_. _. , . �
<br />� � � � ,
<br /> 186 . � �
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<br />� 3.. The Court finds that on th� lt3" �.ay of Apri1, A. D. 1908, the said Louisa F. �cudd�r, fildd
<br /> i
<br /> her bond as by law re���aired and the same �vas duly a�rroved and ordered recorded. That on the
<br /> �ame day the oa�h :�ras taken as by law re�uired and the same was or��ered recorded, and letters W�r �
<br /> thereu�on i��ued to I.ouisa F. Sc�a��der.
<br /> 4. That on the 18" day of April A. D. 1908, thi�t Court maae an order fixing the 11" day of May
<br /> A. D. 1903, at the houx of 10 o'clock A. i�. or within six months thereagte� as the time for the�
<br /> filing and adjustment of claims and c�iroctin� that notice of said order be given by the nub— ,
<br /> lication of a cory thereof in the Adame County, Democrat, for Four weeka a� b� la� requ�xed.. , :
<br /> 5. That on 2Yiay 14" 19Q8, there ��as �'iled in this o�fice proof that notice had been given in th
<br /> Adams CountJ Democrat as re�uired by tl�e former order of this Court..
<br /> 6. That the time li�iited for the filing an�� adjustment of claims a�ain�t �aid estate has lon�;
<br /> sinca ex�ixed and all claims filed and allowed have bsen fully paid, including the eoat� of ad--
<br /> mini�tration and that all claim� . not �iled havP 'necome �arred by tYies statute of limitation.
<br /> 7". That on the 11" 1ay of November A. D. 1908, oz,� the petition of Loui�a_ F. Scudder, and the �
<br /> c�aiv�er of n�tice by Louisa F. scuader, Cora M. VanFleet and Carl L. Scu��er, and the consent that .
<br /> thi� cau�e be heard at once �vithout notice , an order �vas made that said cause ettan� for hearing
<br /> at ,once.
<br /> 8. That Louisa �. Scudder, Cora M �ranFleet� and Carl L. Scu3der, all being prasent in ppen
<br /> court, rec�uest the Court to not re�,uire Louisa F. Scudder to file a r��ort, �nd to �ettle with he
<br /> and di�char�e her withaut the filing anci ap�roval of said renort in as much as there are no clmim . -
<br /> 9•. That at the re��,tzest of the ak�ove parties, they bein� the only �arties in int�reet, it wa� . �
<br /> ordered that said rerqrt be �.i�rensed �ith and the adminiQtratria xeli�eved from filin; the same. �
<br /> 10. That Loui�a F. Sclxuder, admin.istratrix of the ��state of JaMes H, Scudder, decease�d, ha� �
<br /> - . . . _ . . ,�,�.1 . -
<br /> in all thing� faithfully performed her duty as said ad�inistratrig, a� required of her by the ,
<br /> orders of this Court an3 the la� of thie �tate, and has fullf accounted for and adminieterec� .
<br /> � all of said e�tate �vhich has come into her possession, or knowl��3ge and that she �should be di�-. . _: ; �
<br /> ,
<br /> char�ed and ac�uitt�d from any an�. all liay;�ility concerning her administration of said e�tate.
<br /> 11. That James H. Scudder, de�ar.ta��. thie life i.n Adam� County, �Tebra$ka on th� 13" day of , �
<br /> February A.D, 1908, �eize3 in fee sim�le of the followin� described r�al estate� East one—half
<br /> ( � ) of �outh VPAst One Fourth (�) and the �est One Half (�) o� the South Ea�t One Fdurth (�)
<br /> of Section Eleven (11) To;vnship Nine (9) Range .Nine (9) West, Hall County� Nebx+��ka, and �hm
<br /> South East One' Fourth (�� of S�ction Two (2) Township Ten (10) North Range Fourty 4r�i (41) � _. �
<br /> Perkin� County, t�l�bxdska, and the South Wes� �uarter {�) of Sect ion Eightoen (18) Townehip Seven ,
<br /> (7) t�lorth Range Fouxtp Six (46} in Phillipps Count�, Colorado and the North Ea�t One Fourth (��)
<br /> of Block Twenty Sev�n (27) Ori�inal Town Colv�lle , Stevena County,�, Wa�hington, and the �'��at
<br /> One Half (�) of Lot Elev�n (11) and all of Lot Ten ( 10) except the West Fort�r and One� half f�et
<br /> ,
<br /> ��, �4p' � � all in �lock Two (2) Wilkins' Addition to the �own of Ha�tin�s, R,ebra�ka. • �
<br /> 12. That Louisa F. Scua3er vri��o�, Cora M. VanFleet and Carl L. Scud3er, ar� the on1J heirs of _
<br /> James H. Scudder, dece�sed, and are hi$ wida�, hi� daugh�er and �on.
<br /> 13. It i� therefore adjud;ed, decreed and ordered, by the Couxt, that Louisa F. Scudder, Admin�
<br /> istratria, be an� �he here'py is c�ischarged, her letter� dancelled and her bond released f rom
<br /> further liability. .
<br /> Tn �itnes� whereof, I have h�reunto �et my hand and affixed the �eal of o�ar said• Court,
<br /> thi�c 11" day of Novez�'+�er, A. D. 19�3. . �
<br /> (SEAL) , �'tilliam F. But�on. •
<br /> Judge o he Coun y ourt. �
<br /> Filed for record thi� `7th day of January, 1909, at 10 AM. •
<br /> �
<br /> oun y C er .
<br /> � � . �
<br />