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� _. �. ��.�._ <br /> ��.... �.t39��3 <br /> 7�0f3R7IlPiR WI'fR all the Improvcnknta now or herw(ICr erccicd on the propmy,nnd all cnscmems,npp�nonnnccs,nnd <br /> llzwrcs nnw or IureaRer a p�n at the pmpeny. All replottnxnte nnd ndditlons sL�ll aiso bo covcral 6y this 3ecuriry <br /> Ins�n�meN,All af tha Poregoing Is rcferrcd tn in this Secud�y in.wnxau as the'Propeny.' <br /> IfORHOWI3R COVllNANTS th�t Harrower Is Inwtully helstd of tlte Cslnia hcrcby convcytd and hns tlio right lo�mnl nnd <br /> ronrcy Iho Prc.peny snd 1hY.Iho Pmperty Is unencumtxrcd, except for cikuml�r�nces of record. 1Sorro«�cr warmms nnd will - <br /> detond gencnlly tha tliio to tla Propcny against all clnlms xn8 denunds,su6Jen�o any encumbrences of nxnrd. <br /> TH19 3('.CURI'fY INSi'RUMONi combhics uNfomi covcnants for nn�lonnl usc nnd non•unifomi mvennms wi�h Iimflcd <br /> vnriatlons byjudsdlalon to wnsiieuro a uniform secudty(nsuumert wvedng mal pmpeny. <br /> llNtFORM COVCNAN7'S.IIorrox•ar and Lender mvcnane and agrcc ns follows: <br /> l. R�yment o(1'rinci�l �nd lnleratS Prepaymrnl und tafe Chnrgcs� 13orcower shall promptly pny whcn due d�o � <br /> princlpal of nnd Intorcst nn tho deL1 evideneed 6y the Noto nnd any prcpaymem and lalo charges duc unier ihe �doic. <br /> 2. Ptmds fnr Taxr.s and Insurnnca SubJec�to applle++blo law or to n ivriucn wn(ver hy I.ender, Iiorro�ver s6nll pay to <br /> l.cndcr on�hc day momhiy paymcnis nra duo under tho No�c,un�il tho No�c is paid in fulL n smn("�unds')for.(a)ycady�axcs <br /> nnd asstssnxms whlcB mny nUnin pdori�y ovcr this Sccurity Instrumem as a Iicn on iho Property:(b)ycvly Icnsc6old paymcros <br /> or ground tems on ihe Propeny,if nny;(c)yeaziy Lazard or propeny Insurar.ceQremiums;(d)yearly flood insuranee premfums. <br /> if nny;(c)ycady morigngo Insarance premiums.if any:�(��IIY 54IlLS Q3}':LI2 GY LL][LONY7 W L2ibj2l.IR 3iiOrtld[4CC A'iUl -� <br /> ihe provistons of pamgmph 8,irt tine oEthe paym.coe of ir.ony�ge tnwrance przmiums.'[t:ese items arc calicd 'Esr.row Tunvs.' <br /> 1.eMer may, el any tint0.collett aad hold Funds iu an anw+tnt�ot to<xcecd the m2ximum am�unt a Iender for a Ct�aratly <br /> rclntod nwngngo loan nuy require for Bnrro���er's escrow nccount umler the federal Real fistate Sstdemsr,r BYm��:is Ac�of <br /> 1974 as anxnCcd trom«nx to�ima, 12 0.S.C. Scc�ion 2601 er seq.(BGSPA').unfess law ttax apsvia ia�Fn Funds <br /> sets a tesser amount. ]f so, [znder nu�y,at any tlnx, mllcc�and hold Pur.ds in an artwurt no�to exavd th:1;s9;r anwunt. - <br /> itr.i^r m?y estioslSC the 2movnt oE Tunds due on�hc basis ot curtcnt da�a n^d rrazonablc estima�es of expcndi�•'PoWrc __ <br />- F'scro�v llenu or othenvise in nccordance with applicable law. - � <br /> Thc funAs eball be hcid in an Ins�itulion whosc deposits nre ineuraJ b!: a frdcral egcncy, insuumemall�y, nr emlly °- <br /> (inclading t.nder is snch an ins�i�wion)or in nny Federal Iloma Gun Hank. Iwnder shall upply the Funds tu pay Ihe __ <br /> Pscrow Itenu.[wndur may not ehar�Borrower for holding arA applying the Punds,ann:�.tty enalyzing�he escmw u:coun6 ar _ <br /> vedfying the�scrow I�enu,unl¢ss C.nder pays Borrower inte�esi on the�unds nnd nppli.ab}:law pemiils Lender lo make such _ <br /> a charga}lowever, l.ender may reqWre 6ortower m pay a onrtime charge for an Indepen�m xaal es�ate�ax repontne service _ <br /> uu+d by i.cnder Im m�nection wllh thls loan, unlcss applicable law provides ahcnvfse. �l;nk�� rs� arrccnxm is made or _ <br /> applicabte law re<ryira intcres�m Ix paid.Lender shall not bc rcqnind to pay 6orro�vcr any intcrest or camings on Ihe Punds. _ <br /> ISorrnwer and Lcndcr m.ry agret in nrittng, howevcr, tha�interext shall be paid on the�unds. Lendcr shall givc�o Ibnower, -- <br /> wi�houa chxrg0. nn annual ncrnun:ing of lhe runds, s6owieg�riliis and debi�s to the �unds end Ihe puryose for��tosh wch - <br /> dehi�m iha�unds aac nv�S:.7he�funds erc QledeM u addilizrri.t eccurilv for all sums secur�by this Security Imin:a�c.v. -_ <br /> if Ihu Funds hetd by l.endcr escead�he an;.wnu pemill�M m be hcld t�}�appllcaUlc law,I.cnder shall xccounl to i3attower -. <br /> - t'or thc excess PunAs in nttnNance with thx aryuire�r.mis of npplicable Im�. If the amounl of Ihe Funds held Uy IFMkr a1 any - <br />- tdne is not suf(dcnt lo pay ihe Tscrmv l�ems��tr.