1�2 .
<br /> ,
<br /> The Northwe8t Quarter of Section �umber TRenty-four (24) , in Township Numbe� Twelve (12) ,�torth oY
<br /> Ramge Number Ten ( 10) ,West of the 6th Principal Meridian,and at said time,by good and sufficient
<br /> desd,dulp Qigned,executed,acknoWledg�d an�l delivered trie said Jerome .I.�Case,Stephen Bull,�assena '�,
<br /> B.Erakine and Rqbert H.�aker du7y sold and convsyed. said pr�m�.sea t_o the Said. d.I�Case Threshing . '
<br /> Machine Company,a corporation,and that the said J.T;Case Thr�shing �dachine Company,a corporation,.
<br /> then and thereby became the ow�er in fee simple of $aid de�cribed premisee and acqnired all of th
<br /> right �title�interest and estata ot tne said Jerome l,Case,Stephen Bull,Masaena B.�rskine,Robert
<br /> H.Baker and J.I.Case, &. Companp,and o� each of them, i� and to eaid premises..
<br /> The court furtrier Yinda that the said dee�i from �he said Jerome. T.Case,Stephen. Bu11,�Ia�sena B.
<br /> Erskine and Robert H.Baker conveyin� said premises tcr the said d.T.Case Thr�ehing �daehin� Company
<br /> ( was never recorded in th� office of tl�e county clerk,ex officio recorder of deeds,of Hall Countp, �
<br /> Nebraska,and that said deed has been lost,and that i�s mbsence from records of deeds in the of�ic
<br /> o� the countp clerk of Aa11 County,Nebraska,easts a cl.oud upon, the title of' the plainti�Ys to .
<br /> said premises. The� eourt �urther finds that qn the 20th dap of 8eptember A�1?,1887,one B�isco P. .
<br /> Gri�3itn became the owner, in fee sim�?le of the said �torthwest Quarter o� Section_ N�mber Twenty -
<br /> Ifour (24) ,in Towx�ship Number Twelve (12) ,NOrth af Range taumber Ten (10) ,West,and on eaid day
<br /> entared. into possession of said premises as owner thereof and cauaed said premieea to be cultivat d
<br /> and placed ealuable and last�ng improvement� ther�on and remained in open,peaesable,eaclusive, . �
<br /> notorious and adveree posseasion thereof,until the 2nd day, Qf March A.D.1896,the sald Brieco P.
<br /> Gri�fith and B.P.t�riffith who appears as �rantee in a deed recorded in Book 4 of Deede at Page
<br /> � 632 of the r�carci� of Hall County,Nebraska,being one and the- same person. �
<br /> � �
<br /> The court finds that the said Brisco P.Griffith departed thi$ life on the 2nd day of March A.D.
<br /> 1$96, interstate,and that he le�t survi�rin� him as hi8 heirs at Yaw and hie only heirt3 at law the
<br /> plainti��s Vernon B.Griffith a son and Mildxed L.Griffith a daughter,and tt�e plaintiff Ida B.$tev ,
<br /> enson,then Ida B,Griffith,as his widow,and that the said Vernon S.Griffith.and Mildred L.Griffith
<br /> became the o�nexs in fee simple of the said ivoq�thwest Qua.rt�r of Section �tumber TRenty-�our (24) ,
<br /> ir� Township t�wnber Twelve (12) ,NOrth o� Ran�e T.;umber �'en (10 j ,West as he ira at 1aw o� the saic�
<br /> Bxisco P.4riffith,deceased,subject,nawever to the do�er right of the said Ida B.Gr3.ffith,now ,
<br /> Ida B�S��r�enson;that the ee�r��e of t�ie eaid Brisco P.Griffith has been fully s�tt�ed and a11
<br /> debta paid. Tha court further finde that on t�ie 2nd day of March 1896 the said Vernon 8«ariffi h
<br /> and Ida B.Griffith,noW Ida B.Stevenson,the plainti�fs herein,entered into possess�on of said,prem �
<br /> isees as ownexs thereof as heirs at law and wido�r of the �aaid Brisco P.ariffith,deceased,and have
<br /> ever sinee said time been in open,peacheable,egcluaiva,notorious and adverse pos8e�sion thereof
<br /> under claim of ownership and that the aaid Vernon �.Griffith and Mildred L.GriYfit� are now the
<br /> ownars in fse simple,of the �aid Northwest Quaxter of Section Nvmber Twentp-four (24) ,ir� �oWnship
<br /> tVumber Twelve (12) ,North of Ran�e �vumt�er Ten (10) �West,subject ,however,to the doWer ri�ht Qf the
<br />- said Tda B.Stevenson. The court further finds that the eaid Jerome T.Ca�e ia long since dead, �
<br /> and that he left surviving him as heirs at law the defendants Henrietta Case Fuller,Jessie Ca�e ,
<br /> �+allia and Amanda Case Crooks and none otherB,and the defendant Lydia A.Case ia �he WidoW of the : .. �
<br /> ,
<br /> eaid Jerome T.Case,deceased;that---Fuller,first name unkno�n defendant is the hueband of the defe
<br /> ndant Henrietta Case �'uller.; that ----�allis first name unknown,defendant, i� the husband of the
<br /> Jessie Case P�allis and th�t ---Crooks,first name unknown ,defendant ia the husband of the defend-
<br /> ant Amanda Caee Crooks;that the estate of the said Jerome I.Cese has be�n fullp settled and all
<br /> debts paid . And what remained of said eetate was inherited by the �aid de�endant� Hea�ietta Case
<br /> F'u11er,Jessie Case Wallia and lraanda �ase Crooka.
<br /> The court further finds that the said Ma$sena B.Erskine is long sinCe dead and that he left
<br /> survivin� him as heira at; law and his sola and only heirs at law the defendants Charles E.Erskine
<br /> Emrri� E.Croeby and Flora E.Miles;that the said B�aQSena B.Erskina left no widow surviving him; .
<br /> � �hat -----Erskine,first narr�e unknown,defendant ,is the wife of the defendant Charle� �.�rskine;that
<br />. I :
<br />