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�.--�-,,�r� � _ _ _ _. w __ � � <br /> _ : <br /> �:��`� 3 <br /> �4 <br /> the purchase money. <br />, <br /> Section, 6. In case the mortgaged premises ahall be in t�e poaeession of a receiver lawful <br />� <br /> appointed, the powera in a�d by this ArticlQ. conferred upon the Railroad Oompariy mag be exerci�aed <br /> ry <br /> by such �eceiver, With the approval of the Trustee; and if the Trustee ehall be in possess3on of <br /> the mortgaged premisea under any prov3sion of thia in�,enture, than all the po�r� bp this Artiale <br /> conferred upon the Ra3lroad Compaay me�q b� exercised by the TDrustee in its discretion. <br /> . Section 7. The Railroad Company, from ti� to time, map make changee or a].teratione in, o <br /> subst3tution� for, anp leases or trackage ri�hts sub�ect to this� 3ndenture; but in any swch event <br /> i� � . ' anp modi�ied, a3,tered or substituted leaees or trac�age rights forthw�.th shall become bound by�an <br /> . be subjec.t to, th� terms of thia 3ndenture, in the same manner as tho�e previously eaisting. <br /> 8ect�.on 8. A certificate aigned by the President , or one of the �iCe-Presi3ents, and the <br /> Chief Engineer o� the Ra3lroad Company may be rece�.�ssd by the Trustee as conclusive evidenca of t <br /> , value of any property or ri�hte sold or to be sold or exchan�sd under the provisions oY this grtic e. <br /> . ,� <br /> � and of any other facts mentioned in thia Article, and shall be full warrant, authori�y and protect <br /> �ion �to the Trustee for anq ac�ion on �he �aith thereof: � � <br /> . <br /> - ' � 1RTI:CLE ETGHTH. .�. . <br /> . REDEMPTICIN �F B0�8� .. . . . . . . . . . � <br /> � Section 1. The Railroad Company, at its option, map redeem all of the bonds issued under ' <br />` and s�ecu�ed by this indenture, at 107 er eent.of� the ..�, <br /> _ � p par value thereof with accrued intereet the <br /> -on, on September 1,1908, o�r on any serqi-annual interest day ther��fter; provided, howevert tha� � <br /> . a17. the bonds he�eby �secured. and' �hen out�tanding are sub�ect to redemption onlp toget.3�er a� � w� e <br /> `�, <br /> ' and no part thereo� mat� seperatelp be ealled for redemption; �and prov3ded further that aot le�s <br /> than threa monthst previous notice of redemption of all of said bonds then outstanding� shall be <br /> � given by mail to the holders of regiatered bclndg at the addresses furnished by� them to the Railro <br /> Gompang, and to the hold�srs of coupon�_�bb�ds bp publication at leaet onc� a Reak for not lees than <br /> thrse auceessife moa�hs ia one ne�epaper published in the City afid State of New York� ia one aewet-- <br /> -p�per published in 8alt Lake City, in the S�ate of Utah, and in one ne�vspaper •published ia Londo , <br /> �n�land. Such notice ehall state the intention to redeem all of the bonde hereby secured, and that <br /> the same �ill be redeemed as 107� per cent. of the face value thereof with accrued int�re�t thereo <br /> on �he d.ay specif3ed in �auch notice (Which day shall not be less than three months from the date o <br /> the first publication�. On the daq specified in a�y such no�ice there shall become 8ue aMd be pay- <br /> -able bp the Railroad Compan,y at its office or agency in the City of Mew Yo�k the principal of all <br /> the bonda hereby seevred, papable in gold coin of �he IIn3ted Statee of .America, and at its oifia• <br /> ' or ageney in the Citp of London the princ�bpal of all the bonds hereby secured, payable in �terling <br /> money of �he 1Jnited Kin�dom of rreat Br3.tian and Ireland, together Rith the intereet then due ther - <br /> _ -on, �nd a of saven and one-,half per cent. upon the face value of said bonds, and theraupo <br /> the Railroad Companp shall pap such princ3.pa1, inte�est and premivm,� if .the sai�ci bond.s are presen� <br /> for payment. - � - <br /> � �ection a. IInleos default shall. be made in the paymen� after presen�ation oP the $aid <br /> bonde, all interegt sha11 ceaee to accrue upon s uch bonds the date of redempt ion specified i <br /> such last ment3onad notiae, and t�te coupons for intereet subsequeat to that date ehall be and beco <br /> void. . , <br />; <br /> Seation 3. On the deposit with �he Trustae of the amount necessary �o to radeem all . <br /> bonds herebp securedt, then, together with proof satisfac�ory to the Trustee of the due <br />� � <br /> publication of the notice required by this Article, and the payment to ths Trustee of i�s reasoneb <br /> compensation, eapensee and diebureamente� then unpaid, the Trustee ahall caneel and sa�isfp thi� i <br />' -3enture, and assign and del3ver to t�te Railroa�d Companp all secuxities and money then held by the. <br /> Trustee undet tha provisions hereof; and all bonds redaemed and paid shall forthtvith be aancaled <br />