�n due.Lcnder may m notify�orrower in wd�ing, anJ,in such case dlorrox�er <br /> sliall yay to Lender�he amount neceuary ro rnake up Ihe Jef•.ciency. Oortoxxr:hall make up�he deliciency in na nr�re than - <br />. Useke momidy paymeNS,m Lender's sole discrclian. - <br /> Upon payment in PoII of all sunu securcd by tlils Securi�y Instrumem. Lender shall promptly refund to 6orrox�er eny .-. <br /> Funds hcld by le;nder.IL under paregmph 21, Lender shall ncquire or sell ihe Property,LenJer,pflor to�he acquisiiion or sale - <br /> of�he Properly,shall apply nny�unds heid by Lender at�he�ime af xcquls(�ion or sa�u as a credit agains�the sumc secur�d by _ <br /> Ihis Sewrity Instmment. _ <br /> 3.Appllrntlon of Puyments.Unless epplieable Imv proaidc�o:hnvise,all paymemc receivcd by Lender under qrragraphs � <br /> I am1 2 shall be nppliccl: firs6 to any prcpaymcnt charges due nr.det�}:t.•:ar,sccond, m nmoums payablc under paragmph 2; <br /> third,�o interesi d�z:tounh,�o principal dur.aa1 faa,m nny la�e charges dur under�he Noie. _. <br /> M1.Chnrgcs;i.i�v«.Borraver shall pay nll t.�:ea, nsscssmems,charges, fines and inipasl�ions ae�ibm:+nle to�he P�opetly -• <br /> which may auain pdori�y over ihis Security InewmenL nnd Ieaseho!d paynxnts or ground rems, if eny.Ik�rro��er �':n11 pay ` <br /> 16csc nAligmions in thc manncr providcd in paragraph 2,or if no�paid in�hat manncr. Oarro�ccr shall p�y thtm oa iirtti dircaly `" <br /> lo the person owed p.ryment. Oorrou•er shall prmnpily fumish�o Lender all notices of nmoums�0 6e pxld ur.cltt�hix pvagraph. -- <br /> If Oorrmrer makcs theu paymems dirtttly,Qonower shall promp�ly furnish ta Lcnder rcccipts cvidencing�hr paymenls. _ <br />. Uorrmver shnll promptiy discharge any Ilen x�hich has priority m�er diis Securi�y Inswment unle�c IIorto��xr.(a)agrea fn '- <br /> wricine!o thc paymcm nf�hc obligatiun sttured by Ihc lien in a m:mner ntcep�ablc lo Ler.�'cr,(b)comesu In gocd lai�h�hc licn =. <br /> by, or defends ngalnst enforcemrot of ihc lien in. Icgal p�oa�eJings ivhich in ihe Ler.dci x opininn opcn�te to prrsent lhe = <br /> cnforcement of thc lien;or(c)sttures(rom ihr hn:dct of�hc Ifra an aguc(c:n c�ti�fae�ary lo I.cndcr wtwidimting�ht lien�o = <br /> Ihis Security Instnunrm. If Lender dc�crmincx thet any pan nf�F.r Prnp.�q i,subjm �o a licn�rhirh may nuain priori�y o�•er = <br /> Ihis Security Ins�tms.n�. Lender may gire Ilnrrox�cr a nn�irr idzndfying �he lien. Dorcmcer.hall san>f� :.`.r li.n m�ake one or ° <br /> �nor:ot�I:c a�ions srt fonh alwve wit6in IU Jays nf�hc En�n_��f r.oiis. <br /> fam 3D78 9190 - <br /> ��,:.._�a ., <br /> >"^ s<_r7__ " ..�.���,,,�q -,-:.ot-q� »�r�4n�rSf71�iS!�.,"rl,ir:l�iYf��*�' nnv,r� �}f�:0i��� �K's`' - � t �.:: <br /> }}1��"i""'s�.�t�i'�. <br /> � S-� ' ! 7 �� � _ - . . o <br /> . j :. . il�� I �' <br /> _ - . . :,i. ��' - _ . ' t _�' { .�,: <br /> . _,- <br /> -, - - - - <br /> _ .. . " : `r ' C`. " <br /> � _. . ' �.7"� 1 . <br /> r �, <br /> r ti . <br /> ,' {tr �r�+ ' _,'f •_ . . . V . <br /> � x : y= <br /> � >�"t� .-3 A . . .l: . . _ . . , <br /> � j j(i�.�l.i. �'� i� � • r i > ir � - . . . "�'' - " ' , . . <br /> d 1 <br /> a a , � <br /> i i �' tt� i' '.. � � a� .r � . � , .. x _. - .. <br /> .) _ / r +rt ' ,f ' ' �F <br /> �r - � . s � � t{ � � � � - i rwr � i � � � <br /> � ti U � rt -r � ��� � f ;•1 '� � t I Y e>kt('t i�l�'fT . ' ' <br /> i � F.��_� f 'A) r� ia �A �Y 5 _- r 7��1� /", iJ� � 'ti r � 1 <br /> ;�: •� fn,?� , ,. ', G= � � � �r � ,,, � ;q���y.�: � <br /> 1�'+.. �.): _. . .-S�<ln�iof y1je4 . .. ,. . n�� f4., i � r.�. i, . . i ��.'� . .._. _i -. <br />