_. _ .-
<br /> r
<br />, �
<br /> i 12
<br /> I .
<br />� -
<br /> f
<br /> __ _ ._.. _ __ _._
<br /> 8ection 12. The provisions- of sectione 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of th3s article in acespect ta th
<br /> registration, transfer aad eschange of boad� eecured hereby �hall, �ppZy �nly to .such bond0as are
<br /> their terme specifically papab�.e in gold aoin of the IInited States of Ameriaa.
<br /> �ection 18. Trie Railroad Compang shall keep at ana��tcp to bs main�aifled by it in the Ci�Ey f
<br /> i London, ��tgland, or cause to be kept at aome bank in said City, books Yor the regi�tration and tr
<br />; -fer af snch bonda securad heraby as are by �heir terms g�yable in sterling monep of �he IInited 8 g-
<br /> �-dam of Qreat Brit ian and Ireland. �
<br /> �ection 14. The holder of any bond seeured herrebp, payable in sterling money of the IInitod �. �,<.;
<br /> Aingdom of �reat Britian and Iraland, may have the o�ner�hip thereo� registered .a� to principal o
<br /> said booke of the Railroad Companp in the City of London, and �uch regi�tretion noted oa the bon�
<br /> by the Railroad Companp. After such registrat3on �o transfar of euch bond �hali be v�lid unlese m e
<br /> on the Railroad Companp's said books_rby�he �e$iater�d ovravr in persoa or bp his dulp sut�ori�ed _
<br /> attorn�y, and e�milarlp noted on the bond; but the same map be discharged �rom regi�tration bp ba
<br /> -in� in like maaner tra�►efarred to bearer, and thareupon transferabilitp by delive� shall be r�e� r-
<br /> -ad; but suoh bond may again, from time �o time, be regi�tered or tranafermd to bmarer ae befor�,�
<br /> 8uoh regiet ration howev�r, shall not effe�t the aegotiability o� the coupons, but everp euch co�po �
<br /> shal]. eontinue to be transferai�le by ,deliverp mer�ly, and ahall remain papable to be�rer, un].ees r g-
<br /> -i.eteretl as to both principal and interee�t , as provided in Section 1S oY thia Ar�ial�.
<br /> Seetion 15. The holder of any bond secured hereby, payable in sterling manep of the IInited
<br /> Singdom o� Qreat Britian and Ireland, may al�c have the ownership 'thereof regis�ered-as to bcth pr n-
<br /> I -cipal and intereet on the said books o�� the Railroad Companp in the Citp .cf I,ondva, and sutsh ragi -
<br /> ,-tration noted on the bond bq �he Railroad Oompanp, upoa detaching and aurrender3ng to the Railro
<br /> Companp at the time of suah registration all unmatured aoupcne appertaining to and rspresenting i
<br />� .
<br /> -terest thereafter to mature on the said bQnd. After auQh regiatratios no trar��fer of said bond $h 11 �.:�
<br /> be valid �nle�+a made on the Railroad Companp�s said books bg the registered oWner 1a pereox� or bp
<br />�
<br />� �iia dnlp authorised attorney and �imilarlp noted on �he bon�t; aad, �hereafter both the� prinai}�a�l
<br />, interoet of said bond ahall be papable onlg to the register�d owner thereot� Ia everp caae ot such t'
<br />, re�ietratioa the Railroad Cornpany shali forthwith deliver the �o-upane so ds�tached and surrendered
<br /> to the Tr��ee �=fo� aancellation and the Tru$teo $hall thereupon aaneel and return the samm to the
<br /> Railroad Corapanp. For any trans�ers or registra�io� under the pravi+�ions af 8ectiona 14 and 16 of
<br /> this Article the Railroad Companp may require the payment o� a avm sufficient to reimburse it �or
<br /> az�p atamp taz or other governmental o��gee.
<br /> Section 16. The holder of any bond n�yable in �terling monap map, at his option, on or afte
<br /> June 1,1910, surrender such bond at the of�i�e or agsncp of tha Raiiroad Companp in the C3ty of Ne
<br /> York� With all unmature3 coupons thereto appextaining� and�, upon papment to the Railrcad Companp o
<br /> the sum of Thirty Dollars (�80) in United �tates gold coin for each boad of the denomination of T
<br /> hundred Pounds (L800) so surrendered and of the aum of Fiftean Dollare t$16� 3n United $tate� gold
<br /> coia for each bond of the denomination of One hundred PoundB (L100� so surrendered, and tho diY�fer
<br /> -ence at the current rats of eachango botween the accrued interest on the bcnd so surrendered and n
<br /> the borid isaued �n e$change therefor, �he Railroad Companp shall issue, and the Truste+e ahall Qert
<br /> -ify and deli4er in exchange. for each boad of the denomination o� T�o hundred �ounds ti�200) so eur
<br /> -rendered, a aoupon bond papable in gold coin of the IInited State� of Ameriea ci� �th� denomin�tion f
<br /> One thousand Dollare (�1,000) , with all unmatured aotipons thereto attaehed, and for eaah boad of t e
<br /> denomination of One hundred Pounds (�.100) $o �urrendered, a coupon bond payable ia gold coia .o� th
<br /> IInited S�ate� of America of the denomination of Five hundred.Dollars (�600) � with ail unmatured co
<br /> -pons ther�to attached. In case oY the avrrender of a bond of the denomination of Txo hunc�,�ced Poun
<br /> (L�00} in exchange �or a coupon bond of the denomination of One t�usand Dollars �$1�,OOOa , or in -c �e
<br /> o� the surrender of a bond of the denomination o� One hur�dxe� Pounds (alt3�) in eschange for a aaup n
<br /> bond of the denominat ion of give hundred Dollara ($600} , th� cov,pon boad payable. in gold aoia oi' t e
<br />