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<br />; 14�3
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<br /> f Countp of NeW York aforesaid, dulp qualified and sworn,, persoaaXly �ame, Edward H. Harriman, to me n �� � � ::�:
<br />�
<br /> personally knoAU gad' �nown to me to be �he Pree�deat of tJnion Paciffc �ai�.rQad Companp �he corpor- '
<br /> -ationdescribed 3n and e�hich eaecuted the foregoin� instrvment ae partyro� the first part thereto,
<br />' and gle$ander Mi11ar� to me personallp known and known to me to be the Secretary of said Union Pac
<br /> -ific Railroad Company; and the said Edv�ard H, Harrim�n and Aleaander 2�illar, being by me severall
<br /> duly sworn, did sevsrally depose and eaq that �he said Edwarc� H. Harrimaa resided' in the village o
<br /> Arden, $��te of New York, and that Lthe said Alesander M311ar resided in the Ci��r o£ Plainfield,8ta e
<br /> of Ne� Jersey; that th� said EdaPard g. Harriman is the President , and that �he eaid Aleaander Milla
<br /> 3s th� Se��b�t��rq� o� said IInion Pacific Railroad Compnap, the corporat3.on described in and Which e
<br /> -ecuted the forego�ng instrument; that th�y knew the eorporate seal of �sid corporat3or�; and that
<br /> the sea� affiaed to the said in�trument wa� and is such eorporate s�al of said Union Pac3�ic Rail-
<br /> -road Company and was so affixed by order cf the Board o� Direetore of aaid C:omp4ny, aad that thep
<br /> smverallp signed their na�ae� thereto by like order as Pres�.deat and Secretary of eaid Companp res-
<br /> -psct ivelp.
<br /> IN y►ITNE38 WHEREOF, I have heraunto set my hand and affiaed my notarial �ea1 at my oY��c• in
<br /> the Borough o� �ianha��an, Citp of New York� the day and year fi�st above.:;t�vrritten.
<br /> Mp comm3sgion eapires March,30,1909.
<br /> t}e o. H. C orey,
<br /> (Bealj Notary Public for the Ccun y
<br /> of New York�8tat e of New Y rk. '
<br /> **********x�***********+� �
<br /> S'tato oP NeX York �
<br /> 88. I, C�eorge H. Corey, r�siding �n the C3.ty, County and 8tate of New Yor
<br /> Covnty of New York
<br /> aforesaid, a Cominis�ioner cf Dedds in the State of lJev� York Yor the
<br /> atatea of Io�s, Kans�.a, Mi�souri, Nebra�ka, Col.orado, 1[poming and Qtah, respeetively, duly appoi -
<br /> � -ed, qualified and commi�sioned bp t�e tt3��overnore of said States respectivelp , and a Netaacp Public
<br /> I in and for the Count of New York, dulp appointed, qualified and commiesioned do hereb certff' t at
<br /> Y . Y Y
<br /> on the 30th atay of June,g.D. ,19�8 j before me personalip a�pearad Alvin W. 8rmeh, the Pres3.d�nt,an �
<br />� Frederic� �. Fulle, the Secretarp of The �quitablm Trust Company of New Yoski par�y o� the �econd
<br />� part, and grantee 3n the foregoing instrument or mort gage deed, w3th whom I am p�rsonallp acqua3.n - . ,
<br /> -ed and who are personally known to me to ba such Pres3dent and Secretary re�pactively , aad pereo
<br />; .
<br /> -allp known to me to be the same persons whoee names are sign�rd to the foregoing ir�trument or mo - �
<br /> -gage deed as such President and Secretary respectivelp, and thmp for themselves and on behalf of
<br /> sa3d The Equ3table Truat Company of New York on th3a day saverally acknowlsdged to me that aa3d T
<br /> Equitable Trust Company of Naw York eaeeuted said in$trwnent or mortgage deed, and that they sign ,
<br /> sealed and ackno�rledged the same ae the�.r own. free and voluntary act and deed and as the iree and
<br /> eoluntary act and deed of the �aid Company, for the uses and purpoee� therain set forth.
<br /> And the said Alvin W. Krech and Frederick A. Full�, be3ng by me dulp s�orn, did severallp de
<br /> -posa and say that �aid Alvin W. greeh i� and at �he time of the eaecution of said instrument� wa�
<br />� the Pres3dent , and that the said Frederick W. Fulle is and at the t ime o� the ezecut ian of +said i
<br /> -strument waa the 8eeretary cf said The Equitable Trust Companp of New York, the corporaticn nam
<br /> in the foregoing instrument; that +�uch instrument wa�a signed on behalf of such corporation by au�
<br /> -o�3ty of a resolution of its Board of D3rectora; that they knew the corporate esal of the �a3d Co -
<br /> -pany; that �he eeal affiaed to the formgoing instrument was and is the eorporate seal of said Co
<br /> -pany, and that it �va� so affiaed by the order of the _Board of Directora of said Companp; that the
<br /> said Alvin W. Krech signed the name of eaid corporation and hia own name thereto ag Pres�3dent , an
<br /> the said Freds�rick W. Fulle signed his name thereto as �ec,�etarp, by like ordar of �aid Board of
<br /> Director�i and that the �aid inatrument was eigned, eealed and acknowledged for the us�s and pa�zpo es
<br /> therein sat forth and to tha end that the Qame might be duly rmcorded.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREQF; I have hereunto set my hand and seals of ofYice as Comm3eeioier 3r� the St �e
<br /> of NeW York for t2ee several gtates of Ioara, Kansas, Mi��ouri, 1Qebraska, Colorado, Apomiag and IIte� ,
<br />