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. , : _ � <br /> ; <br />: 136 <br /> (b) map proceed to protect and enfor�e its r3ghts and �he righte of the boadholder� under <br /> this inde�ztur� by su�.t in equitp or action at laR, either for the apecific performanae of anp cove <br /> -nant or agreement contained her�in, vr ix� aid of t�e exeeutio� of any pQwer herein granted.� or fo <br /> r <br /> the foreclosure of this indenture, for interest , or for prineipal or both, o� for th� en�orc:emeat . f <br /> any other,:`appropriate legal or equitable remedy, aa the Trustae sha].1 d�eem most_ effeetual in �uppo t :� <br /> of anp of it� rights or duties heraunder. <br /> � Section 4. Tn caae any �efault shall be made by the Aailroad Companp in ths �ayment oi <br /> any intereet on t�e old bands men�Gione� anul described in 3eetion � of Art�.cle Second �erecf� anc� o <br /> , <br /> that actcount. the t-rustee under said First Mortgage bp Whic� eaid .bld bonds are, �ecured shall have <br /> proce�ded �o esea�cise the right of entry aa in said F3ra� �[ortgage conferred� or, on that account � <br /> shall have begur� suit or suits. in equitp or at law �or the purpose of pro�ecting or en�'oraing i�e <br /> righ�s or ths rights o� the holdere of said old bonc�, o,P fAr the gorecIDosure of said First Mortga e <br /> ae in said Firet Mortgage provided, �hen in anp auch event , the Tru�atee hereunder may a� once pro-- <br /> -cssd to enfor�e the rights bp. Sect ione l�a and 3 of thi� Art i�le F�.fth confsrr�d� nQtwithstandin� <br /> the fact that a period of si�c mont2�g shall not have elap�e3 e3nce guch default oecured. <br /> Section 5. Upon filing a bill in equity, or upon commencement of other �udi�ial procee <br /> -ings , by the Trustee to enforce anp right, undsr this indenture , the Truatea shall be entitled to <br /> eaercise the right of entry herein conferrad and also any and all rights and poxer� herein conferr <br /> -ed and provided to be ea�rcised bp the Trustee upon the oceurrence and, 3Y a period of graae be <br /> preaos3bed, upon t-he eontinuax�ce of ar�y default, as. hereinbefore provided; and� as matter cf right <br /> the Trustee shall be entitled to the appo.intment cf -a �ece3ved of the mprtgaged �arc�d��es t real <br /> and personal ) and of the tolls , earninga, reveaue, rents, is$ues, prof�.ts and ather income the�r�o � <br /> with such powera a� the court or courts making such appoir�#ms�t�t shall confer, aad shall bo en�itl d <br /> to the applicat3on bp any such rece3ver of t�e net inccr�ne for the beae�it of �he holders of the bo ds <br /> iasued h�r�undor, in accoraance with the trusts herein declared� <br /> $ection 6, In case the Trustee ahall have proceedad to enforce any r3ght under th�,�, ir�- <br /> -denture by foreclosure, entry or other�vise, and auch proceeciings shall have been d3acontinued oar� . <br /> or aband.oned becausa of waiver or for any other reason or shall have�;been_ determiaed adversely to <br />� �he Truatee, then and in every such caae, the Aailroad pompany a�d the Trustee shall sevarally a�d <br />� respect�vely be restored to their f'ormer po�ition a�d righta hereundmr �.rl�.•respe�t oP the mor�gaged <br /> premises, and of the old bonds depoeited with the Trustee_ hereunder, if anp,_. and �11 righta, remed es <br /> and powers of the Trustee shall continue a�a though no sueh praceedings had been taken. <br /> 8ect ion 7. In �he event of anp sale, �rhether made urider the p�er of Bale hereby gasnt• <br /> � and conferred, or �nder or by vir.tue of �udicial proceedings, �cr of �ome �udgment or decree of for - <br /> -closure and eale, the whola of the property herebp moxtgaged shall be sold in cne parcel aa an en <br /> -tire��, including ail the ri�hte, titles, estates, railroads, equip�nt, franchisea, Qon�_racta, b nds <br /> and other real and personal property of ever�.-name and nat�re, unleae (1) the holders of a ma3orit <br /> in amount of the bonds hereby secured, then outstanding, shall in$ requ�at the Trusta4 �o <br /> cause said premises to be sold in parcele, in which cass the� sales ahall be made in such parcela a <br /> shall be spee3fied in sueh request , or unless (2) such sale as an entiretp is impracticable bp rea <br /> -son of soma statute or other cause. _ <br /> Section 8. �totice of anp euch sala pursuant to anp proviaion of this indenture, ehall <br /> state the time when,��and placa wh��e the same is to be made, and s�iall contain a br3ef generai dss- <br /> -cription of the property to be sold, and shall be s�fficiently g�ven 3f_ published once in each we <br /> for four successive weeks prior to such sale in one ne�rspaper publi��od in the City of New York, i <br /> the State of New York, one newspaper published in Salt Lake City, ,in the �tate o� IItah� and one ne - :. <br /> -�aper pu�lished in �he City of London, England, and other� as -shall be .reqnired bg la�. : <br /> Section 9. The Truste� from time '����-�l�.�ay mdjourn any sale to t� made by it under the <br />