the value thereof or o� such part as they may desire to use, the y eaeh . <br /> agree� to choose an arbitrator and the two .thus chosen sha11 choose a third and a ma�ority of the <br /> three sha11 determine the value of one-half of said wa7.1 thus used and utilized by the $e�on� <br /> party and the compensation to be paid to the first party therefor� an3 in like manner they <br /> shall determine one_ha.lf the value of the ��vall no�� �tanding on the east 28 feet af said line to . <br /> be paid to the second party, �tirhich value shall be ,vhat o�e-half of a new wall of same dimen- <br /> sions ana hei�ht would cost now. During t:�e joint use of said �all or any part thereof the <br /> expense of maintaini�g such joint �all shall be borne e�ually �y �Ghe paxties hereto, and in caes <br />