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. . . . __.___.___ _.... . .1 <br />,,'Y������ . . � <br /> , , -199 ' <br /> ; <br /> lnd whsreas, the said first partie� are now rea3y to build said wall along said lines it is <br /> I <br /> agreed tha� ;they shall erect same as soon as they desire, ane-hal.f to be on each si�le of said ' <br /> ! <br /> � , <br /> ' line and sam+� to be erected at their sole charge and expense and to be by them maintained sa <br /> lon� as� they have the sole use there�f;• and only such part of the land described in thia lease <br /> shall be consid�red as under the control of the nther party hereto as is actually occunied by <br /> �� <br /> sai3 wall�lerec�ed. It is �'urther agreed that said second party shall have the ri�ht , �vhich is <br /> � here by granted to him to use, utilize and en�oy said wall or any part thereof, at any time that h <br /> �� may desire, upon the payment• to tl�e first parties� of one-half of the proper cost and value of <br />! sa3.d wall thus utilize�, or used by him to be determined at the time that he so electa to use or � <br /> utilize it, and this shall apgly only to such part of said �sall with basement or upper wall, as <br /> he may desire to use and utilize. And in the event said p arties cannot agree u�on the value of <br /> the �va11 thus used they each agree to chose an arbitrator and the two thus chosen sha11 ahoo�e <br /> , <br /> _ <br /> a third and a majority of the three shall determine the value of the part of the �all thus util- <br /> ized by� the other party, �shich amount is to be paid at saia t ime. It is further a�;reed t���t ia <br /> . <br /> � case both �artie� desire to build sai� ^�all or any nart thereof jointly, then each is to pay ons- , <br /> half of the cost of the const ruction of such part of said �vall as he may use, to be determined <br /> under the same ratio and provieions as statea above. If one party uses more of the basement �vall <br /> or upper stoxy �:�vall than the otlier party desiree to use, the one use��ing the excess shall pay the <br />� sole cost of erect ing and maintaining such excess �uall. Du.rin� the joint use of said �rall the _ <br /> I� egpense of repairs and maintainence shall be borne equally by said partiea� The terms and con- <br />; <br /> I � ditiona of this lease shall be bin3ing upon the heixs, executors and assigns of the parties heret <br /> as covenants runnin�; ��vith the lan�. In testimony whereof the parties to this lease have here- <br /> unto set their hands on the �ate first above writ�Gen. Geor�e A. I�eiser <br /> Minnie Leiser <br /> Witness: Louis E. tJ�perman j <br /> Amy Upperman <br /> Chas. r.�. Ryan. John Paul Smento�vski <br /> � `� Balb ina I�ary 3rne nt ows i <br /> State of Ne'�raska ) . <br /> )e$ <br /> T3a11 County. ) On this 30" ��.ay of January, 19Q9, be�ore me, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Public , in and for said County, personally came the above named �3eor�e A. I.eiser and Minnie <br /> I'� Lei3er his wife and �,ouis r� erman and Am U errnan his �ife and John Paul Smentowski and <br /> , , P� Y PF , , <br /> Belbina Marp 8mento^vski, to me kno�n to be the i3entieal persons whose names are signed to the <br /> foregaing lease an3 they severally ackno!�vle3�e the execution the.reof to be their voluntary act <br /> an3 deed for the pur�oses therein set forth. Witness my hand and Notarial Beal at Grand• Island, <br /> in said County, on the date last above �rritten. Chas�. G. R an. <br /> �'No ary Pu Tf c: <br /> (SEAL) My commi�sion eapire� Feb. 1, 191�. � <br /> Filed for record the 20th day of Februar3r, 1909 at 10-20 O.�d.. <br /> � - _ <br /> _.. _ ;rL'�un�y-ZrTe r . <br />' �##�###�-�'�##���#��-##��--��###�###��-�#�##,##�;��###�#�####�#�######�########�######��#�.�-####���#� _ <br /> P A R T Y 1A �. L L L E A 3 E . <br /> THIS INDE�JTT�TRE and lease made on this 30th day of January, 1909, by and between Gaorge <br /> � �. Leiser and �innie I,eiser, his �vifs , and Louis E. Upperman and Amy Upperman, nia svife, parties <br /> of the first part, an1 ?,�a�;�ie F. Glover and Herbert H. Glover, her husband, and Ed�rard n. �lover, <br /> s�ingla, parties of the secon:� part, all of Hall County, Nebraska, Witnesseth:• That for and in <br /> consideration of the paJment of One Dollar and other good and sufficient considerations passing <br /> to and g.a� the said secon3 gartiea by the said firat parties the said second parties hereby <br /> � 3emise and lease unto the sai� Gearge A. Leiser and Louis F. Ugperman, a strip of ground t�►elve <br /> inches �aride ( or so much thereof as may be neec�ed for the gurrosss herein mentioned) , along tY�a . <br /> �Vorth si3e of the South 1/2 of lot num�ered 5 in block numbered 54 in the ori�inal town ( now <br /> city) . <br />� _ <br /> F:..... . : ' . . . � .... _ . . „ . .�_ _ . ' _ .�"_.... .. . ._.___ <br />