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_ _ _ _ � .__ _ _ _ _ ,r-._. _ „"'7 <br /> ; 1 <br /> 13� ' . � <br />, . <br /> and gun�tual payment of the principal of anp of se�id old bonda when the eame e►hall become due��rhet - <br /> -er upon maturity thereof or upon declaration as authorized bp s�id First E�ortgage, dated July l� � <br /> 1897, bp which said bonda, are secured; �r in cae� (5) de�ault �hall be ra8�d�. �n the due ob�erv�.nce <br /> or performance of any�:.a�her covenant or condition hereia xequired to be kept or performed bp the <br /> Railroad Company, and any such default shall have contia�ued for a period of sia monthe a�ter writt n - . <br /> notice �o said Railroad Companp thereof from the T nustee or from the holder� of �ive per cent, in <br /> amount of the bonds hareby secured and then outstanding; then and in each and every such Qase, the <br /> Trust�e nersonally, or by i�s agents or attorneys, may enter into and upon all or any part of the <br /> raflroads, rolling stock, propertp and �remises, ri�hte, intereste and fra�nchises aub�ect to this <br /> ir�denture, and e ach and everp part t�ereof and map egclude the Railroad Companp, its agents amd se - <br /> -vants, wholly thersfrom, and having and holding the same m$p use� opera�e� mana�e and control sa d � <br /> railroad�e and other prsmises , regulate the tolla for the transpo�tation of pa.ssengers and �reight <br /> i thereon�an3 eonduct the busind�e$ thereof, either personally or by its superintendents � maxie�gers, <br /> rece3vere, agen�s and servants or attorneya, to the best adv�ntage of the holdera of the bonda her - <br />' -bq seeured; and upon ever�p sueh entry the Trusteo, at the eapense of��the trust estate, from time ' <br /> , . . <br /> to time, either by purehase, repa3.r or eonstaCaation, may maintain and restora, and insur� or keep <br /> iasured, the rolling stock, tools and machinery and other property, buildinga, bridgea and struct- <br /> -ureg erectad or provided for u�e in connection �ith said railroads and other premises, and Where-- <br /> , <br /> -of it ahall have become posse�sed, ae aforesaid, intthe same manner and to the �aiae extent as ie � <br />� , <br /> usua3 with railroad companies, and likeRise, from time to time, at the escpenee of the trust a��tate <br />�' may make all neceasary or proper rspairs, rene�ls and renlae�ments and useful elterations� adei�- <br /> �'-.; <br /> -ition�s� betterments and improvamentg thereto and thereon, as to i� she.11 seem �udittioua; and� 3a = <br /> ' such caee, the Trustee shall have the right to manage the mortgaged premise�t� and to carrg on the <br /> busine�s thereof and ea��o�se in respec� �hereof a11 rights and power� of the Rai�road Company, <br /> either in the name af the Railroad Company or othsrwise , ae the Trustee shall deem beat; and it <br /> shall be: e�titled to collect , and to recei�e�a11 toll$, earnings� incomes, rents, issues and profi e <br /> of the same and every part �hereof; and after deducting the erpenges o� b�erating said railroada, <br /> and other premises, and of eonductin� the business thereof, and of all repaire, main�enance;; re- � <br />- _neWals, replacementa, alterations , additions, bet�Cermsn�s and improvemen�s, and all paqments whic <br /> may be made for taaea, assesements, inguranca, and prior or other proper liens orcharges upon the <br /> said p�emfeea and property, or any part thereof� as avell as �ust as reasonablo aompeasation for it <br /> ovan servicea and for all agenta , counsel, attornays� c��rks� servants and other emplopea bp it pro . <br /> �.�rlp engaged and employed, 3.t �hall �pply the moneps arising ae aforesaid a�a folloara: <br /> FIRST. In aaae the principal of the bonds hereby aecured ahall not have become <br /> due, to the payment of the interest in default , in the orddr of the maturitp of the installments o � <br /> such interest , with intere�t thereon at the rate of four per cent. per anz�um; such papments to 'be <br /> made ratably to the persons entitled theretc without diacrimiaation or preferenca� eacapt as epec- - <br /> -ified in Section 2 of Article Fourth hereof. <br /> BECOND. In ease the prineipal of the bonds herebp �ecured shall have beeome d , <br /> bp declaration or other�i�e, firat to the paymen� of the accrued interest (With interest on the cv r-� <br /> -dua installments thereof at the ra�s of four per cent. per annum) in the order o� the maturit y o� <br /> the 3,nata�.lments , and then to the papment of the principal of al� bonds herebp secured; in every <br /> in�tance suc� papments to be made ratab�.�r to the persosa entitled tc such payment., w3.�hout arny d3e <br /> -crimination or prsference, eacept as specifi�d in Seotion 2 of Article Fonrth hereof. <br /> Upon compl.ying with a11 the provisione of this indenture as to which the Railroad Company sha l <br /> be ia default and ths payment in �ull of whatever may be due for such principal a� interest or pa - <br /> -able for other purposee, the premises shall be returned +�� the Railroad Compan�� its: succeasora o <br /> as�igns, or to �rhomsoever ehall be lawfullp entitl+ed thereto. <br />