�� -.- - - . __,__ _____ _ . �
<br /> 19�
<br />� r�nd fractional lots 2,3,4, 5,6°, & 7 in B1oek 4 in �600dbine Addition to rranck Tsland, and the
<br />�i .
<br /> N'orth West �uarter of Sectian 22, Tawn 1.1, Rdn�e 9, except �art �latted and tracts sold, all o�
<br /> which real estate is $ituate in Hall County, Nebraska, an� all other real estate owned by said
<br /> teatator at the time of his death, e�herever situated, did �as and descend uron the death oY the
<br /> saic� John Fonner, to gRary E. Fon�ner, his �rido�+, to hane and to hold to her and her heirs and '
<br /> I assi�ns foxever. `
<br /> J. H. Mullin� County Juda .
<br /> State of Nebraska ) �
<br /> )ss _
<br /> �ou�ty of Ha11 ) In the County Court of Said County. I, J. H. Mullin, Jud�e of the County
<br /> Court of said Count,�, do hereby certi�y that the annexea instrument is a cor�mlate and correct
<br /> cogy of the FINAL DFCREF ISSTTED BY SAID Court in the mattAr of the Eatate of John Fonner, de-
<br /> ceased, as the same is filed and recordec� in my office. In �9itness �hereof, I have hereunto set
<br /> my hand and affixed the seal of the County Co�.rt ; of aaid County, at rrand Island, Nebraska, this _
<br /> 18th day of Februaxy, 1909.. J. H. Adullin _ � �
<br /> oun y u. �e.
<br /> (SEAL) Fi1ed for record the 18th day of February, 1909 at 4 P.M.
<br /> l�, � . oun y e r . �
<br /> �,���;:�;�,��#��-,t„� ��:�f�;y����;-��� u y����;��������-��{���:��.�a�##����##�###�f-�����-,#����#####.## �#�######;�#�������###
<br /> , , , „ � ,. ; ,� �#� , , r , , , , �
<br /> THIS INDENTttRE and lease made and enterea into on this 30"' day of January, 1909 by �
<br /> and between c�eorge A. Lei�er and �dinnia Le3ser, his� wife, and Louis Upperman and .Amy TJ�perman
<br /> his wife, parties of the first part, and John Paul Smento�ski ( Single� Belbina ?darq S�nanto!�ski
<br /> (�ingle) parties of the second part, a11 of Iia11 county, Nebras�ka, Witnesseth: That for and in
<br /> c�onsideration of the payment of one dollar and other good and sufficient considerations paid to
<br /> and passing to the said second parties fram the said fixst partie$, the said second partiss
<br /> hereby demise and lease unto the said Geor�e A. Leiser and Louis E. Upperman a �trip af ground
<br /> twelve inches �vide ( or so much thereof as may be needed for the purpnsee herein mentioned) of�° '
<br /> the North �nd of the 1lIP'est t�enty faet of thg South � o� the �est 1/3 of lot sis in block 54 in
<br /> the original town ( now city) of �rand Tsland, Nebraska, the �ame bein�; a 'strip of land twelve
<br /> inches� wide, commencing at the west boun��ary line of said west 1/3 of sa3d lot six at a point
<br /> where the dividin� line running ea�t and west throu�h the eenter of said lot six intersect$ the
<br /> wes� baundary line the.reof and eatending eaat along the $outh side of said Past and �fest divid-
<br /> ing line 20 fe�t, for the gurgo�e of erecting an3 maintaining a party �:,wa11 thereon with proper .
<br /> footings thereun�er. And for and in consideration of the payment af One Dollar and other �;oad
<br /> considerations paid to and �a saing to the �aid first parties _from the said second paxty the said
<br /> first part�ies� hereby demise an�. lease unto the said John Paul Smento�ski a strip of gsaun�
<br /> tweltre ix�ches *�i�e ( or so much thereof as may nesded for the �urpose�a herein mentioned) off
<br />�r
<br /> the South end of the V�est T�enty feet of the North 1/2 of the �fest 113 of said lot si� in said
<br /> block 54;• the �t.rip of ground twelve inches �ide commencing on the West line of sai� �'est 1/3 of
<br /> �aaid lot _six �here the E as* and West dividing line between the North and South 1/2 theraof
<br /> intersects said west boundary line, thence runnin� Ea�at along the �torth side of said dividing
<br /> line tWenty feet , for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a party �all thereon '•with �aroper
<br /> foatings thereunder. This lease include� twelve inches of land on sach sid� of said center
<br /> dividing line and is maae fox the purpose of allowin� a party �vall to be erected along and� over
<br /> the center of said �lividing line batween said tracts of land and shall continue in foree so
<br /> long as said �a11, when erected, shall stand, or eitlzer party may desire to maintain same.
<br /> • 8aid e�all is to be of brick inclu3ing a baaement wall of �Srick or �tone to be built �ith suffi- •
<br /> cient e�tren�;th and" �t��ckness to carry at least a two story buildin� �ith suitable footin�s
<br /> thexeun�er and to be built in a good sube�a�ntial manner.
<br />