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12� <br /> purposee (in ao far as such purposes ahall be purpoees for which suah bonde map lawfullp be 3aeue , <br /> viz: <br /> �. The construet ion of addit ional lines of ra3lroad connect ing with� and of extensior�s <br /> and branchee of, the linea of railroad then eub�ect to th3s irr�enture. <br /> II. The acquigi�ion by or by merger or consalidation of additional linea of rai <br /> -road connecting with the Iines of railroad then �ub�ect to the lien of this ir�denture. � <br /> III.The con�truct ion of ndditiQnal main track required iM double trackiag �rap of the line <br /> oY ra3lroad then sub�ect t o this indenture. <br /> Iv. The conatruction of tunn�l� and bridges and the reduation of grades or curvature upo =_ <br /> any of the line� of railroad then �ub�ect to this indsntura. ' <br /> _ . _ , <br /> 9. The purchase of rolling stack and other equigment for use upon anq of the Iines of r� - <br /> . _ � <br /> -raad then sub�ect to this indenture. <br /> _ <br /> VI. The purchase and improvement of additi.onal real estate for us• in connection with the <br /> operation or maintenance of anp o� the linas of railroad then etxb3ect to this indenture; the con- <br /> -etruetion, pureha�ae or acqui�i�ion of terminals, yards, shops, deppte, xarehouses and other strue - <br /> -ures �rhieh shall be required of be useful er convenient ia the operat ion or ma3ntenan�e of anp oY <br /> the linee of railroad then gub�ect to th�s indenture; and the construction or purehase of other ad <br /> -ditions to, and improvement� and bettermeat� of and upon, anp of the lines of rai�rcad ther� sub�e � � <br /> to th3s 3ndenture. <br /> 13ut �he sa3d �50,000,000 of bonda so re�erved for tha purposes above, in th3e �ection 4, � t <br /> forth Qhall be certified and dalivered by the Trustee to th� Railroad Com�aanp only upon and sub�jec <br /> to the folloWing condit3.ons and ree�trictions, v3z. : <br /> (1) There ahall in every case be dslivered to the Ti�at�e the .following inetruments, neme y: <br /> (�) A copy of a reso2ution or of reaolut ions of the Board of Direetore o� the. Ra3lroad Co <br /> -.�apany, requdsting the �rustee to certifp and deli.var a specified amouut of said bond$ to reimbur <br /> the Railroad Companp for e$penditures made by it for oae or more of the purpoe�ee fo� Which euah bo <br /> are �eseu4�d under this section. <br /> (b} A certificate signed by the President or one of the Vice-Prea3dents or Chief �ngineer <br /> and also by the Comptroller, Aud3,tor or Treasurer of the Railroad Companp., eetting forth that atat d <br /> eapend3tureg Wsre made after the date hereof on aceount of one or mor� of, 8aid purposee, and stati � <br /> as the case may be, the general descri�tion and location of �Ch� additional lines of railroad or th <br /> braachee or e=tensions, constructed or under eonatruct ion or acquired and the eagend3ture.s therePo , <br /> or the additional main track constructed or�:n�d�r. conetruetion in double tracking arip vf said -line � <br />� of railroad and the eapendituree therefor, or the general c�ecription and loQation of the gre►dee o <br /> curPature reduced, or the general eharactar and location of �Ghe tunn�ls or bridges constructed or �. <br /> under canatruetion and the � eapenditures therefor, or the general character and location of the re <br /> estate, terminal�, yarda, ehops, depots, warehouses or ather �tructures purchasedt�. improved or con <br /> -structed or under construction or aQquirod and the eapenditures there�or� and the general charact r <br /> and:��oa�.tion of the other additione , inp�a�vementB or bettermenta purchasad or constructed- or t�nder <br /> earistruct3on and the espend3tures therefor, and the number and character of the engine8, ca�ia aad <br /> other equ3pment purchased and the eapenditures therefor; and al�to �setting foz"Ch that sa3d eapendi� .�� <br /> -tures wm�e not in exceas of tha fair value of such proper�p, or of such work, or of enah bet�er- <br /> -ments, improvements or additions, and that none of suoh eapendituxeB ws►s inaluded in enp ezpend3- <br /> -tures� reported by the Railroad Companp in any annual report as hav3ng beea oharged to operating e <br /> -Fenditures or other cost of maintenanee. Such eertificate shall further show that no portian of <br /> the expenditures +ao certified was included in a�np certificate previou�ly furniahed to tha Tru�te� <br /> under this Article. <br /> (c} Tn case the expsnditures so certified shall have been mads for the conatruction or acquisi <br /> -tion of additional ra3lroads or branches or eatensiong or main track, or for the acquisition of <br />