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7_t7� <br /> Seeond hereof; that it will punctualp pay or cause to be paid the interest on a11 eueh outstandin • <br /> old bonds .not acquired and deposit.ed hereunder, aB and when su�h int.erest ehall become due and pa - <br /> -able, unti� all of the old bonds shall have been fu11p pai.� and discharged ox -shall have been ac <br /> -quirad and deposited hereunder; that i�t will not make or �uffer any default upan any of t�e old ��, <br /> bonds or under the mortgage securing them, wherefrom ths right might ari�e to enforce by foreclos <br /> -ure or otherwise the lien therein provided� that it will not eater�d or renew any o� the out�tand <br /> -ing old bonds, and wi].Z not cause �r �uf�'er the same to be eatended or renewed; and as soon as <br /> ( in the 3udgment of the Rai].road Companp) praeticable after all of said ocbd bonda ,shall have been, :: <br /> pa3d 3t will cause said Fi��t Mortgage, 3ated July 1,1897, be��een the Railroad Gompany amd The <br /> �erc�tile Tru�t Company, to be canceled and discharged of reao�d; hut no holder of ar�p of the ol <br /> bond,a shall be e�titled to the benefit of the lien of j or �o anp right� -a�nder, th3s �nde#�tu�e. <br /> Seetion 4: The Railroad Comparry coven�,nts and a�re�s that this indenture ie and alwaps w 1 <br /> be kept ,a first, 13eB upon all ,the ra�lroads described or ment�.oned 3n the granting clauees hereof <br /> :, now ov�ned by the Railroad Companp and upan all rene�ale and replaeements theraof; and that it wil <br /> not voluntarilq create or suffer to be created o� to arise any lien o� charge having priority to, <br /> or preference over, the lien of these pre�ents uron the mortgaged railroad�� or any part .thereof, <br /> or upon the income thereof; and, that Within three months af�ar the �ame �hall accrue, it .will pa , <br /> or cauge to b�e di�charged, or will make adequate provision for the satisfaction or discharge, of <br /> all lawful claims an� demand� of inechani�s, laborers and others, �hich, if unpaid, migh� bp law b <br />' given precedence to th3$ indenture as a lien or eharge upon �he mortgage� premiees or any part th re- <br /> -of, or the income thereof; and the Railroad Company �urther covenants and a�rees that , in the ed n� <br /> it should make the conveyanae prov3.ded for in 8ection 2_of lrticle Seaond hereaf i tn�s indenture <br />� 3.s and al�aps w31]. be kept a lien upon all the railroads and appur�enanaes eo conveyed and upon a 1 . � <br /> f <br /> renewals and .replacemente of such railroads and appur�enancee, eub�eot , only., ae afore��:id:�to the <br /> lien of the said Fira� �dort�age , dated July 1,1897, bet�en the RaiYroad Coffipa�p and Tha Meroar�ti e <br />� Trus� Company; and the �ailroad Compang further covenante and agrsee �hat in an3r ever�t� and wheth r � <br />� ' or not eaid conveyance �rovided for in Seot3on 2 of Article Second hereof shall be made, it will - <br />� not voluntarily create or suffsr to be created any li�n except the lien of �aid F3rst Mortgage � te�Cl <br /> July 1,1897� upon the railroads and appurtenances thereby mortgaged, until said railroad�t and apg <br /> -urtenances sha11 bp �ood and suffiaient deed have 'baan sub3ected to �he lien of th3.a inderiture <br /> a lia� seaond onlp to the lien o� said F3rst B�ortgage, dated July 1,1897, And t�a Railroad Compa <br /> further covenan�s and a�rees that all ra3lroad+a, bxanche� or eztens3.ons aga3nst the acquieition o <br /> construction of which any of the bonds hereby secu�ed sh�.l.l be �.ssued, se provided in Seatioa 4 0 <br /> Article Seoond hereof, ahall, at the time of s�ch isaue, be free from any mor�gage or lien prior <br /> to the lien of this indenture, and that this 3�nden�ture shall �hen ba aud ehall conti,,nue to be a � , ��,�- <br />� firqt lien �hereon,- and th� Railroad Compang further covenants and agreea that all additiona], mai <br /> track eonstructed or uri8er construation in do�ble traeking any of the lines oY railroad then �ub�- <br />� -�ect to this indenture and ali ,engi�es, cars or ot�er rolliag stoak or �quipmant, terminale, re <br />� eetate, structures, additiona, impravem�nts, betterments and other property against th� ac.quisi�3 n <br />� <br /> or construction of �hich any of the bonda hereby aecured shall be issued, as provided in Seetion <br /> 4 of �rt3cle Second hereof, shall, at th� _time of eac�i 3ssue , be free from anp mortgage or lien _ <br />�� prior to the 13.en of thie indenture, unlesa it be �he lien o� �he said gir�t Mort�a�s, da�ed July <br />� 1,189fi , and that thia inden�ure sha11 then be and continue to be �uch lien thereon. <br />� 8ee�ion 5.The Railroad Company covenants and. a�reee that, from time to tims� it w311 pay an <br />� dischsrge all tasea,aase�sments and governmen�al cht�ges lawfully imposed upon the linea of "rail- <br />� <br />� -road �nd other� and property hereby mort��ged, or upon ang part thereoF, or upon the inc me <br />� <br /> and profi�e �hereof, and al�o a11 tazes, assessments and governmental cha�gse la�Pgl�.y 3mpo�ed up n <br /> the lien or interegt of the Trus�ee and of the bondholders in, to or in resp�ct of suah premisea� - <br />� . <br />