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<br />'�r 187 �;
<br /> (C;opY) . �
<br /> In County Court of Hall Caunty, Nebras�ka.
<br /> Tn the matter of the es�tate of )
<br /> ) �'inal Decree:
<br /> Julius Krehmke , deceased. )
<br /> Nov� on this 21s�t day of November�, T908, this came on for hearing u�on the report of Fred
<br /> J. Pahl,. Executor of .the Las� Wi�l an3 Tes�tament of Julius Krehmke , deceased, and it appearing �o
<br /> the satisfac.tion of the Court that all persflns interested in sai3 est3te have been notified by
<br /> =� publication as requirea by oraer of thia Court datQd November 9, 190�., of the filing of said re�-
<br /> �" por�- and no ane a�pearing ta ob ject and it �urt�er appearing �o �he Cour� after a full e�mina�
<br /> tion that said account - is correct and ought to be allo�ve3, it is therefore Ordered, Adjudged and
<br />; .
<br />' Decreed that the account af Fred J. PahT Executor be and the same is �allowed and a�Proved as and
<br /> � for hi� final account and he is diechargad af his trust an� hie bond relea�ed. The Court finds�
<br /> that the said Exec�tor has paid the le�acies� provided for in said will and that he has�� fully ac-
<br /> , �bunted for all of said es�tate which came �nto his hanas. The Court finda that by order of this�
<br /> . Court dated January 13, 1908, creditors of Julius Krehmke were allowed aiz months from the �7th
<br /> - day of January, 190Fs, in which to pre�ent �heir claims in the office of the CountZ� Judge of Hall
<br /> County, �lebra�rka;i that the time then allowed for filing claims has fu11y exFired;• that notice wa�
<br /> �inen a11 creditora, by publication and by �ostin�a of the tin�e allowed and place anpointed for pre
<br /> sentin� �cla-ims� a�ainst sai�3 es�tate,•� that no claims of �ny nature �vere filed;� that all claims out--
<br /> � s�tanding a�ainst the estate of Julius Krehm�e , deceased, if any there be, are therefore forever
<br /> , �
<br /> � barred ana exclu�.ed and eaid estate is fully closed and settled. The Caurt Yinde that the said
<br /> .
<br /> Julius Krehmke left �urvivin�; him as� his heirs� at la��v and his only heirs at la�v, the following
<br /> , named persons; Au�uste KxehmkQ , his wido�, and �Iaria Krehmke , Johannis Krehmke , Cl�ra Krehmke,
<br /> ,
<br /> • Ernst �rehmke , an3 ;�artha Krehmke , his chilc�.ren. The Court finds that the said Julius �Krehmke was
<br /> ,
<br /> at the time of his death the owner of the following describea real �state aituate in the County
<br /> _ .
<br /> of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wi� ; Lots one ( 1) and two (2) in Bloc� Fifteen ( 15) in Kerno-
<br /> , han and Deckers� Addition to Grand Island. The Court finds� that the said Julius Krehmke depart-
<br /> ed this life on the 9th day of Septembar, 1907 , and that he left a last �vill and Testament which
<br /> instrument was duly r�roved and admitted to probate in thia Court on the 13th day of Janua�y, 1908,
<br /> and which was in words� and figures� as followQ : " In the name of Cod, Amen. I , Julius Krehmke of
<br /> . the city of Grand Island and State of Nebraska, considering the uncdrtainty of this mortal li�e,
<br /> and being of sound minci an� memory, bless�ed be !xod for the same, �3o make and publish this my las�
<br /> w�ill and Tes�tament in mannex anc� foxm following, that is to say: First : T direct that mp funeral
<br /> charges�, the exnense-s of admini.stsrin� my e�tate and all my 3eb�;s be paid out of my personaT prop-
<br /> erty. If that be ineufficient I aLathorize my executor, hereafter named, to sell so much of my
<br /> rea�1� estate as may be necessary for that purnose. Second: I �ive and ber�ueath and devise to my
<br /> ,
<br /> - belqved ;vife �uguste Krehmke all my househol3 furniture and all the rest of my �ersonal property,
<br /> after payin� theref rorn the above mentioned itema to bQ hers- f orever. Th�rti: I give and bequeath
<br /> � and devise to my beloved �ife Au�;ust e Krehmke a11 the Real E��ate of which I shall die possess�sd
<br />. "�t� have and to hold the same to her and to her heirs� forever. Fourth: I hereby give to each of
<br /> my childxen Maria, Johannis, Clara, Ernst , and hfartha, the sum of �500. Fifth: I hereby give the
<br /> custody of my children ?�axia, Johannis , Clara, Ernst and P�artha during their minority and while
<br /> they remain unmarried to my beloveci ��rife Auguste Krehmke. And I hereby ap�aoint mf eaid wife
<br /> A�uguste Krehmke to be the guardian of my said children. 5ixth: I hereby aphoint my friend F.J.
<br /> Pahl, of Grand Is3and, Hall County, tdebraska, the sole executor of this my last will and �es�tament
<br /> In Testimony �vhereof, I hereunto set :ny hand and seal anc� �ublish and decree this to be my las�t
<br /> �i1T and Testament in presence of the �vitneseea namecl below this llth day of A�ril in the year of
<br /> , - our I,ord One Thousand Nina Hundred and $ix. �
<br />�
<br /> ( �. S. ) Julius Krehmke. A
<br />, , .
<br /> _� .
<br />