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_ __ _ . . ._ � <br /> , <br /> 144 <br /> in the presence of a representativa of the Truatee, and a repreeenta�ive of the Railroad Company, <br /> and the Truetee shall thereupon deliver the bonds so cancelmd to the Railroad Compatlp. <br /> ARTIQI�E NI�ttTH.. . . . . . . . <br /> MI�CELLANEOUS PROVISIONB. . . . . . . . . • <br /> Section l. Anp request or other instrUmen� required bp th3� indenture to be signed or ez <br /> -�scuted by a bondholder map be in any� numbar of Qoncurrent inetruments of similar tanor� .and map e <br /> signed nr eaecuted bp such bondholder in person� or bg agent or attorney appoir�ted in Rriting. Pr of <br /> of the escecution of anp such reques� or other inatrument� or o� a writing appointing any �uch age t �: �} <br /> or. attorney, or of the holdin� bp any person of a coupon bond tran�ferable by deliverp� shall be <br /> sufficient for anp purpose of th3s indentute, and shall be COY1Cltt8�98 3n favor of ti�e Trus�ee wit � � <br /> regard to anp action taken by it under aueh request or other instrtm►ent, if made in�.the fo�.lowing <br /> manner� viz: <br /> (1) The fact and date of th� execution by any pereon of anp au�h r�quest, or othar in�t <br /> ment or writing, map be proved by the certifiaa�e of anp �,otarp �ublia or other a�thoriz �c <br /> take acknowledg�nents of deeds to 'i�e recorded in any State within the IInited 3tates, aestifying �h <br /> the person signing auch requeet or a�her inetrwnent a��kho�riedged to him the e,aeeution therecf, or <br /> by the aff3davit of a Witness to suc:h. �xecution dul� aworn to before any such notarp publ3a Qx .ot r <br /> o�f icer. . � <br /> (a) The amount of eoupon bonds traneferabls by delivery held �b�g anp ,person� eaecutin� an <br /> such requeat or other instrumeflt a� a bondhoider, and the amounts and�;�erial a�mbers of the borx3.s <br /> � held bp euch persan and the date of h3� -holding the �ame, map be proved 'by a certifieate eaeautes� � <br /> by anp trus� compaz�p, bank pr o�her d�po�itary �Whersg���Q3tus.te�d} whose certifioate ehall be de <br /> -ed by the Tr�tee to be sat�s�actory, showing that suah person had on depoeit with such d�posit <br /> -ary or eshib3ted to it bonds desaribed in suah certificate at the. date therein mentiened. <br />` (3� The� ownership of registared bonda and coupon bonde registered as to principal sha11 e <br />` proved bp the book� for the registration of such bonda provided for undeir �lrticl� Firet hereo�. <br /> $eat3.on 2. The Railroad Compariy and the Truetee may dee� and trea� :the per�ot� in Whos <br /> name any registered bond.without coupons, hereby secured, shall be registered upoa� the books of t <br /> Railroad Company as hereinbefore provided, ae the absolut� o�vner of snch bond for the purpose of <br /> reQeiving payment of, or on account ,of, the prinaipal and intereet of �uch bond� and for all other � <br /> purpoges., and may deem and treat the :pe.rson in who�a _name any aoupon �ond �hall be �ao r�gisterad a <br /> the abgolu�e owner thereof for the purpose of reeeiv�ng payment o�, or on account of, the principa <br /> tY�ereof, and for a�l other purposes, eaaept ta receive papmen� of in�ere�t repre�ented by outstand <br /> -3ng coupons; and all $uch papmenta so to such regiaterod hold�r, foir �he time ,be3ng, or upon <br /> hia order, ehall be valid�and ef�ectual :to satisfy and dischaarge the l.iabil�tp af the Railroad Co <br />. -pany upon such bond to the eatent of the �um o� sums so paid.. � <br /> 8ectio� 3. The Railroad Company and the Trustee may deem. and treat the bearer of anp <br /> coupon bond herebp secured, wh3ch ahall not at the time be regiatered a� herein"befors authorired, � � <br /> and the bearer of any coupon appertaining to any coupon bond� �►hether registered flr not , as the ab . ��� <br /> -solute owner of such bond or coupon for the purpoae oP rece�3ng papmen� theraof and for aTl othe � <br /> purposea whatBOever, and neither the Railroad Companp ao� the T�ustee shall be effected by any no� � <br /> -ice to the contrary, . � • <br /> Ssction 4. No recourse uruier anp obl3gation, covenan� or agreement• of this 3ndenture, . , <br /> or of arry bond or coupon hereby aecured, sha].1 be had agains� any stoakholder, cfficer or dirsetor � � ���: <br /> cY the Railroad Company� by the enforaement of -any assessment or bp anp legal or equitable proeaed <br /> -iag by virtue of anp statute or otherwise; :it being expreeslp agrsed and understood that th3e mo - <br /> -�age and the obligatioas hereby secure�C; are solelp corporate obligationg, and that no personal li - <br /> -bil3ty �vhs�taver �hail attac� to, or be inaurred by, the stockholders, ofFiaere or directora of th • <br />