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<br /> (here3nafter referred to ae "old bond�") issued under and secured by it� girst Mortgage, dated Jnl
<br /> I� 1,1897, to The Mereantile Trust Company, ae tru�tee, and now outstanding to the amount oi �100,000
<br /> fl00. . •
<br /> (a) 1�'henever, from'time to time, the �ailroad Company sha�l tende�, or cause to be tead�r
<br /> -ed to the Trustee for deposit hereunder�, anp of the old bpnde �3th all unmatured coupons thereun-
<br /> -to appertaining� whether at or before or after the pay�r�ent or matur3tp thereof, and whether canr-
<br /> -celed or izucanc��erd, the Trustee in sxchange therefor shali certi�p ana deliver to the Rail�oad
<br /> Company, or upon 3ts order� bonds hereunder in an ,aggregate principal sum �qual to the amovsit of e.
<br /> old bonde� so �endered to the Trustee. '
<br /> (b) A� any tima or tia�e on or after the matur3ty. s�f the o1d boacis, or withia twelve mont
<br />'� before such maturity, the Railroad Companp may sell bonds hereby secured,� in order to prov�de in
<br /> �rhole or in part the means to_purchaBe or pap �uch old bonds �as �hall not theretofore ha�e been de
<br /> -ivered to the Tnustee and held bp it under thie indenture; aad the Trustee sha11 ce�tify aad del3 -
<br />� -er to the Railroad Company, or upon �.ts order, bonds �ecured hereby in an aggregate pri�mcipal s
<br />, equal to the aggregate amount of such old bonds; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that an amount of money equal
<br /> the face amount of th� bonda ao certf�ied and delivered herevnder shall simultaneously be depoeite
<br /> �ith the Trus�ee in egahange therefor. Out of the money �o reeeived by the Trustee, it shall� on
<br /> demand of the Railroad Company and u�o� del3very to the- Trustee of the old bonds so pa3d or .purch
<br /> -ed by the Railroad Gompahy, pay to the Ra�lroad CompanF a sum equal to the aggregate iace amount
<br /> of the old bonde so paid or purchased and-delivered to the Trustee.
<br /> (�) Upon the satisfaction and discharge o� record of tha said mortgage �nd deed oY truet
<br /> �ecuring the old bonds, and executed by �he Railroad Company to she 3Sercant ile Trust Co�panp, as
<br /> truetee, under d.ate Julp 1,1897, the Trv,stee shall certifp and deliver to the Railroad Company wha
<br /> and as called for bq it , the entire �100s000f000 of bonds herebp secured and reserved to be issue
<br />' as presecribed in th3s $ectioa 3, eacept ao far as bor�ds herebp secured shall theretofore have bee
<br /> is�ued agai��t the deposit or anticipated deposit of old bonds with the Tr�atee, as here3nbefore�
<br />' provided. -
<br />� (d) The cartificate of the Pres�dent or one of -the Qice-Preeidents and, the Secretary or
<br /> of the lesiatant Secretarfes of the Railroad Company under the .corporate seal of. the Rai�lrond Co y
<br />! and the vrr3tten o�inion of its Couneel tha� the ra3lroade, with thsir franchises and appurtenano�e
<br /> now sub3ect to thr� lien ot.the First Mortgage, dated Julp 1�189fi�, to The Merca�tile Truet Compatip
<br /> �s trustae, are at the t�me aubject onlp to -said Firat Mortgage shall be guffic3er�t evidenae to t
<br /> Trustee o� that faa�; and a copy of �re minute$ of the meet3.ngs of th� stockholders and of the Bo d
<br /> of Directors of the Ra3lroad Company, duly cer�tified by the Preeiden� or one of tha Fice-Presiden
<br /> and the Secretary or one of the Aesistant Becretariss of the Railroad Company under the corpor�►to
<br /> eeal of �he Railroad Oom�anp to be a trt�e copy, _shall be sufficient t�idence �o the _True�tee of th
<br /> approval of the form and sub$tance of tha indenture set forth in such minutes, by the eaecution a
<br /> delivery of which the railroade w3th thei.r frar�chisee� and appurtenance� no� subject to the lien o
<br /> said First Mortgage, dated July 1,1897, are td be sub�ected to the lien and provisione of �h3.s in
<br /> -denture, and that the eaecution and delivery of t1�e same have been approved by the vote of �holde s
<br />! of a majority in amoun� of the cap3tal stack of the Railroad Company. then outgtandi�g, and by the
<br /> � Board of Directors o� the Railroad Companp as provided in this Article 8ecsond,
<br /> 8ect3.on 4. After the liaes of railroad, �vith their franchisea and appurtsnances, described
<br /> in 8ection a of this Art icle shall have baen sub�ected to the lien o� this indent�tre in the manne
<br /> and by the convegan�e pr�seribed in said sect ion, and not bfeoro, the remai�ing $60,000�000 0� bo
<br /> : to be issued under this ind�nture ae and when ex�cuted by the �tailroad Compaay, shall be certi�ie
<br /> and delivered 'by the Truetee, from time to tfime, to the Rail.road Company to xeimburee the Ra3lrca
<br /> Company for eapen�tituros made by it after the date hereof for some one or m+ore oi the folloWing
<br /> i .
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