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- _ . _ __ . _ _ _ __ . _ _ �'�I <br /> , <br /> 13�3 <br /> the rate of four per Gent. per annum; and in caae such procesds sha�l�. be insufficient to paq in � 1 �:�� <br /> the whole amount so due and unpaid upon the said bo�ds, then to the payment of such prir�cipe�l aMd <br /> _ * <br /> interest , without pref�e�enee or priori�y. of prir�eipal over interest , or of interest over principa , <br /> or of any in�tallment of intereat over anp other inetallment of intarest , ratab3.y, to the aggregat <br /> of such principal and the accrusd and unpaid interest , except as apec3fied in 8ectibn 2 of lrticle <br /> Fcurth her�of. � <br /> THIRD. To the payment of the surplus, if anp, to the Ra�.lroad Company, its succea <br /> -sora or assigns, or to whosoever shall be lawfullp�entitled to rec�iva the aame. <br /> section 16. In case of any �aale hereunder, either bp the Trustee or pursuant to �udic3al <br /> �.ecree, any pruchaser, for the purpose of making eettlament or pa�ment for the propertp purohased, <br /> shall be. entitled to turn in any bonde and a�r matured and unpa3d �ntere�t or coupons hereby eeaur <br /> -ed (sub�ect , however, to the prQ�isions o� �eetion 2 0� 8rtiele Fourth hereof) , in order that the e <br />- may ba credited, as paid thereon, tha sums papable out of the net procaeds o� suah sale to the oWn r ^ <br /> of such bond�a and coupons, as his ratabie share of the net proceeds, of Q�ch sale;,�and such purcha er <br /> shall be credited, on aecount of the ,gurchase price v� the propertp purcheeed� with the sums payab e <br /> out of su�h net ,prc3aeeds on the bond� and coupons so tnrned in and �redi�d�.� ,thexeon; and, at any s ch -. <br /> sale, the Tru�tee or anp bondholdera or their agents. may bid for, aAd pn�tahase, euch proper�y, and <br /> may make papment on account thereof as afore��id, and, upon compliaave with the term�t of sale, may <br /> I hold, retain and dispose of euch propertp Wi�hout further accountabilitp :�harefor. <br /> section 17. The Railroad Company w�.11 not at �ny time insist upon or plead, or in any ma - <br /> -ner whatever claim, or take the benef3t or advantage of, anp stay or eatension law now or at any s_ ' :.°: <br /> time hereafter i�I force in arYy I�cality where the ,mortgaged prem3ees, or any part thereof, may or ��+ . .�� <br /> shall be situata, nor will it claim, take, or insist on, anp benefit or advantage from anp la� now <br />� or hereaftsr in foree, providing for the valuation, or a�graisement, of the mortgaged premises or 5 <br /> property, , or any part thereof, prior to anp sale or sales tY�srsof to be made pureuar�t to any pro- , <br />� -vision herein eontained,_ or to thi�:;decree o� any court o� �omcpetnnt jurisdiction; nor after any a eh <br /> sale or sales will it claim or eaerciee an3* ri�ht under ariy statute enaeted by $�r ��ate, to redee <br /> the propertp so sold or any part thereof, or obatruct or impede the accepted purchaeer �rom takia� <br /> ; po�ses�ion of the same; and it herebp esprasslp waives a21 _baeefit and advantage of any such 1sR o <br /> lawa; and it covenante that it arill no� hinder; delay or impede the ezecution of any power here3n <br /> gra�ted and delegated to the Trustee, but that it w3ll euffer and pez•mit the egeatztior� oP mvery su h <br /> power, as tlfibugh no auch law or lawa had been made Qr enacted, , <br /> Section 18. In caae the Railroad Company shall make d�fault in any of the respects menti n- <br /> -�d 3n this A�rticle, anc�, a� any time dur3ng the continuance of suah ddfau7.t , tY�ere ehall be aay e - <br /> -isting �udgment against the Rai�,road Comp�np unsatisfied and unaecur�d by bond on appeal, or ia � �e <br /> in any judical proaeeding by any party other than the Tnustee, a receiver shall be appointed of th <br /> mortgaged railroada and other assets of the Ra3lro,ad Company, or a �tid�ment or order entered for e <br /> segue�tration of the mortgaged property, the Truste� Aithout �o�aiting the preecr�bed defaul� per3od <br /> ahall thereupon be entitlmd forth�vith to esercise the right of entry here3n conferred, a�d al�o an <br /> and all other righte and powers herein conferred and provided to be ezcercisect bp the Trustee upon <br /> the olb�urrenoe and, if a period of grace be pre�cribed, upon �he continuan�e of default as her�inb ore <br /> provided, and as matter of ri�ht the Trustee ahall th�reups�n be entitled tA the appointment of a r <br /> -ceiver of the railroads, ,p�mm��es and propex�C�r hereby mortgaged� and of the earnings, 3ncome, re�r ue, <br /> ren�s, iseues and profits ther�of, with such po�rers a� the court making such appoiatment shall co r; <br /> but this action. �hall not be construed as author3�ing the grincipal of said bond to be declarmd du� <br /> o�hsrwi�e than upon the conditior�.s and in �he �n�er provi�la�d in 8ections 2 and 4 of thie X�tiele. <br /> �ectidt� 19. No remedy herein conferrmd upon, or roeerved to the.Trustee , or to auy holde <br /> of a bond hereby 1�cursd� is inte�,ed to be exclusive of any other remedy, but each and every suah <br />