�84 .
<br /> --- - . � ( AFFIDAVIT ) � ,
<br /> �
<br />' St�t� of Nebraska ) • �
<br /> )SS. '
<br /> H�11 County. ) • Charle$ G.R.yan being �irst duly s�orn,deposes and says tnat ne is one
<br /> of the Directors o� tne Grand Tsland E�nking Commany, o� C�ra�nd 1sland,Nebr�sk�.; that he know� •that
<br /> �t all times durin� the' year lyU1 tn.e Preaident of said I�anking Comp'any. was a non-resident oY th "
<br /> state , of ivebra�ka. That in all, cases in t�hicn said Rankin� Cornnany Y�as executed conveya�nces,and
<br /> releases of mortgages,throu�h its Vice President,ne,said Vice President;wa�s the presiding, �member
<br /> , . . �:
<br /> of ita Bo�rd of Directars,and , tn�t ne was acting in �hat c�.paci�y on November 26tn,1901,when .
<br /> said Compr�ny conve�ed by ;varranty deed,to Henry W.l��iese and Christ.?deyer,the Nortn East qu�rter
<br /> of Section 15, in Townshir ll,nortn,of Range 11,�est of �ith P.M, recorde.d in Book 32,page 67,of
<br /> � the deed .records ot sai�. t-ia11 County. . ,
<br />�i - ,
<br /> Further affiant saitn not. . '
<br /> , � � Charles G�.R�an - _ -
<br /> - -
<br /> Subscri}�ed and sworn to be�ore me: trii� 8th day o�' L�ecember;190&.
<br /> ( SEAL ) , • David Ackerman
<br /> . ' . � • o �ary Pu ic.
<br /> My commiasion exrir.ea �"eb. ly,1910. ' �
<br /> Fi1ed �or record tnis 8"3ay of Decemi�er 1y�8,at 2 P.1,�. � .
<br /> . . � �i� ��?� "
<br /> � �.��y ler , � .
<br /> ,
<br /> #��###��:�'������F,��#��:���f-��J��;,,���,,�1�;"��#�1�!�-���1;1-�'��1�f����{r�������'�#.,�f��t����'1������l�� ,��-, �����#��#�## #�# �'�# ###
<br /> ( FINAI� DECREE ) ' ,
<br /> In County Court of Hall Cou.nty,Nebraska.
<br /> In the z�iatter of the Estate of )
<br /> ' j ..FINA�, DECREE.
<br /> John H�ndrickson,deceased.
<br /> Now on �his �$th day of November,190$,this cause came on for hearing upon the report of Signe
<br /> � Hendricksan,Administratrix of the estate of John Hendrickson,deceased,and it ap�earing to the
<br /> sat�isfaction of the Court from the proof on file that all persons interested in 'said estate hav
<br /> been duly notified by publication as 'r�quired by orcier of Court dated November 16th 1908,and no � ,
<br />� one ap�earing to object ,ar.d it further a�pearing to the Court aftex a full examination of said -°
<br /> i
<br /> account that th� same is correct in all respects and ou�ht to be allowed 3.t is therefore ,
<br />,
<br />� Ordered that the account of Si�ne �iendrickson Administratria of the ,estate of John Hez�rickson ' _.
<br /> � ;�. �� .
<br /> k�e a�3 the same is allow��. as and for her final accoL?nt and she is dischar�ed of her ��ust and •
<br /> her bond released. �The Co�.�rt finds that the said A�.ministratrix has fully accourl�ed for all of .
<br />� the estate which came into her har.�.s ,b.as �aid the fun�ral expences ,expenee� of the last sieknes
<br />! costs of adminiatration,and has �.istributed the remainder among the heirs at law enti�ed �tq �
<br />` share in the distribution as sha�n by receipts on file. '
<br /> The Court finds that by c�rder dated March 14th 1908,creditora of the �aid John Hendrickson were ,
<br /> allowed six months from the 23rd day of ?�arch 1�4$, in �hich to present their cla�ims in the offi
<br />� of the County Jud�e of Ha11 County,Nebraska;that the time then allowed has fully ex�+ired;t.hat -
<br /> F
<br /> notiee of the time allo�ed and �1ace aFrointed fox filing elaims �as �iven all creditors by• .
<br /> publication anr�. by �ostirg;that all. elair�s filed and a13.owed have been paid and satisfied;that .
<br /> all c1ai�7s a��;ainst said estate not filed.,if any there be ,are forever barred and eRCluded.
<br /> It is,therefore ,considered and ad�udged by the Court tha.t all �ersans are for�ver barred from '
<br /> filing or setting up any claims against the eetate of John Hendrickson deceasad,and tY�at said ,_ -
<br />` estate is full.y settled and closed. The Court finds that the said Jahn Hendrickson de�arted � �
<br /> this 7,ife on the llth day of Fsbruary,1908,intestate.
<br /> The Court finds that the said John H�ndrickson left surviving him as his heirs at la�,and his
<br /> only heirs at law,the follo�ir_g named �ersons : Si�ne Hendrickson his �r�dow�an3 Albert :�►.Hend-
<br /> ricksan,Irene Hendrickson,and Hilda Hendrickson his chil�ren. • � ,
<br /> The Court finds that the said John Hendrickson �ras at the time of his death the o�rner of tha `
<br /> , - �
<br />