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<br /> convayed shall revert to the Railroad Compat�p, or to whomsoever shall be la�fully entitled �theretc
<br /> amd the e�atate, right, title arid:i#���rest of the Trust�e therein shall thareupon aeaae, determina
<br /> and :become void; and the T�ustee shall, 3n euch case, on dema�d of the �ailroad Compa-np, and at ti�
<br /> latter� s cost and esspense, enter s�tisfaction ar�d digc�.arge of this indentura upon the publ3a reco
<br /> Section 3. The Railroad Campany� at any t3me before full.� payment of the bonde hereby secu�c
<br /> and whenever it ehall deem it eapedient fQr the better protection and securitp of such bonds, al-
<br /> + -though there then be no default entitling the Trus�ee to enter. 3nto pogsession, �ith the c�onaent
<br /> > of the Trustee , map surrender and daliver to the Trustee fuli possession of the whole or ang part
<br /> of the property, pr�mises and intere�te hereby aonveyed, or intendad �o �to be, for any per3od f3z-
<br /> -ed or �.ndefinate. Upon such sur�ender and dslivery tp the Tr�stee, �r3th its consent, the Trustee
<br /> shall enter into and upoa the pr�mises so surrendered and delivered and �hall tak� and rece3ve pos -
<br /> -ession thereof, for auch period, fiaed or indefinate, as aforesaid, �vithout pre�udice, hoRever� t
<br /> its right at any time a�ubaequently, wh�n entit�led thereto bp any psov�sion��i�eof, to insist upoa�
<br /> �Ad �o ma3ntain such posses�aion, though beyond �he eupiration of any presaribed period. Upori a.�p
<br /> �u�ch voluntary surrender and deliverp of said propertp and premi�es, or of anp par�t �Chereof, the
<br /> Truetee, from �Y�e ;t#.me �>a���its entrp, shall work, main�ain, use, mana�e, con�rol and employ the �am
<br /> in accordance with the pravisions of this indenture, and sriall reaeive� and applp the 3ncome a�nd re -
<br /> -enuee thsreof as provided in Section l of Article Fifth hereo�.
<br /> ARTICI,� FOtTRTH.
<br /> Section l. The Rai�xcad Company eovenanta and agrees that it wi11 duly and punctuallp �pap�
<br /> or cause to be paid, to everp holder or regigtered o�ner of ang bond issued hereunder and Becured
<br /> hereby the princi�al and interest aacruing therean, all in gald coin of the United Btatea af Amer-
<br /> _ -3.ca of� or equal �o, the present standard of we��ht and ffneneas, or in aterling monep of the IIni ad
<br />� gingdom of Great fir3tian and Zreland, in accordanGe with the terms, and at the dates and palce� an
<br /> � in the manner, mentioned i� said bonds or in the coupons thsreto appert-aining� accordiag to the t '
<br />� intent and meaning thsreof.. The Railroad Company further covenants and agree� �that said pr3ncipal
<br /> � � - . - . . . �a..
<br /> and interes� �ha11 be paid without deduction for any tsa or� taaes �vhich the Railroad Corapany mag b
<br /> required cr permitted to pap thereon or to retain th��efrom, under an�r presenj� or fuiture �ae o�' th
<br /> Uni�t,- State�� of Amerlea, or of any state, oounty or municipality th�rein. The 3nterest or� coupon
<br /> bonds ahall be paqable anlp upon present�tivn �and surrender o� the ��veral coupons anneaed 'to ga3d
<br /> , ;
<br /> coupon bonds as such coupons respectively �ature; and. when and as paid alI coupons ahall forthwith _.�
<br /> be canceled bp the Railroad Companp,_ The interest on registered bonds without coupt�ns shall be p$p
<br /> -able only to the reg3.stered ownere thereof. - ' � � • � -
<br /> �
<br /> 8ection a. The Railroad Companp aovenanta and ag��es t�at i� will not, d�reetlp or indireet
<br /> -1y, a�tend or aasent to the extension of the time for p�pment of .anp coupon or c1�.3m for interest
<br />. upon any bond aecured herebp� and that it wiTi not , directly or 'indirectlp� be a par�r to anp ar-
<br /> -. ,�
<br /> -#�angement therefor bp purchasing or funding aaid coupons or claims for inte"rest or in anq o�her
<br /> . manner. In cae�e the payment of any sueh coupon or claim for interest shaould be so eatended whe�he
<br /> or no� by or with the consent of the Railroad Companp, such coupon or elaim for �nterest so eztend
<br /> -ed shall not be enti�led in aaae oi� default hereunder, to the �benefit c�r �eatb�ritp of �his indent
<br /> except �ub�ect to the prior payment in �ull of the principal of all bands issued hereunder and out
<br /> -st�nding, anc� of all coupons and claims for intere�t on such bonde, the papment of which has not
<br /> bee� so extended; the 3.ntention of this a�reement -bein� to prearent anp accumulation after maturity
<br /> � o� eoupons or other claims for interest. �
<br /> � Section 3. The Ra3lroad Company covenants and a�rees tYiat i�; will Well and truly pay and di
<br /> -charge, upon presentation thereof for payment at or after maturity, or will acquire and deposii�
<br /> -�ri#,h the Trus.tee. hereunder,. all o� the old bonds m�mtioned and described in 8ection S o� Artt�lm
<br /> ,
<br />� _ �_ __ _
<br />