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<br />�
<br /> �a�l�e�
<br />� �39
<br /> ,
<br /> � i e��e �a
<br /> _remedy �hall be cumulative, and shall be in addit3on to every other remedy give� hereurmter� or no
<br /> or hereafter eaisting a� laR or in equity or by statute; and every power and remedy given bp thie
<br /> .
<br /> Article to the Trustee may be exereised from time to timo, and as often ae -shall be deemed e�cped-
<br /> u�,en� by the,Trustes. .
<br /> Section 20. Y�o delay or omiesion of the Trustee, or o� any holder of a bond her�sbp se-
<br /> -cured, to eaercise a�y r3ght or power aceru3ng upon the occurrence and, if a period of graae be
<br /> presa�ibed, upon the continuance, of default � as hereinbefor� provided, shall 3mpa3r any such �ig '
<br /> or power, or shall be construed to be a. waiver af anp such default , or an acquieeeence �herein:
<br /> . . ARTTCLE 8IXTH.
<br /> 8ection 1. The Truetee -shall not be anawerable for the default or miaconduct of any
<br /> age�t or attornep appointed bp it in pursuance hereof, if sucsh agent or attorney •ahall have been
<br /> ,
<br /> selected with reasonal�3.e care; ar for anpthing whatever, in connect�on with thia trust, eace�t Ri �
<br /> -ful misconduct ar grose negli�ence. The Trustee shal�. not be personally liable for any debts con
<br /> -tracted bp it , or for damagee to persoae or property carried or in��a,red, or' for salaries or nen-
<br /> -fulfilmsnt of contracts, dur3ng any period wherein the Trustee shall manage the truet propertp o
<br /> pram3e�es upon entry or voluntary surrender aa aforesaid. . . �
<br /> 4ection 2. The Trustee sha11 not be respor�s3ble in anp manner whatsoei�er for the reci
<br /> -ale herein conta3.ned as, to the acts and powers af the Railroad Companp or it,� Board of Directors�
<br /> nor shall it be concerned with .or accourrtable for the use of anp bond hereunder delivered to the
<br /> Railroad Company, ar the appl�.aation of the proaeac�a of anp such bond. �he Truatee sMall be rei�..
<br /> -burssd and iridemn3fied against any liability or damage it may sastain or incur in the premises.
<br /> �he Trustee shall be protscted in any action taken by it upon anp notice� resolution, vote, regnd T
<br />. consent, c�rtificate, aff idavit, statement , bond or cther paper or document believed bp it to be
<br />, genuina and to .have beenpassed or signed by the proper off�eer or officers of the Railroad Company
<br /> The Trustee shall have no responsibility for the validitp of th3e instrument �or for the e�ttent.. or
<br /> nature of the lien her�of of� for the validitg of the eaecution or achAOwledgmeat:hereof or of the
<br /> bonds hereunder. . :
<br /> �ection 3. The Truetee sha].1 not be uarler any obligation to take �anp action t��wards th
<br /> eaeaution or enforcemant of the trusts hereby created� which, in its opinion, shall be likely �o
<br /> involve it in expen�ae or liab3lity, un�eas one or more of the holdars of the bor�ds herebp secnred
<br /> shall, as often as required by the Truatee, furniah it reasonable indemnity agafngt such eacpen�e o
<br /> liability; nor shall the Trustee be required to take notice of any default hereunder-, unless not-
<br /> -i�ied in writing of sueh default by the holders of at leagt five per cent. in amount of the bonds
<br /> herebp secured� then o�ats�anding, or to take anp action in respeet of any default involving ezpen�s
<br /> or liabilitp, unlees requested to take, action in respect thereof bp a writing signed bp the holdar
<br /> of not less than twenty-f3ve per cent..3.n amount of the bonds hereby secured, then outstanding, arid
<br /> tendered reasonable indemnity as a�oresaid, anything herein contained to the� eontrary not�rithe�tand
<br /> -ing; but a+�i�t�e�r an,y such notice or request ,. nor this provision therefor, shall effect anp diacre -
<br /> -�.on herein given to the Trustee to determine whether or not it shall take action in respect of s h
<br /> �efault or to take action �rithout such requeat. �
<br /> Section 4. The Trustee shall not be responsible for the recording of this indanture a
<br /> sha11 not be required to file or refile the same as a chattel mortgage, but the Railroad Company
<br /> covenants that it will cauelb the same to be recorded and filed and refiled ae authorized and requi -
<br /> -ed bp law with all connenier�t speed; and the Trustee�: may certify and deliver bonds hereunder in
<br /> adt�ance of registration. ar record of thi� 3ndenture. The Trustee wi17.,� however, from time ta time,
<br /> if thereunto requested by the Railroad Company or bp the holder of any bond secured herebp, make a
<br /> � affidavit egh3biting �ts in�erest as Trustee in the mortgaged premiges and property, and the prin
<br />