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- - - <br /> �,�.��� <br />� ;��� <br /> E <br /> �� <br /> for the purposes of such action; and such certificate ahall be full protection to the Trustee:'fior <br /> any action taken or thing suffered bp it upon the faith thereof. <br /> Section 10. The Trustee may, i�. its discretion, adv3se with legal aounsel to be aelected <br /> and employed '�y it at the eapense of the Railroad Companp, and anything d,one or �auff�rad in good <br /> f�ith by the Trust�e in accordance with the opinion of counsel shall be conclu�3ve in favor of the <br /> Trus�ee and binding on the Railroad Companp and on all holders of bonds and coupons sQCUred here'h�y. <br /> 8ection 11. Ths Tr�pt�s� shall b� entitled ta reasonable compensation for all eervicea re <br /> -dered bp it in the execution of t�he truets herebp c�eeated, which compensation, �s we�.l as <br /> -sona�le expenses, 3n��:ud��g counsel fee�, the Railrpad Companp hereby agseeg to pap; and the Trus ee <br />`�= '-� shall have a prior lien therefore u�on the mortgaged premi+aee and ita nroceeda in case o� a sale <br /> hereunder. <br /> 3ection 12. The Tr�stee, or any Trustee hereafter appointed, ma�r resign, and be disc3�`arge <br /> af the trusts created bp this ind�nture by giving notice thereof to the Railroad Companp and to th <br /> bondholder�, by publicat3on, �at least twice a week, for four sueces�i4e weeks, in one s�ewep�per at <br /> that time published in the City of New York, in the State of New York, �one neRepaper publishe� 3n <br /> Salt Lake City, 3n the 3tate .of Qtah, and one newspaper publiahed in the C3ty London, England, and <br /> by due execution of the conveyance herein required. � � <br /> 8eetion l3. The Trustee may be reraoved at anp time by an instrwnent or eoncurrent inetru- <br /> -ments in Writ ing under the hand�a of the holders of aeventy-five per amo:�t of the bonds <br /> hereby secured and then outstanding. . <br /> 8ection 14, In cas� at any time the sa3d. The Equitable Trust .Gompany of New York f: or arrp <br /> trustee hereafter appointed, shall resign or be removed or other�vise become ince�pabla of acting� a <br /> suece�sor, or successvrs, map be appo3nted bp the holders of a ma�ority in amount of the bQnds he� - <br /> -bp eecured, then outstanding, 'bp and instrument or concurrent instruinents signed by euch bor�dhQld <br /> ..ers or their attorn�pa 3n fact duly authorizsd; provi�ed, nevsrthelesa, and it is herebp agreed a d . <br /> declared that , 3n case at any time there shall be a vacancp in the o�f3ce of trustee hereunder, th <br /> Rai7.road Company by an instrument executed by order of its Boatd af Directoro, may appo3nt a trust • <br /> to fi21 such vapar�cy until a new trustee shall be appointed by tlie bandholders as heFein anthori�e <br /> The Railroad Companp shall thereupon publish notice of auch appointment once a week for sia eueaes <br /> -sive Weeke 3n one neWSpaper published in the C3tp of lde� York, in the 8tate of New York, and -one <br /> newspaper published in ��lt Lake City, in the s�ate of U$ah, and one newspaper published i.n the Ci <br /> of London, England, but any new trustee sta appointed by the Ra3lroad Companp shall immedia�elp arrd <br /> without further act ba superaeded�:by a tr�tee appointed in the manner above provic�ed hy the hold <br /> -ers of a �a�p�ity 3n amount of the bonds herebp secured., Pver�:��uch truetee appointed 3n ple�ce o <br /> the said The Equitable Truet Company of NeW York or it$ successor �in the trust, ��a11 always be a <br /> � trust company in good s�anding, doing businesa 3n the Borough of Manha�Ctan, in the Gity o� -Ne�r3for <br /> and having a aap3tal and �urglus �ggrega�ing at least �2,000,000, if th�ere be aueh a trust -companp <br /> willin� and able to accept tha trust upon reasonable or customary terms� � <br /> 8ection 15. A!�y such neW trustee appointed hereunder �ahall .eaecute, aeknowledge and <br /> deliver to the trustee last in offica and also to the Railroad Com�any an instr�ment �ccepting suc <br /> � appointment hereunder, and thereupon sueh new trustee Without anp furt�er act , deed ar:; convepance <br />� . sha11 beeome vested with all the estates, propertiee, rights, powers and trusts of its predecmt�or <br /> . <br /> - <br />�, _ �. <br /> in the tru�t hereunder with 13ke effect a� if originall� named as trustea herei�; but the tru�atee <br /> ceaeing to act sY}all, neverthe,lesa, on �Ghe written request o� the new trustae, eaecute and deliver <br /> but at �he coet and eapense of the Railroad Gompany, an in�trument tranaferring to such neW t reute , <br /> upon tha trusta herein eapressed, all the estates, propertias, ri�hts, powers and tr�.�ts o� the � <br /> i <br /> trustae so re�igning or rsmoved, and shall dulp asei�n� transfer and daliver anp property aad mon- <br /> t -eys held hereunder by such tru#tee to the ne� trustee so appointed in its place. <br />