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_______ _ _ _. ._ <br /> ; � y <br /> 140 <br /> -c3pal amount at the t3me of makin� sueh affidavit due and unpaid on the bonds herebq� se�ured; <br /> the Ra3lroad Companp will� froia time to timm, as shall be aut�ior3.zsd or requ3re�l bp laR� file sua <br /> affidavits or cause the same to be f31ed. <br /> 8ection 5. t7pon the wr3tten requost of the holder o� twenty-five per amoun� 0�' <br /> the bonds hereby secured then o�tstanding, in case of any default continuing fer the period of gra e, <br /> if any, provided in Article Fifth hereof, it shal7. be the -duty o� the Tru.stee, upon being �.ndeinni <br /> -fied as herein provided, to take a11 needfnl steps �or the protec�6ion and enforcem�nt of ite righ e <br /> an�t th� rights of the holders af the bonds hereby seeured, and to eaercise the powrerg of en�try or <br /> sale herein conferred, or both, or ta take appropriate judicial pracsedings by actzon, suit or oth r� <br /> -W�se, as the Trustse, being advised by cou��A1 laarned in the law, ehall deem most sxpedient in t e <br /> interest of the holders of the bonds herebp seeured. � <br /> Sectivn 6. Anything in this 3ndenturo contained to �he c�Antrarp notwithstanding, the ho d- <br /> -ers of seyentp-five per cent. in amount _of the bonds hereby eec�red �and than outstandir�g, �rcam tim <br /> �o t3me, shall have the right to direct , anci to cantrol the method aad place pf conducting any and all <br /> proceedings for anp sale of th�. premiaee and property hereby �onveqed; mortgaged or pledged� or fo <br /> the forea].osure of th3.s indenture, of for the appointment of a receiver, cr-of any o�hsr proceed- <br /> -3ngs hereunder. � <br /> Section 7. The Trustee may ir� its disatation and without the request -of any holder of a y <br />" bond �ecured heraby maintain a�y act3on or euit to reetrain or prevent any in�ury or Waste to the <br /> mortgaged property or to the income or revenue derivable therefrom. <br /> . Section,'8. No hol,der of any bond or eoupon hereby seeured ahall have any right to inst3 �.te <br /> any su3t, aetion or proceeding at law or in equity for the foreclosur� of the lien of this indent e <br /> or for the eaecution of any t�ru�t hereof, of �or the anpointmsnt� of a reaeiver, or for anp other <br /> remsdy hereuz�der, unleea such holder previously shall have given �o the Trus�tee written notice of uch <br /> default and of the eontinu$nee thereof, as hereinbefore prov3dsd; nc��e unlesB, also� the holdere o� <br /> � twentp-five per amount of the bonds herebp securad, the� out�tanding, shall have writ en <br /> request upon the Trustee, and �hall have afforded to it xeasonabl� opportunity� either to proceed <br /> to e$ercise the powers hereinbefore granted, or to 3.nstitut� such a�tion, suit or �roaeeding in i� . <br /> awa nama; nor unles�, also, such holdere shall have offered to the Tru�tae adeqvate seeuxity and i <br /> -demnity a�an3st the costs, expens�s and 1iab31itiee to be incurred therein or thereby, and the <br /> Trustee shall have refused or negiected to eomplp With such rer�uest within a rea�onable time there <br /> -after; and such notification, request and offer ,of in�lemnitp are her�eby declared, in every such <br /> aa��, at the option of the Trustee, to be conditions precedent to the eaecution of the powera and <br /> trusta of � this indentur� and to gny actian far fore�closure of for the appointmemt of a reeeiver, o <br /> for any other remedy hereunder; it bein� understoad and intended that no one or �re holdere- of bo d� <br /> and coupona shall have anp right in any manner Wha�ever to affect , disturb or pre�udic• the li�n o <br /> this, indenture by his or their action, or tc enforce anp right he'reunder, �acpgt in the manner he� in <br /> provided, and� that aIl prodeedings at law or in equity shall be instituted, had a�d maintained i� <br /> the manner herein provided, and for the equal benefit of al.l holder� of such out�tanding bvnds and <br /> coupone. - <br /> 8ection 9. Any request or order of. the Railroad Conpanp, a� in this indenture pro- <br /> -videdi ehal7. be ezpressed by a copy of a resolutian of the Board of Directors of the RaiZrcad Com <br /> -panp, certified bp its Secre�ary or one of its Assistan� 8eeretariea nndor:�6�e corporate seal. I <br /> arip case whera �he Trustee map be required to take any aetion or authorize anpthing under this i�t�..L-� <br /> -denture at the r�quest of the Railroad Company, �he Trustee may, eaeep� Where :herein otherwi�e pr <br /> -v3.�3ed, accspt the certifica�e of the Pre�i�der�t or one o� the V3ce-i�resid�nts and the Secre�ary or r:; <br /> one of the Assi�tant S�cretaries of the Railroad Compariy as concluaive evi.dence of anp Yact or fact <br /> upon which said action by the Truetee may depend, or upon whieh i� map desire or require informatio <br />