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<br /> I,J.H.�ullin,Judge of the County Court of eaid County,do hereby cert�ify that the annexed
<br /> instrument is a complete and correct copy of the Final Decree isaued by said Court in the
<br /> matter of the Estate of Catharina Guelzow,deceased,as �he same appears of record in my office.
<br /> IN WITNESS AHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court of sa3d
<br /> County,at Grand Tsland,Nebraska,the first d.ay of �eptember,1908.
<br /> � SEAL ) J.H.Mullin'
<br />� _ oun y ge.
<br /> E Filed for record this 3rd day of. September 1908,at 3-30,P.2�.
<br />� .
<br /> I ,
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<br />�' � � � � � � � ( CoPY) �
<br /> � �� In County C�ourt of Hall Countp, Nebraska. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br />'i In the Matter of the sstate of )
<br />�� . Final �Decree
<br /> Charles Bockha� Decease3 �
<br /> _ Now on �his 2oth day of April, 1908, this cause came on for hearing upon the final accout�
<br /> � of John Bockhalwy � Administrator of the e�tate. of Charlea Bockhal,�, deceased, and it eatisfactorily a -
<br /> �earing to me, from the proof naW on file that all persons intereeted iri e��d estate have been d p
<br /> notified as required by the order of th�s court, and no one appearing to ob�ect. or to protest agai st
<br />� ,
<br /> 9; the allovrance of aaid account and it Furth�r a;�pearing af�er a fu11 exa.minatio� of-��id accouzit th t
<br /> the same is correct and ought to be approve� and allowed as and for his final account 3.�t is, thsre
<br /> -fore, ordered that the account of John Bockhahn be a3zd the same is hereby approved and allowed aa nd
<br /> for .his fin�l account and he is aischar�ed of his trust and hi� bond released.
<br /> . The Court finds that creditors of �he estate of Charlea Bockha�ua deceasad, Were, bp order
<br /> of this Court dated August. 3lst 1907, allowed ais months from the 9th day of September 1907� in
<br /> which to present their claims in the office of the County Judge of Hall County; that the time so
<br /> allowed has fully eupired; that notice was �iven a11 perso�s by publicatioa:��and by posting of the �
<br /> time allowed and �lace apnointe3 for presenting claims aga3nst said estata; that all claims filed
<br /> and allowed by the Gourt have been paid; that a11 claims not presented, 3.f any there be, are there
<br /> -f ore barred and- e�cc luded. .
<br /> It is, therefor�, �Jrdered, Ad�udged and Consi3ered �hat all peraons are:°forever barred fr m
<br /> �iling or settin,� up any claims or demande 3g8���at the ;eata.te of Charleg BockhBhxt, deceased.
<br /> �` The Court finds that the sa3d Charlea Sockhahx� left surviving him as his heirs at 1aw and
<br /> hi� only heirs a� law, the following named persons: John Bockhah.rt, Elsie Bockhahr,i, Alfrsd Bockhahr�
<br /> Julia iiockhah�. and Mollie �3ockhahxt, has chil'dren.
<br /> Ths Cfpurt finds that the said Bh�lesi�Bockhahn �as at the time of his death the owner ot
<br /> �he following described real estr�te, situata in the county of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-wi�:
<br /> The �Pest half of South East �uarter of sect 3on thirty-t�ro (32} Town Twelve (].a) Range Eleven (Z1} -
<br /> West of the 6th P.�.' and that under the la�rs of the state Qf Nebraska, all of the a�ove described
<br /> real es�ate did pase and °descend at his death to the said John Bockhahz�, Julia Bockhaht�, Alfred
<br /> Bockhah�, F1eie Bockhahn and Mollie Bockhah.r� in equal shares to h�ve and to hold to them and to �
<br /> their he3rs and assigns forever.
<br /> � Tt is, therefore cons3.3sred by the Court that the �rest half of the Sot�th eaet quar��r (W
<br /> � of SE � ) of aecti:on 3a, Tov�ship tWelve (12) Ran�e 11 in Hall County, Nebraska d3.d pasa and des-
<br /> -cend at the dsath of Charlea Bockhahn to John Bockhahn, Elsie Bockhah::rr, Alfred Bockhahr�., Julie�
<br /> Bockhahtt, and .�ollie Bockhahri ae tenants in common in absolute title.
<br /> J.H.Mullin,
<br /> C ounty Judge.
<br /> *****�******�***x�****
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