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. � <br /> r � �� <br /> � � � � 12� <br /> IInited State�a of America issued in �achange forrsuch sterling bonds $hall bear the nezt coneecuti <br /> aerial nnm�er of its denominat3on not theretofore i�sued or reserved to ezohange ior r�gistered b da <br /> In case of any saah exchange, the Trustee forthWith ahall ��cancel the surrendered bond and tho cotz- <br /> -�on� a��ertaining thereto, and aha11 deliver the same to the Railroad Companp. <br /> Seot3on 17, Tn aase anp bond secured hereby ahail beaome mutilated, or be ds�s�ropad, th <br /> Railroad Company� in ite diacretion, may iseue, and thareupon the Trustee shall certifp and delivs � <br /> a neu bond af like tenor and dater, in the ca�e of a aoupon bond bearing t�e same earial number ae � <br /> one mutilated or deetroped, and. in case of a reg3�tered bond without eoupona, having endorsae� ther - <br /> -on the same �eri�.a number or numbere of coupon bonde, in eachange and �ubBtitution, for and upon <br /> canaelation of, the mu�ila�vd box�d and coupons or registored bond Rithout coupona� or in limu of, <br />, <br /> � aad substitution for the samo if deatuoyed, In aase of deatruction, the applicant for a aubstitute <br />� <br />� bond and aoupon� ehall furnish to the �tailroad Company and the Trustee e�idence to their sati�faat <br />; -ion, in their discsretion, cf the destruction 'of �he bo�ci and coupon� or registered bond �rithout o vr- ' <br /> -pvne� and of the ownerahip thereoP, and alao �hall furnish suah seeurity or indemnity a� �hall be <br /> j <br /> j bp the Railroad Company and by the Truetee. <br />� . . <br />� <br /> . <br /> Boction 18. Un�il the said bonds can be eagraved �he Railroad Company map eseaute in li u <br /> of su�h engraved bonds� temporary bonds� {pr3nted ar lithographed) �rithou� coupone� eacapt oae cou aa <br /> payab�� Beptember .1,1908, Por the inter�st thereoa from June 1,1908, to September 1,1908, subetan- <br /> lially of the tenor and of the form` of boncis hareinbsfore set forth for the papment of �500 eaah o <br /> �1,000 each, or �or �.100 eaah or �300 eaeh, or any mul�iple oF �1,000, or anp multiple o� t�00 eaa <br /> . a� the Railroad �ompany sha21 stermine, All euch temporarp bonde . �hall be certidied by the Trustee <br /> Ibefore the:;'is�ae thexeof and shall ba sub�act to the limitation� and aonditions herei� pre�oribed n � <br /> respect o� the permaaent engraved bonds� The Railroad Compan�r �r3ll, ia ca�e oF the exeau�3on and o �- <br /> -tificsation of such temporar� bonda, cause to be engraved, as soon as prec#icable, and wil� ther� vn <br /> �orthwi�h e�eeute and deliver to the Trustee for Qertification and deliverp in eachang� therefor, � <br /> -graved coupon bonds for �500 each, or �1,000 each, or for L10� each, or �200 each, as the oase ma <br /> be, or regi�tered bond� for �500 eaeh or �1,000 eaa�,, or for multi}�lee of �1,000, to the a�ggregate <br /> face amoun� of such tempo�ary bonda. Upon the surren3er of such temporary bonds to the Trua�ee� it <br /> shall cert ifq and deliver in ezchange therefor en�raved caupon or regigt�red bonds for the amourit f <br /> the temporary bonde surrendered and papable eithar in Unite�d 8tates aold coin or in starliag mons <br /> acaording as the bonds surrendered may be payable , and until so e=�hanged the temporary bonde shal <br /> have the same forc�e and effect as engravod bonds hareund�er and shail be entitled to be aecurmd bp l�e <br /> lien of thi� indenture? The surrendered temporarp b�nda shall be forthWith canaelled bp the Trus�e . <br /> ARTIQL� SPCOND. <br /> ISSUE AND APPROPRI�TION OF B4ND$. <br /> Section 1. Fifty Million Dollara ��50,000,000) of the bonds authorized to be iseued un <br /> --der this indenture shall be eaecuted by tha Railroad Companq and. be delivered to the Trustee �or <br /> ce�rtificaticn� and as soon as may be after the eacution of this indenture� and.� without any furth r <br /> aotioa on the part of the Railroad Company, ehall by tha Trustee ba certified and deli�er�d to th <br /> Rai.lroad Company npon the ovritten order of the Railroad Company� signed by its President or one o : <br /> its V3ce-Presidants, ar�d by it� $eeretary oic Comptroller, under :its corporate geal; aad the boads <br /> so cartifi�d and del3vered to the Railroad Companp map be used bp it ior anp o� itQ la�rtui corpor <br /> -ate purposea. <br /> Section 2. Whenever ali the railroads of the Railroad Companp, with their franchises a <br /> appe�r�enanaee, ao�r sub�ect to the lien of the Railroad Companyte First Mortgage, dated July 1,189 f <br /> to the Yeraantile Trust Company, as trua�ee, +ahall be sub�ectad to �he lien and provisione of thi <br /> indmnture � aubject, ho�►ever, to, but onlp to, said first mortgage } by the ezecution aad delivmr <br /> to �he Trus�ee of an indenture in euch form a$ shall be apprvved bp the �ota of tha holder� of a <br /> f ma�ority in amoun� of the aapital stock of the Railroad Companp then out�tanding and by the Boa�l <br />� _. _ <br />