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� <br /> . <br /> � �: <br /> '_ �.,� .:,. <br /> � 135 <br /> . <br /> _ _ ___ _ __. _ __ -_____ <br />' ' $ectio� 2. In case (1) default sh�ll be made in the payment of anp interest on any bomd <br /> I <br /> hereby securec}, and anp such default shali have continued for �. period of sia months; or in case(2 <br /> default shall be made in the payment of any in�erest on ariy of the old bonds mentioned and descri <br /> -ed 3n Sect3on 3 of Article 3eaond hereof, and anp sueh default shall have continued for a period <br /> of ai� months; or in casa (3} defaul� shall be::made in the due and punctual payment of t,�i�► princi- <br /> � -pal of any of said old bonds when the same ehall become due, �rhether upon maturity thereof or up <br /> declaration as authorized by said F3rat �ortgage, dated July 1,1897, by which said old bonda are <br /> secured; or in caee (4) de�,i�,t shall be made in the due ob�ervance or performance of any other <br /> covenant or candition herein re+�a�ired to be kept or performed by the Ra�.lroad Company� and aap suc <br /> default shall have continued for a period of �3ac monthe after written notiae to the Railroad Co�- <br /> -p�ny thereof from the Trustee or from the holders of five ner cent. in amount of the bond,�a herebF ' <br /> secured and then outstanding; then,and, f� each and every such case, the Trustee, map, and upon t <br /> �ritten requee� of the holders of a ma�ority in amount of the bonds hereby secured and then outst d- <br /> -ing, sh�ll� bp notice in writing deli�ered to the Railroad Comnan�r� dealare �he prinaipal of all <br /> bonds herebp secured �nd than outstand3ng ta be due arld payable immediately, and upon any such de- <br /> a ' ' <br /> -clar�tion the game shall become and be 3mmedi�telp due and payable, anpthing in this indenturs or <br /> in sa3d bonds contained to �he contrary notv�ithstanding. This provision, hoWever, i� subject to th <br /> condition, that if at anp time after the prin�3pa1 of said bonds shall have been so declared due <br /> and papable for default in the pa;Tmant of int�rest thereon, all arrears of interest upon all �uch ' <br /> bc�nds, v�ith interest, at the ra�e of four.per cent. per annum, on .o.verdue inetallmen�s of interest <br /> � and the e�cpenses of the Truateea and ail o�her sums which shall have 'bacome due and papable bp the <br /> Railroad Companp hereuz�der, other Lhan the principal of such bonds, shall either be paid bp the <br /> Railroad Company or be col�eated out of the mortgaged premisee before anp sale of the morgaged pre <br /> � -m3ses aha11 have been made, or if the principal of said bonds shall have been declared due and pa - _ <br /> ' -able because of one or more of the other dafaults herein in the 3ection 2 speci�ied, and thereaft r <br /> all such defaults ahall have been cure� before anp sale of the premises hareby mo�gaged shall ha <br /> been made, then and in everp $uch case, the holr�,erg of a ma�oritp in amount of the bonds .hereby�es <br /> � -cured and then cutstandin�, 'bp written no�ice to the Railroad Companp and to the Tru�tee, may wai e <br /> such default and it� consequences� but no sueh �ai�er shall eatend to or a�fect any subsequent de <br />' -fsult , or impair anp righ� consequent thereon. <br /> . 8ect3on S. In case (1) default shall be made in the payment of anq intere�t on ar�y bon <br /> herebp secured, a nd anp suah default shall have aontinued for a period of si.0 mon�hs; or in Qase <br /> �2) de�'ault shall be made in the due and punctual payment of the pr3ncipal of any• boad herebp secta;�:tl'£ <br /> -cured when the same shall become due, whether upon maturitp thereof or upon dealaration as au�ho <br /> -ized bp this indeature; or ia case (3) dQ�anit �hall be made in the payment of any intere�t on a <br /> of the old i�onde mentioned and decribed in Section 3 of Article Second hereof, aad anp such defa <br /> shall have continued for a period of s3x manths� or in caae (4) d�.ult shall be made in the due <br /> punatual payment of the principa�. of asid old bonda when the same shall become due, Whe�has tzpon <br /> maturitp of said bonds or upon declaration as au�horized by said First �Mortgage , dated Julp 1,189 , � <br /> bp whieh sa3d old bonds are aecured; then, and in each and everp �uch case , tha Trustee� with or <br /> v�ithout entrp, personallg or by attorney, in its discretion� e�.ther <br /> (a) map proceed to se1.1 to the hi�hest and best bidder in one lot and as an entiretp, all <br /> and �in ular the mort a ed remises and ro erties and said led ed and depo��tad oid bonds, if <br /> � � � P P P , P 6 <br /> any, and all right , title, interest, claim and demand therein and right of redemption thereof, wh h <br /> sale shall be at public auction at Salt Laks City, tT�al�, ar at such plaae upon the mortgaged rail <br /> -roads ae the Trustees shall selec'� � and at such time adn u�on such tarms as the Trusteas shall <br /> fia; or� <br />� <br />