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._ ....� _,_ � <br />- 19� � <br /> AFFIDAVIT RELATIVE TO THE TITLE OF THE WEST 78 � <br /> ACRES QF THEs NOR.TH HALF OF THE NORTH �EST Qi1ARTER. OF SECTT�N TWO, TO�NSHIP NINE , <br /> ` RAN�'xE TWFLVE, WEST, HALL COIINTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> State of Nebraska ) <br /> I )ss - <br /> �iall County ) Flavius J. �oraan, bein; first duly s�vorn, says that he 3s a resi�ent of � <br /> Ha11 County, Nebraska, an� has been for the past 35 years, and �as �ell ac�uaintgd, during hi� <br /> lifetime, �rith one E. F. Jonte, whose full name �ras Eu�ene F. Jonte, ;�ho formsrly o�►nsd th� land . <br /> described in the cartion hereof; that he also was :�eell acc�uainted �ith the children of said �. F. <br /> JontQ, deceasea, an�. that one of his gai��. sons �vas familiarly kno�n ae"Sankey "Jonte, but that <br /> s�ai3 name �a�• a nick name an3 that the ri;ht and real name of said "3a�key " Jonte �►as Charle� <br /> �3. Jonte, and that he ��vas a son an3 one of the heirs-at-law of� said E. F. Jonte, who formerly <br /> ocvned the above described rxemises�. �nd further affiant saith not. <br /> � Flavius J. �dor�an. <br /> Subscri�ed and s�vorn to before �e on this 1� day of Fabruary, 1909. <br /> T. t�. Fau�r�ht. <br /> (SEA�) ��y commission ex�ires� Aug. 29-191�4. No a��'ufil3c.�� <br /> Filed for record the 18" day of February, 1�09 at 10 A.M. <br /> � _ 'oun y ar . <br /> ��-��'���#���;f������#�##��������-�;��'�/-��#�,���`��#�����##�-�����##����=,��������#��������#��#����#���������� <br /> IN THE COUNTY COtTRT �F HALL �Ot7NTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> In the Matter of thp Estate of ) <br /> ) Final Decree. <br /> JOHN FONNE Rdeceased ) � � <br /> No�v on t�is 16th day of Febxuary, 1909,, this cause came on for hearing unon the <br /> ��rnrt of �Iary E. Fonner, Executri� of the Last �Jill and Testar.ient of John Fonner, dec�ased, and , ' <br /> 3.t a�pearin� to the satis�action of the Court , from the proof now,on file, that all �ersons in- <br />" texested in said es�tate have been notified by publieation, ae re�.uiredby the order of Court dated <br /> January 30t'�, 1909, and there ��ing no objection or protest on file, and no one appearin� �a <br /> object to the allo��nce of saic� account, and it further appearing to the court, af+er a full ex- ' <br /> amination of said re�ort that the same is correct in all respects and ou�ht to be agpravec� an� <br /> allawed, it is, ther�� 'ore, ORDERED, ADJIID��ED AND DECREED that the report of Mary E. Fonner, Exe- <br /> cut ria of the Last "�ill and Teatament of John Fanner, deceased, be and the same is hereby approve <br /> and allowed as and �or her final account and �he ia dischar�ed of her �#.rus�. Ths Caurt -finds � <br /> that notice of the time allowed and place a;�pointed for filing claima again�t the estate of John <br /> ' Fonner, decease3, �ras �ivsn in ths mannar �rovided by law and requirad by the orde� of court <br /> dated July 11, 1908 : that the time then allo�red has f�ally ex�ired; that all claims filed and <br /> allo�+ed against said �state .hav.e been paid and satisfied;; that all claime out��an�3ing .against <br /> said estate and no� fil.e��., if an� there be, are therefore , forever barred and euel��ded. It is <br /> therefore ORDER:ED, ADJtrDrxED AND C�J3�SIDERED that all ;aersons are farever .barreci from fil�.ng ox <br /> setting up any claims or demanda against the eatate of John, deceased. The Caurt finds <br /> that the cash le�acy of t�ro hundr�c� dallars to Au�ustus I,. Fonn�r, provided for in the last will <br />�k�� >��a�ci testament of the said John Fonner, decPased, has been �aid, an�. that the gold �ateh and cham <br /> .�w :�, � � <br /> , Qequeathed therein have been turned ovar to said legatee. The Court fin�s that the aaid John � <br /> Fonner �as at the time of his 3eath the o�ner af the following de�cribed real sstats situ��e in , <br />� the Countyof Hall and State of Nebras�ka, to-wit:-- A1.1 of .I�ot One (1} on the Islard, and the <br /> South East �uarter of the North East �uarter af Section 27, in To�nship 11, in Ran�e 9, West of` <br /> the fith P. M. bein� the east half of the North East auarter of said Section. The WesterTy one- <br /> third of Lot Seven (7) in Blook Fiftlr-four (�4} in the original to�rn, now City ,of �rand Island. � <br /> Lat One (1) and fractional lots 2, 3, 4, & 5 in Block 25 Baker' s Addition to the City of Grand • <br /> Island. I�ots 8, � & 10 and fractional Lots 2, 3, 4, an�� 5, 6, 7, in fraction-al B1aek 4 in � <br /> ^ <br /> , <br /> . <br />`___ _�.� _:. .`_ _. _ . _..��:�:�.._ �; <br />